
美 [ˈhelθi]英 ['helθi]
  • adj.健康的;健壮的;有益于健康的;反映健康的
  • 网络有益健康的;身体健康;保持健康

比较级:healthier 最高级:healthiest

healthy food,healthy diet,healthy environment,healthy system,healthy person


1.健康的;健壮的having good health and not likely to become ill/sick

2.[ubn]有益于健康的good for your health

3.[ubn]反映健康的showing that you are in good health

4.正常合理的normal and sensible

5.兴旺的;发达的;顺利的successful and working well

6.[ubn]大而显得成功的;可观的large and showing success


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... lots of 大量;许多 healthy adj. 健康的;强健的 dessert n. (饭后的)甜食 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... health n. 健康,卫生 healthy a. 健康的,健壮的 heap n. 堆 ...


小学英语单词表_百度知道 ... have a try 试一试 healthy 健康的;有益健康的 hear 听见;听到 ...


八年级上学期英语短语总结 - 豆丁网 ... go skateboarding 去划板 6. healthy 身体健康 7. as for 至于 9. ...


MBA 词汇加词组3_点石成金_新浪博客 ... health n. 健康,卫生 healthy a. 健康的;有益于健康的 heap n. (一)堆;许多 ...


外研版高中英语必修2短语... ... get/be injured 受伤 14 keep fit/healthy 保持健康 20 be worried/anxious about 为……而担忧 29 ...


考研词汇 ... health n. 健康,健康状况;卫生 healthy a. 健康的,健壮的;有益健康的,卫生的 heap n. (一)堆,大量,许多 ...

