
美 [əbˈzɜrv]英 [əbˈzɜː(r)v]
  • v.观察;看到;庆祝;监视
  • 网络遵守;注意到;观测

第三人称单数:observes 现在分词:observing 过去式:observed

observe effect,observe law,observe behavior,observe principle,observe phenomenon
carefully observe



1.看到;注意到;观察到to see or notice sb/sth

2.[t][i]观察;注视;监视to watch sb/sth carefully, especially to learn more about them

3.[t]~ that….+ speech说话;评论to make a remark

4.[t]~ sth遵守(规则、法律等)to obey rules, laws, etc.

5.[t]~ sth庆祝;庆贺;欢度to celebrate festivals, birthdays, etc.


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... conservative a 保守的 observe v 观察;遵守 observation n 观察 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... conservative a 保守的 observe v 观察;遵守 observation n 观察 ...


高中英语必修三第一单元黑体单词及注解_百度知道 ... mist 薄雾,水汽 observe 观察,注意到,评论 overcoat 长大衣 ...


观_百度百科 ... 2.景象,情景[ sight;view] 1.观测[ observation;observe;monitor] 3.观察力[ eye;visualawareness] ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... observation 观察,观测;监视 observe 遵守,观察,看到 obtain 获得,得到 ...


学拉丁背单词_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... (provide 提供;供养 " (observe 观察;遵守;庆祝;评论 " call together",evoke 唤起 " ...


高中英语必修三第一单元黑体单词及注解_百度知道 ... mist 薄雾,水汽 observe 观察,注意到,评论 overcoat 长大衣 ...

《Friends》词汇表A ... circus n. 马戏团, 杂技团, 马戏场, 杂技场 observe vt. 观察, 观测, 遵守, 评述, Macau, 澳门 ...

Casually drop BitTorrent into a conversation with a studio executive, and observe as they choke back their rage. 随便跟一个录音室主管谈谈BitTorrent,看看他们是怎么气得说不上话的。
With this satellite data delivery service, we're able to observe what's happening in the ocean in ways we've never been able to before. 有了这种卫星资料传递服务,我们能够以前所未有的方式观察海洋中正在发生的情况。
When attacked, observe first, then give warning. The basic principle is to fight if possible to win, or to run if impossible. 有小朋友进攻,学会审时度势,先正告一次,然后的基本原则就是,打得过就打,打不过就逃;
Let us observe a moment of silence for those who are not able to be so thankful. 让我们为那些无法心存感激的人们静默片刻。
One of the great joys of Little Deadman's Cay was that there were no local rituals or folkways to observe, no minders to look after. 小亡灵礁最大的乐趣之一,就是没有需要遵守的当地礼仪和风俗习惯,不用管陪同者。
This month I encourage you to observe just how much time you spend on giving energy out compared to receiving energy in. 这个月我鼓励你去观察一下你花了多少时间在花费和存储能量。
Strongest to let us observe that commitment together and keep the most fragile one in the heart, the most sweet bitterness the most. 让我们共同守住那份允许,守住心中那道最脆弱的又最刚强,最甜蜜又最苦涩。
Surely, if I believe an animal to be a cat and observe her barking, my belief should be updated--Bayes' theorem tells us how. 当然如果我相信一个动物是猫,而当看见她发出狗叫声,我的信念更新是应该的,而贝叶斯的定理则告诉了我们(更新的)方法。
You might not know how rarely image are directly through telescope. The most common way to observe the sky is to photograph them. 你很难想象人们很少用望远镜直接观测,最普遍的方式是照照片。
The remaining 75 percent ( "regular gainers" ) gained only a small amount of weight or did not observe any change in their weight. 持续不变75%的DMP使用者(常规体重增加者)仅仅有少量的体重增长或他们的体重没有明显的改变。
Margaret learned how to observe things and write down what she saw, just as her mother had done with her. 玛格利特学会如何观察事物并将眼睛看到的东西记录下来,就像她妈妈怀她的时候所做的事。
Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you all the days until the consummation of the age. 凡我所吩咐你们的,无论是什么,都教训他们遵守;看哪,我天天与你们同在,直到这世代的终结。
Have you taken the time to step back and observe your emotional storm to see if it contains a message of truth you weren't ready to hear? 你需要花时间退后一步来观察你的情绪风暴看看是否它包含着一些你还没有准备去接受的真实的信息?
Don't judge the blips of flashing thoughts, simply observe them as if you were on the bleachers at a football game. 不要调整闪现的思绪,只是观察他们,就好像你在一个足球赛的露天球场。
He gave the struggle his attention, as an idler might observe the feat of a juggler, without interest in the outcome. 他把全部注意力都集中在这件事上,就像一个游手好闲的人在观看一场魔术师技艺表演,对最后的结果并不感兴趣。
So as you go along your spiritual search, observe the long-term effect of every doctrine and practice that comes your way. 所以,在进行精神探索的时候,观察每个教条和习俗的给你带来的长期效果。
Observe the energy as it transforms into a rainbow of light energy, lifting from the earth and expanding out into the universe. 我们把这个能量看成是能量转换成彩虹光能,从地上举起,扩大到宇宙中。
I do not know how you observe guest right on your mountain, ser. In the north we hold it sacred. Wun Wun is a guest here. 我不知道你们国王岭怎么看待宾客权利,爵士。在北方我们相信它是神圣不可侵犯的。旺·旺是我们的宾客。
It is also dependent on NASA's desire for a daylight takeoff so it can observe how much debris flies off the shuttle's external fuel tank. 也依赖于美国宇航局想在白天发射的要求,这是为了能观察有多少飞船的外部燃料箱碎片飞脱。
The next step is to observe the phenomenon in these circumstances to see if the idea correctly predicts the behavior of the phenomenon . 下一步是观察这些情况下发生的现象,以此来判断该理念是否正确的预示了这些现象的发生。
Of- ten, as I passed her room, I would observe Kate sitting in her chair, scrapbook on her lap, gazing sadly at pictures of Chris. 每当我经过日她的房间,我就会看到凯特坐在椅子上,翻看搁在腿上的剪贴簿,悲伤地凝视照片中的克利斯。
Observe whether the travel agency staff to promote their products well-trained, competent and can infer the case of travel agency or two. 观察旅行社推销产品的员工是否训练有素,精明强干,即可对旅行社的情形推知一二。
the whole thing is so new to me that I shall have to gather myself and observe. 所有这些对我来说是全新的,我得聚精会神地观察一下。
"You just need to look and observe, " he said. "Sometimes getting too trained up in something narrows your vision. " “你只需要抬头观察,”他说。“有时候在某一方面的训练过于充分会让人的视野变得狭隘。”
Women love to hear opinions about themselves. Tell her what you observe about her. 女人喜欢听别人对自己的评价。告诉她你的想法。
She was now, on being settled at home, at leisure to observe the real state of her sister's spirits. 现在既然到了家,她就有闲暇的时间来观察姐姐的真正心情。
Some members of my staff felt that I should observe the custom of bygone days and allow him to call on me. 我的几个参谋人员觉得我应遵守已往惯例,允许他来见我。
It is not easy to consolidate democracy in the East Asia countries, so it is worthy to observe this case of Japan. 在东亚国家当中,如何深化民主一直是不容易的事情,而日本这种尝试值得观察,此为本研究的问题意识。
Once airborne, and thus able to observe trees to the side of their glide-paths, some of the snakes turned towards them. 一起飞,这些树蛇就可以看到滑行路径两旁的树,一些就转变方向朝树木飞去。
Observe how much the mouth is opened to say certain words. 观察他们在说某些单词时,嘴张开的幅度。