
美 [wʌn]英 [wʌn]
  • num.一;同一个
  • n.一个人;一体;独一;一岁
  • pron.人们;用来避免重复已提过的或是听者已知的事物的名称
  • adj.某(一个人);一致的;同一的;不变的




1.一the number 1

2.(正式用语或表示强调,用在 hundred、thousand 等或度量单位之前)一used in formal language or for emphasis beforehundred ,thousand , etc., or before a unit of measurement

3.(表示强调)单独一个,仅仅一个used for emphasis to mean ‘a single’ or ‘just one’

4.(尤指一组中的)一个人,一件事物a person or thing, especially when they are part of a group

5.(表示强调)唯一的一个,最重要的一个used for emphasis to mean ‘the only one’ or ‘the most important one’

6.(用于一般地谈论过去或将来的某个时间)used when you are talking about a time in the past or the future, without actually saying which one

7.同一个the same

8.(informal)(代替 a 或 an,表示强调)used for emphasis instead of or

9.(与人名连用,表示说话人不认识的人)某一个used with a person's name to show that the speaker does not know the person


as one

一致;一齐in agreement; all together

(be) at one (with sb/sth)

完全一致;是…的一部分to feel that you completely agree with sb/sth, or that you are part of sth

for one

就是其中之一(表达意见时用以加强语气)used to emphasize that a particular person does sth and that you believe other people do too

get sth in one

立即明白(或猜到)to understand or guess sth immediately

get one over (on) sb/sth

占上风;胜过;占优势to get an advantage over sb/sth

go one better (than sb/sth)

胜人一筹;(比自己过去)做得更好to do sth better than sb else or than you have done before

in one

集于一身(或一体);多功能;多用途used to say that sb/sth has different roles, contains different things or is used for different purposes

one after another/the other

一个接一个地;陆续地;络绎不绝地first one person or thing, and then another, and then another, up to any number or amount

one and all


one and only

绝无仅有的;唯一的;有名的used to emphasize that sb is famous

one and the same

(表示强调)同一个used for emphasis to mean ‘the same’

one by one

逐个地;逐一地separately and in order

one or two

一些;一二a few

one up (on sb)

略胜一筹;强过(某人)having an advantage over sb

when youve seen, heard, etc. one, youve seen, heard, etc. them all

所有的…都大同小异;知其一便知其全部used to say that all types of the things mentioned are very similar

