one fifth

  • na.五分之一
  • 网络五分之一英文是;类似于五分之一;什么都不管

one fifthone fifth

one fifth


五分之一_互动百科 ... 【One Fifth/ 五分之一】能给大家这样的感觉”。 ...


二分之一英文怎麽念 - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... 四分之一英文是 A Quarter 五分之一英文是 One Fifth 三分之一 one third ...


类似于五分之一one fifth)2012-6-13 几分之几用英文怎么表示 2010-4-21 三分之二的英文后谓语用单数还是用复数 3 2010-4 …


...辛子奇)   94:倒数计时(辛子奇)   95:什么都不管One Fifth)   96:一分钟(TENSION)   97:婆娑世界(伍思凯)   98: …


one fifth... ... ONE FIFTH AVENUE: 第五街》 One Fifth: 五分之一|爱的慢动作|强力打造 One-Fifth of a Second: 五分之一秒 ...

The WTO cannot live up to its name if it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind. 如果世贸组织不能容纳占世界人口五分之一的国家,那它就名不符实。
There's a reason a country with a population one-fifth the size of that of the United States buys millions more newspapers each week. 一个人口仅有美国人口总数五分之一的国家每周购买几百万份报纸是有原因的。
Queensland, Australia accounted for about one fifth of the total economy is one of the main producers of sugar and coking coal. 昆士兰州经济总量占澳大利亚大约五分之一,是蔗糖和炼焦煤主要产地。
He was pleased to see that the plant that produces one-fifth of the country's rice buys half of its crop from small local farmers. 他高兴地看到该厂从当地小农户购买其所需的半数水稻。
One fifth (19 per cent) did not know the meaning of the French word for hello, one of the most recognisable foreign greetings in the world. 五分之一的人(佔总数19%)不知道法语中表示“你好”的单词的意思,但这个单词是世界上最有名的外国问候语之一。
China may be the world's second-largest economy but per capita output is at most only one-fifth that of most developed countries. 中国或许是全球第二大经济体,但人均产出至多只是大多数发达国家的五分之一。
Per capita consumption among rural Chinese is only one quarter or one fifth that of their urban cousins. 在中国,农民的人均消费仅为城市居民的五分之一到四分之一。
Doctors at Gaza hospitals say that at least one-fifth of the victims are children and a large number of women are among the dead. 加沙的医院医生们说,死亡者中,至少有三分之一的受害者是儿童和死者中有大量妇女。
The WTO can't live up to its name if it doesn't include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind. 如果不包括占人类五分之一人口的国家,那么世界贸易组织也就名不符实了。
Globally, consumers are coming back to PCs, but they are doing so at prices as much as one-fifth lower than even a year ago, analysts say. 分析师称,全球范围内,消费者又开始青睐个人电脑,不过现在他们购买的价格比一年前低了五分之一。
Borland shed one-fifth of its workforce and is preparing to sell the best-known part of its business; this month its finance chief resigned. Borland辞退了五分之一的员工,并在准备卖掉他们最知名的业务;这个月,他们的财务主管宣布辞职。
Even when Okinawa reverted to Japanese control, one-fifth of the land, given over to US military bases, remained off limits. 甚至在日本政府恢复了对该岛的控制之后,仍有五分之一的地区被划为美国军事基地,外人禁止入内。
The Middle Atlantic States have about one fifth of the total population of the united states. 大西洋中部各州的人口占美国总人口的。
in the past six months , the launches saved up to one fifth of the volume of the fuel consumed by other police launches of similar size. 在过去六个月内,与其他体积相若的警轮比较,新船的耗油量减省达五分之一。
Boskop has a face that takes up only about one-fifth of his cranium size, closer to the proportions of a child. 而博斯科普头骨的脸只占整个颅骨大小的五分之一,接近于儿童的水平。
In general, only less than one-fifth of all new products turn out to be profitable. 通常来说,只有不到一半的新产品能够盈利。
Beijing's official military spending is less than one-fifth of the U. S. military budget. 中国的军事开支不到美国军事预算的四分之一。
World nickel output may need to be cut by almost one-third, some analysts say, compared with reductions so far of around one-fifth. 部份分析师称全球镍产出或许需削减近三分之一,而迄今减产幅度仅约五分之一。
Then the bubble just as suddenly burst, an experience that could cost Ireland as much as one-fifth of GDP annually in years to come. 然后,泡沫突然之间爆裂了,这个转折可能会在今后几年里每年耗去爱尔兰GDP的五分之一。
The results showed that lightweight code reviews take one-fifth the time (or less) of formal reviews, yet they find just as many bugs. 结果显示轻量级代码评审所需要的时间只是规范评审的五分之一(甚至更少),而且前者能够发现更多的错误(bug)。
The aid agency CARE has also said that up to one-fifth of displaced families around Goma are headed by single mothers. CARE救助站也报道说,高达五分之一的家庭只剩下单身妈妈主持家庭。
This comes out to about 2 blogs in every second or approximately one-fifth of the number of new babies born everyday. 算起来就是每秒钟有2个博客,大约相当于每天新生婴儿总数的五分之一。
And for the economy as a whole, if healthcare costs grow at the rate they are now, healthcare will consume one-fifth of GDP by 2017. 对整个经济体来说,如果医疗支出以当前的速度增长,那么到2017年,医疗将消耗掉五分之一的GDP。
such a grid could supply one-third of the country's electricity and cut greenhouse gases by almost one-fifth. 这样的规模可以满足三分之一的全国电力所需,并缩减大约五分之一的温室气体排放量。
They each take one fifth of the coconuts that they find, and each time the monkey comes down and takes one. 他们各带五分之一的椰子,他们发现,每次猴子下来需要一个。
It has reduced customer defections from one-fifth of subscribers a year to under 5% by crunching its numbers. 它把客户流失率从每年20%降到5%一下。
About one-fifth of patients with hypertension showed no obvious symptoms, only occasional blood pressure or census found the body. 约有五分之一的高血压病患者表现为无明显症状,仅在偶然测血压或普查身体时发现。
BARACK OBAMA: "At the rate we're going, we are expected to spend one fifth of our economy on health care within a decade. " 奥巴马:根据现在的增长率来看,我们预期十年内医疗费用将占到国民经济的五分之一。
According to a survey conducted in October, about one-fifth of U. S. businesses were choosing not to have office parties this year. 据10月份的调查,美国约有五分之一的企业今年不打算举行公司派对。
One of the men sneaks down to the beach and decides that he will take one fifth of the coconuts and hide them away for himself. 一个男子偷偷溜到海滩和决定,他将采取五分之一的椰子和隐藏他们离开自己。