
美 [ˈɔrdər]英 [ˈɔː(r)də(r)]
  • n.顺序;命令;勋章;规则
  • v.命令;整理;定货;下令

复数:orders 现在分词:ordering 过去式:ordered

place order,take order,change order,cancel order,give order
good order,alphabetical order,same order,chronological order,proper order


n. v.


1.[u][c]顺序;次序the way in which people or things are placed or arranged in relation to each other

2.[u]条理the state of being carefully and neatly arranged

有序状态controlled state

3.[u]治安;秩序;规矩the state that exists when people obey laws, rules or authority


4.[c]指示;命令something that sb is told to do by sb in authority


5.[c][u]~ (for sth)订货;订购;订单a request to make or supply goods

6.[c]所订的货物;交付的订货goods supplied in response to a particular order that sb has placed


7.[c]点菜;所点的饮食菜肴a request for food or drinks in a restaurant, bar, etc.; the food or drinks that you ask for


9.[c][ususing]秩序;结构the way that a society, the world, etc. is arranged, with its system of rules and customs

社会阶级social class

10.[c][usupl]阶级;等级;阶层a social class


11.[c](生物分类的)目a group into which animals, plants, etc. that have similar characteristics are divided, smaller than a class and larger than a family

宗教团体religious community

12.[cspv](按照一定的规范生活的)宗教团体;(尤指)修会a group of people living in a religious community, especially monks or nuns

特殊荣誉special honour

13.[cspv](获国王、女王、总统等)授勋的人;勋位;勋爵士团a group of people who have been given a special honour by a queen, king, president, etc.

秘密社团secret society

15.[cspv](秘密)社团,集团,结社a secret society whose members meet for special ceremonies


be in/take (holy) orders

已领受╱领受神品(或圣秩);为╱成为神职人员to be/become a priest

in order

(依法)有效的that can be used because it is all correct and legal

in order (to do sth)

符合议事规则allowed according to the rules of a meeting, etc.

in order that

目的在于;为了;以便so that sth can happen

in order to do sth

目的是;以便;为了with the purpose or intention of doing or achieving sth

in running/working order

运转正常;运转良好working well

of a high order|of the highest/first order

高质量的;高品质的;一流的of a high quality or degree; of the highest quality or greatest degree

of/in the order of sth

大约;差不多about sth; approximately sth

the order of the day

常见的;流行的;适宜的common, popular or suitable at a particular time or for a particular occasion

Order! Order!

(用于提醒人们遵守会议、辩论的规则)安静!安静!;别吵!别吵!used to remind people to obey the rules of a formal meeting or debate