No, the best was in wanting it, in sitting and looking at it, when one tasted an inexhaustible treasure-house of flavors. 不应该是这样的。品尝无尽的美味时,最妙的部分是想得到它的急切心情和端坐着打量它的满足。
At one point, I was able to hear my own voice due to the thin surface of one of my tables vibrating the speaker stand. 在某一个时期,我能听到自己的声音由于薄的我的一个桌子表面振动扬声器站立得住。
For the present they were quite satisfied to be in accord again about one girl, for they had no jealousies between them. 眼下他们对一位姑娘取得了一致的看法,这就相当满意了,因为他们中间并没有什么嫉妒之心。
And as if that wasn't enough, all of these incredibly complicating things, right, they wanted it in one shot. 好像这些都还不算什么,尽管以上所有要求已经极其苛刻了,对吧,他们还要求全程一镜到底。
She had never seen this done before. No one taught her to bend this into a hook; had shown her how it could happen. 之前也没有任何人或者别的乌鸦教它如何把线弯成钩子;或者告诉过它可以通过这种方式捞肉。
For Keith, no one else could know how much acceptance he was capable of or how time would affect his process. 对Keith来说,只有他自己能明白最终可以接受到什么样的地步,或者时间将会如何影响这个接受的过程。
Thus, it appears that there was only one text at Himis, and that it did not state that Issa himself was ever at the monastery. 因此,似乎是只有一个文本是在赫米斯,它没有说伊萨本人曾经在这个修道院里。
A3: One of my teachers used to say that "love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence" . 我有位老师曾经说过,爱情是想象力战胜了智力。
Elusive, mysterious, no one ever knew when they would see her next, or how much she would weigh. 她是如此的神秘而又难以捉摸,没有人知道什么时候能再次遇见她,甚至不知道她到底有多重。
While no one doubts that it is possible to note similarities between musical pieces, there are often exceptions and caveats associated. 不过没有人怀疑许多音乐曲目中可以找出相似点,当然也经常会有例外和相关的警告。
The dwarf had a pair of mile-boots with which you could pass one mile per step. 小矮人有一双千里靴,穿着它一步就可以行千里。
The jury in Dearborn, home to one of the country's largest Muslim communities, said such a protest would disturb the peace. 密西根的迪尔朋是美国最大的穆斯林社区之一。当地的陪审团表示,这种抗议会扰乱和平。
"The debate is still out on the long-term benefits of listing asset management groups, " admits one corporate financier. 一位负责公司金融业务的主管表示:“对于资产管理集团上市所带来的长期好处,仍然存在争论。”
One night, as he is trying to sleep in the loft, Diamond plugs up several holes in the wall to stop the wind from blowing in. 一个夜晚,在阁楼,正准备入睡时,他把墙上的几个窟窿堵上了,防止风刮进来。
A: You don't know much about the couple. One likes to be alone, but the other is a bit of a gay dog. 甲:你不了解这俩口子,一个喜欢独处,另一个却喜欢热闹。
By the time John Henry was a young man, he was one of the beststeeldriverssteel-drivers in the country. 当约翰·亨利成长为一个小伙子的时候,他是全国最优秀的钢钻技师之一。
Now a Professor at Buckingham University, Mr Woodhead has never been one to tiptoe around fundamental issues, however explosive they may be. 现任白金汉大学教授Woodhead先生可不是个会在那些涉及基本原则的话题面前踯躅不前的人,不管那些话题有多劲爆。
It said the move came after one of its members, Lucia, pressured a bank employee client to grant a loan by halting her 'sexual services'. 此前,该组织的一名成员露西亚已经通过停止“性服务”,迫使一名银行员工批准一项贷款。
One video shows police appearing to squirt water up a man's nose, then dunking his head in a hole said to be full of excrement and rats. 录像显示,警察向一名男子的鼻子喷水,再将他的头塞入据称满是粪便和老鼠的洞内。
Since 1980s, heavy-load transportation had been chosen as one of the main direction of developments by Ministry of Railways. 采用多机牵引开行组合列车,是实现重载运输的一个重要途径。
A. I can't imagine how much money she spent in one day. 我真难以想象她一天内花掉多少钱?
It was Mr Ho, one of Taiwan's most influential business people, who decided to start PVI in 1992 as a technology offshoot of its parent. 何寿川是台湾最有影响力的商界人士之一。他在1992年决定创立元太作为永丰余的技术分公司。
Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort. 所有的颜色都因为害怕而蜷缩一团,互相依偎着寻求慰藉。
During the years that she was writing this book, one incontrovertible means of neurogenesis came to light: aerobic exercise. 在她写这本书的这些年里,神经形成的一个不容置疑的方式,即有氧运动,已经显现出来。
Place the cursor on the bottom centre of the selection and drag the cursor to either one of the top side and release. 将光标放在选区的底部中间位置,向左上或者右上拖出渐变。
Lord, draw us to go with You that we may be one with You and may be built up as Your living Body. 主,吸引我们与你一同往前,使我们能与你是一,也能被建造起来,作你活的身体!
On behalf of his wife, Sergeant Troy decided to have it one evening at the end of August, in the great barn. 托伊中士代表他的妻子决定于八月底的一个晚上在大谷仓举办晚宴。
Matrimony was always one of my favourite topics, and I wrote several sermons to prove its happiness. 嫁娶的事是我最喜欢谈的题目,我写过好几首劝世文证明嫁娶的欢乐。
Every one of the guys on the team came to me and said, "You've got to play. Can't you break the rule just this one time? " 球队里的每个人都来找我并对我说,“你必须去比赛。你就不能这次破一回规矩吗?”
If this model holds up to further scrutiny, then, at least one cosmic mystery may be resolved. 如果模型经得起进一步检测,那么,能够解开至少一个宇宙之谜。