
美 [ɑpt]英 [ɒpt]
  • v.选择;挑选
  • 网络最优生产技术(Optimized Production Technology);选项(Options);光

第三人称单数:opts 现在分词:opting 过去式:opted




1.选择;挑选to choose to take or not to take a particular course of action


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... sensitive a. 敏感的;灵敏的,感光的 opt vi. 抉择,选择 council n. 理事会;委员会 ...

最优生产技术(Optimized Production Technology)

根据最优生产技术(OPT)的解决车间调度问题的思想, 在转换瓶颈启发式算法(SBH)的基础上,提出了一种基于瓶颈分析的启发式 …


UML序列图总结_知识库_博客园 ... Neg 否定 Opt 选项 Alt 抉择 ...

故强脉冲opt )是一个不错的选择。脉冲美容激光和opt 联合治疗,约3-5次可见明显效果。

The children actually provide a useful excuse to opt out of tasks which Ann is usually expected to assume. 孩子们实际上成了安推脱本该做的工作的最好借口。
If you feel inclined to test the robustness of your environment, you might opt to be a bit more aggressive (yank the plug! ). 如果您希望测试环境的健壮性,您可能需要一些更激进的方式。
My co-workers invited me to join them at a local restaurant after work, but I decided to opt out of since I was exhausted. 同事邀请我完工作后到当地一家餐馆聚会,但因为实在太累,我决定不参加。
Unless you opt for a prepaid plan or a pricey unlimited plan, there's no way of telling how much a phone will really cost you. 除非你选择预付款或是不限价,那么你是绝不可能知道一部手机到底会花掉你多少钱。
But since the city has yet to spend its stimulus allocation, it could opt for a year-round effort to target the most isolated teenagers. 不过,既然该市还有经济刺激计划拨款可供使用,它还是可以采取措施,专门为那些最受孤立的青少年群体投入一年精力。
Should it opt to leave, it would have an incentive not to convert its stock of euro-denominated debts to claims in a new, stronger currency. 一旦选择离开,它将不会热衷把以欧元计价债务股票转换为以新的,更加强劲的货币计价的债务。
During ski season in particular, if I get a chance to go golfing for a weekend or going skiing for a weekend, I'll always opt to go skiing. 特别是在滑雪季节,如果我有机会在周末去打高尔夫或者去滑雪,我总是倾向于滑雪。
We decided to opt for English as a common language and it was the only decision which could have held Singapore together. 我们决定选择英语作为通用语,这是唯一可以把新加坡团结起来的决策。
And, For those customers who opt for a "platinum" service, an agent will show up in person, perhaps with a small gift to ease the pain. 还有,对于那些选择“白金服务”的客户,代理将亲自出马,有时还会带上小礼物“哄人”哦。
He proposes a grand bargain: swap Britain's veto over European integration for the right to opt out of any EU policy area. 他提出一件大事:用英国对欧洲一体化的否决权去交换脱离欧盟政策的区域的权利。
Some would opt for gold, although it pays no yield and its nominal value is highly volatile. China has no asset that seems appropriate. 一些人可能会选择黄金,尽管它并没有固定的收益率而且其名义价格也极度不稳定。
Don't try to be fancy with your meal; opt for a delicious, juicy and succulent chicken dish versus a more expensive veal, beef or lamb. 饭菜不用太昂贵。可选用美味多汁的鸡肉代替更贵的牛肉或羊肉。
The last thing to add is a mechanism for Mobile Safari users to opt out of the mobile view and then opt back in. 最后要添加的是MobileSafari用户选择退出手机视图然后选择重新进入的机制。
Individuals would be allowed to "opt out" , or decide not to be an organ donor, if that's what they prefer. 当然,该机制会允许人们根据自己的意愿“选择退出”,或选择不成为器官捐献者。
The only way of avoiding these things, he felt, was to opt out of mainstream society. 他认为,回避这些事情的唯一方法是选择离开主流社会。
Or he may opt to leave everything as it is. In which case Russia may begin a new, more dangerous chapter in its history. 或许,他也许会选择保持原样。如此一来,俄罗斯的历史就又翻开了新的,也更加危机四伏的一章。
And yet the sales figures seem to challenge the notion that we all opt for "integration" above "open. " 而销售数字看起来好像在挑战他的这个观点:我们都接受“综合”大于“开放”。
At least one of the parties to a future dispute would be afraid to submit to this judge's ruling, and so would opt for a competitor. 至少其中的一方在未来的争端中不敢再请这个法官来审理,也就为竞争者提供了机会。
I would love to see some genetic research on those who choose to be a Blue and those who opt for the Reds in Liverpool. 我很想看在这个城市谁选择去当埃弗顿的支持者和谁选择支持利物浦俱乐部这样的一个基因调查。
There's still no matte option, but at least you can opt out of getting a Magic Mouse and substitute in a Magic Trackpad this time. 仍然没有哑光版本,但至少这次你可以得到一个Magic鼠标或者一块Magic触摸板。
According to the study, a woman's employment status has no effect on the likelihood that her husband will opt to leave the marriage. 透过研究,可以看出:女方的就业情况对于自己丈夫会结束婚姻的可能是没有什么影响的。
Should the company ultimately opt for an IPO then the proceeds would also be used to fund new acquisitions, he said. 他说,如果公司最终选择IPO,那么其收益也会为新的并购提供资金。
How much capital did banks opt to hold when they had the choice? 当银行有选择的时候,他们会选择持有多少资本呢?
So it's easy to understand why consumers might opt for the lower-cost counterfeit. 这就是消费者为何选择低成本的仿冒品的原因了。
Designer Mikhail Belyaev said he may opt for an alternative button operated system as it is currently in its concept stage. 设计师MikhailBelyaev他可能会选择一个备用按钮驱动的方案。因为这项设计还处于概念状态。
So even Germans rich enough to opt out of the statutory health system would help to pay for it. 因此即使那些富得不必参加法定医疗体系的德国人也会为之出一份力。
It would have been easy to opt out of religious life while living in China, since being Jewish has always been only a part of who I am. 在中国﹐选择不参加宗教活动本是件容易的事情﹐反正犹太人的身份并不是我的全部。
Yet back in London, ministers talk of special opt-outs giving British business low-cost, deregulated membership of the common market. 再回到伦敦,英国的大臣们正讨论关于退出欧盟可降低英国商业成本,使本国脱离欧盟市场。
Instead of accepting an invitation to a fun social event, you may be smarter to opt for a bit of relaxing time at home. 你可以精明的选择轻松的在家时间,代替可笑的社交活动。
Most people opt for a "squoval" shape, but this summer is all about round shapes for short nails or almond shapes for long nails. 许多人喜欢由方形过渡到椭圆的指甲形状,但是今夏的潮流是:短指磨成甲圆形,长指甲磨成杏仁形。