Since 2007, our cooperation has always been a friendly, frank, healthy, mutual respect and constructive. 七年以来,我们的合作一直是友善、坦诚、稳健、互敬和富有建设性的。
As the communication channel between the company and distributors, to build up a healthy and orderly business environment. 作为公司与经销商之间的沟通桥梁,建立健康有序的业务环境。
Eisenhower had an almost pathological, but healthy, fear that he might be blamed for allowing the nation to fall into another depression. 艾森豪威尔几乎限于一种近乎于病态,但还算是未雨绸缪的焦虑之中:害怕他会被归咎于使国家限于另一次大萧条之中。
Although Cosway prices its products comparatively lower in the market, the company is still able to maintain a healthy margin. 虽然其产品价格相对科斯韦在市场低,公司仍然能够保持一个健康的保证金。
Tamiflu, the drug used to treat influenza, did not help any of the previously healthy young men and women get better any quicker. 治疗流感使用的药物达菲(Tamiflu),并未帮助患病前体格健康的年轻人更迅速地痊愈。
"No one understands how this could have happened to someone as healthy as her, " her mother-in-law said at the time. “没有人能想到一切会发生在像她这么健康的人身上,”她的岳母当时说道。
"Here you think you're feeding your child a great, healthy meal, " Dennis Krause said sadly. "But here I was, poisoning him. " “你本来想你正在给你的孩子喂非常健康的食物,”丹尼斯·克劳斯杯悲伤的说。“但是恰恰相反,那些东西是毒药。”
even though roses are beautiful , sometimes we need ginseng to eat , to enjoy , to feel healthy , to make a medicine out of it. 但有时我们需要吃人参享受人参,来使自己觉得健康,或拿它来制药。
So if you're trying to incorporate more heart- healthy whole grains into your diet, Quinoa is a great place to start. 所以如果你正试图增加更多的健康谷物到你的饮食的话,藜麦是一个很好的开端。
No matter what age or how healthy you are, make sure you make preparations for your cat if you become unable to care for her. 无论你年龄几何、身体安否,如果不能继续照顾它,请保证你已为你的猫咪做好准备。
People are often surprised to hear that even things like cookies, pizzas and the occasional cake can be included in a healthy diet. 人们可能会惊讶地听到,健康饮食也可以包括饼干,匹萨,和蛋糕。
It looks as if he is not so healthy as he used to be. 看来他好像没有以前那么健康。
"It's about going back to the basics; maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be a scientific equation, " she said. 她还说到这关乎回归本质,维持健康的生活方式并不需要成为一个科学的方程。
She was looking quite healthy on Friday, but she suffered a relapse over the weekend and was taken back into intensive care. 星期五她看上去很健康,但周末旧病复发,被送回去进行特别护理。
Ariza is coming off of his first healthy season since his rookie season, and he brought length and a reliable shooting touch to the floor. 上赛季是阿里扎自新秀赛季以来第一个健康的赛季,他为湖人阵容带来高度和稳定的投篮贡献。
Rumors circulated that it was the end of the Answer's career, but Moore tells AP that Iverson is healthy and preparing for a comeback. 有传闻说,外号“Answer”的艾弗森的职业生涯要结束了,但摩尔对美联社说,艾弗森很健康,正在筹备重返篮坛。
Which brings me to the heart of the matter. To have healthy hair you must have a healthy scalp. 问题的关键是,想要健康的头发必须拥有健康的头皮。
My children were raised. You know they suddenly rise. They started so long ago. Head to toe healthy, wealthy and wise. 我的孩子们慢慢成长。你也明白,他们转眼长大成人,时间飞逝。从头到脚,健康富足,聪明伶俐。
This will, if it doesn't get out of hand (as in Great Depression out of hand), be a healthy development. 如果事态尚在可控范围内的话(大萧条尚未发生),这是一个良性的发展方法。
We have a healthy team, minus the minor injuries to Kobe and Sasha, and for the most part, we were able to see who best fits where. 除去科比和武贾西奇的小伤,我们拥有健康的队伍,而大部分时间里,我们能知道谁最适合哪里。
Wilt affects plants very suddenly, frequently going from a healthy, full plant to totally wilted and brown in just a few days. 枯萎病对植株的影响非常突然,常会使健康、丰满的植株在短短几天内完全枯萎,变成褐色。
If she is lucky, doctors will be able to extract at least a dozen healthy eggs that will be kept frozen until she is ready to use them. 如果幸运的话,医生将可能取出至少十二个健康卵子并进行冷冻直到她准备使用它们。
Canada is one western country that seems to have a healthy aluminium industry, thanks to its hydroelectric power supplies. 在西方国家中,加拿大似乎拥有一个发展良好的铝产业,得益于该国丰富的水电供应。
UK experts said the research showed nuts were an important part of a healthy diet, but warned against eating nuts covered in sugar or salt. 英国专家称研究显示坚果是健康饮食的必备品之一,但是不包括那些掺杂糖和盐的坚果。
She used to enjoy a healthy and active life as other happy children but a disease has snatched away all that she used to have. 她曾和其他快乐的孩子一样健康活泼,但是一场病夺去了一切。
"We don't have enough food, and a lot of what we have is not nutritious enough to keep kids healthy, " she said. 她说:“我们没有足够的食物,而且我们现有的许多食物缺乏营养,不足以保障孩子们的健康。”
You see, as long as you associate pain with eating healthy foods, you will never be able to do it for the long-term. 你看,只要你想到健康食品时很痛苦,你就肯定不能长期坚持,也许你可以用的意志力坚持一段时间,但是最终强大的痛苦会战胜快乐。
This is a very good reason: no one can think of, though not sick, but the moody all day long people would be a healthy person! 这是很有道理的:不能够设想一个虽然不生病,但一天到晚郁郁寡欢的人会是一个健康的人!
This kind of toxin to the majority healthy responses is harmless, but has I fine urine sickness gene person to be very sensitive to it. 破坏产生胰岛素的细胞,坤致姗尿病。这种毒素对大多数健康者是无害的,但有I型精尿病遗传因子的人对它则十分敏感。
Another healthy sign was that the conference attracted a broader cross-section of the software development community than in previous years. 另一个有益的迹象是,研讨会比往年吸引了软件开发团体的更广泛的领域。