out of order

有毛病;出故障not working correctly

Within 24 hours someone posted back that there was a shop in the north of England that had the device and I could order it on-line. 24小时之内就有人回帖了,说在英格兰北部有一个商店有这种装置,我可以在线订购。
Betty: For that item, you would need to place an order of a hundred pieces or more to make it a free sample. 贝蒂:如果是那个产品的话,你们必须下单一百件以上,才能得到免费的样品。
The company is not capable of handling such a large order. 该公司没有能力处理这么一大宗订单。
This flag means that this order was not completed. This almost always means that the credit card was not valid for some particular reason. 该标记表明订单没有完成,通常是指由于某种原因信用卡无效。
The kings in Morocco and Jordan are groping towards a fairer constitutional order. Kuwait's parliament has flexed a bit of muscle. 摩洛哥国王与约旦国王都在探索更加公平的宪政秩序,科威特议会已经稍作让步了。
"Well, then, " said the judge to the young man, "I order you to pay ten liras to Wilson. " “那么,”法官对年轻人说,“我命令你付给威尔逊十里拉。”
"When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order" (Proverbs 28: 2). 「邦国因有罪过,君王就多更换;因有聪明知识的人,国必长存」(箴言28章2节)。
In order to do his scientific experiment, Edison had to be out for dust at the age of his teens. 为做科学实验,爱迪生在十多岁的年纪时就得出去挣钱。
We are ready to place an order with you, but only one condition is that goods are confined to Taiwan. 我准备向你们订货,但是唯一的条件是,货物只限卖给台湾的公司。
This approach is of high reliability in calculation, easy to programming and could be applied in determination of decimal reaction order. 该方法具有可靠性高、易于编程的特点,并可用于确定非整数型反应级数。
to do others do not do, in order to gain a firm foothold, after " three years" at what level should be and the beginning is not the same as. 要做到别人没有做到的事情,这样才能站稳脚跟,经过了“三年”你做事的水平应该和刚刚开始的时候是不一样的。
In these circumstances, contact the department who may be able to help you seeking an order from the Residential Tenancies Tribunal. 在这种情况下,你可以联系住房部,他们也许可以帮助你向住宅租赁法庭申请强制令。
You may deny discipline, order, and cling to an idea of what you think is freedom, but your very concept is a denial of freedom. 你可能否定纪律,否定秩序,然后坚持某个你认为是自由的想法,但正是你的那个概念是对自由的否定。
The first move is going to be what? You're going to move the blue one up in order to get the lavender one to the right. 第一步该做什么?你会把蓝色的向上移来使淡紫色的移到右边。
It was out of order for him to make such a tactless remark. 他说出这种不得体的话是不合适的。
But he has also said he would sell the stores to GOME, possibly in return for equity, in order to increase his stake in the company. 不过黄光裕也表示,可能会将其私有门店卖给国美换得股权,以增加对国美的股权持有比例。
This vending machine is out of order , Get a mechanic to see to it . 这个自动贩卖机已经坏掉了,让修理工看一下。
Okay, well, the issue then is, do we need to be alive to see this kind of spontaneous order, and I've already hinted that the answer is no. 那么,现在的问题是,是不是一定要有生命才可以达到这种同步。我已经暗示答案是否定的。
But even those who do try to put their affairs in order, often make fundamental mistakes, which can be just as problematic. 但即使试图安排后事的,经常犯一些基础性错误,这样的遗嘱都有问题。
It's not even spring yet, but a long-frozen political order seems to be cracking all over the Middle East. 虽然眼下还不是春天,但在整个中东地区,冰封已久的政治秩序似乎正在崩裂。
Ms. Osbourne, for her part, tried to run him over with a car, smashing his gold records with a hammer and taking out a restraining order. 雪伦自己也曾试图用车撞死奥兹,用榔头把奥兹获得的金唱片奖砸碎,并向法院申请对奥兹的禁制令。
We thank you for your inquiry of copper sheet, for which we quote you as below, and hope to be favoured with your order . 感谢贵公司对铜板之询盘,现报价如下,敬请惠顾订货为盼。
The reference trajectory is a classic second order curve. The controller parameters have clear physical meaning and are easy to tune. 其参考轨迹是一条典型的二阶曲线,控制器参数具有明显的物理意义,且易于整定。
If the heiress is 25, that means she would have to have at least one kid a year in order to make her deadline of four babies by 30. 帕丽斯今年25岁,也就是说,如果她想实现这个愿望的话,每年至少得生一个孩子。
When the children are naughty she deals with them in very short order: they're sent straight to bed. 孩子们一淘气她有个乾脆的办法:马上打发他们上床睡觉。
Miss Bertram is certainly the handsomest, and I have found her the most agreeable, but I shall always like Julia best, because you order me. 伯特伦小姐当然更漂亮,我也觉得她更可爱,不过我总会更喜欢朱莉娅,因为你吩咐我这样做的。
In order for you and I to talk when we're out of earshot, we need a device like a telephone. 为了让你和我说话时,我们走到,我们需要一个设备就像打了一个电话。
In the case of the order management service, you would like the acceptance and cancellation of an order to be asynchronous operations. 在订单管理服务的情况下,您想要订单的接受和取消为异步操作。
As you work with your SAN vendor, you need to make sure that the write order is preserved in the snapshot and its replica. 与SAN供应商协作时,您需要确保快照和副本中保留了写入顺序。
Thank you for your email, and I'll be happy to confirm that your order was canceled once more. 谢谢你的回邮!我很抱歉地说,又一次取消你的订单!