human hair

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human hairhuman hair

human hair


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This means that if it was magnified to the size of the solar system, it would still appear spherical to within the width of a human hair. 这意味着,如果将其尺寸放大到太阳系大小,它仍将是一个误差不超过头发丝粗细的圆。
He too had a ball of human hair that he said he had taken from the dead lion's stomach. 他也有那个从死去大狮子的胃里取出的球。这个镇子不知道该奖励哪个人。
A combined strength of a headful of human hair is capable of supporting a weight equivalent to that of 99 people. 满头头发合在一起的强度可经得起99个人的重量。
He tested to see if it was the same with human hair and it was. 于是,他用人的头发做实验,看是不是同样的效果,果然没错。
Strands(13) of human hair are attached to the base of the client's own hair, very close to the scalp, with a very mild form of adhesive(14). 我们用一种十分温和的粘合剂把每根头发与客人的头发接起来,非常贴近头皮。
We usually think of a piece of glass as a continuous medium, but on a length scale a millionth the thickness of a human hair it's not. 我们通常会认为玻璃是一种连续的介质,但如果从比一根头发的精细度还要小一百万倍的尺度上看就不是这样了。
Glass microspheres smaller than a human hair are being used to deliver large, localized amounts of radiation to diseased organs in the body. 比人的头发丝还小的微型玻璃小球正被用于向有病变的器官传递大量局部使用的辐射能。
Mrs Parsons brought the spanner. Winston let out the water and disgustedly removed the clot of human hair that had blocked up the pipe. 帕森斯太太拿来扳手,温斯顿放掉脏水,忍着恶心把堵住水管的一团头发掏出来。
Mr Sarkozy can no doubt bank, as ever human hair wigs, on help from party splits and personal rivalries. 萨科齐无疑可以像以前一样指望社会党内部分裂与个人恩怨助他一臂之力。
Scale pattern of Human hair is unitary and evenly arranged while that of mammals is varied and complicatedly arranged. 人发的鳞片类型单一,排列均衡;一些动物被毛的鳞片类型多,排列复杂。
Among the works of Konenko are a gold cross inside a human hair and a caravan of camels inside a needle eye. 雕刻展上科年科的雕刻作品还包括在一根头发丝里镶嵌一个金色十字架模型和在一个针眼里放置一个骆驼大篷车模型。
Regular trimmings to your hair and good conditioner should help to prevent this unsightly picture of a split end of a human hair. 经常修剪和良好的护理,可有助于防止像这张图片上出现发梢分叉的现象。
Each microcapsule is about 40 microns in size (that' s a little less than half the thickness of a human hair ). 每个显微小囊大小约为40微米(不到人发粗细的一半)。
Jack: Human hair. From my back. Let go of the anchor! Young Mr. Turner and I are to go ashore. 杰克:人的毛发,我背后的。下锚!年轻的特纳先生和我上岸。
The accuracy is within 40 microns. That's like the human hair width. Actually, a little less. 误差在40微米,和人头发丝的直径差不多,没错,比那还小。
Extraction of cystine from human hair is one of the method to obtain this material. 从人发中提取胱氨酸是获得该物质的方法之一。
Conclusion Human hair keratin artificial tendon was a satisfied biomaterial and apply to repair the tendon defect in . . . 结论人发角蛋白人工腱是一种理想的生物材料,在肌腱缺损的修复中是很好的代用品。
The device is invisible to the naked eye and is about one thousandth of a strand of human hair. 肉眼并不能看见这个装置,它的粗细只有一根头发丝的千分之一。
The precision of their observations was mind-boggling, equivalent to measuring the width of a human hair from a distance of 3 kilometers. 他们观测的精度是难以置信的,相当于在3千米外测量一根发丝的宽度。
Once it enters the body, arsenic accumulates in keratin tissue, which exists in human hair and nails. 砷一旦进入人体,就会聚集在角蛋白组织中,人们的头发和指甲中就含有这种组织。
Simulating human hair is recognized as one of the most difficult tasks in computer animation. 计算机动画中,模拟人的头发是非常困难的。
If the putter head twists the width of a human hair on a 15-foot putt, the putt will miss by more than an inch on either side. 如果杆头在一记15英尺长的推杆中偏了一根头发丝的距离,那推杆结果就会偏一英寸。
No longer a luxury of the rich and famous, extensions using human hair are now available on most High Streets. 真发接发已经不再是富人和名人的奢侈品专利,大部分街边的理发店都能做真发接发了。
And laser beams thinner than a human hair can be targeted on individual atoms to manipulate and measure the data stored in the qubits. 此外,比头发还细的雷射光束可以指向单一原子,操纵与测量储存于量子位元的资料。
To put the size of a nanometer in perspective, it is 100, 000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. 更形象地说明那一尺度,是比一根人类头发的宽度小10万倍。
Gold can be stretched into wires thinner than a human hair, yet those wires still conduct electricity beautifully. 还可以延展成比头发丝还细的电线,却同时具有极好的导电性能。
Objective: To explore the possibility of cultivation of microencapsulated human hair dermal papilla cells in vitro and xenogeneic model. 目的:探讨微囊化人头皮毛乳头细胞体外培养及异体移植的可行性。
Under a microscope each long kingfisher barb, finer than a human hair, glitters with shades of the Caribbean. 在显微镜下观察翠鸟的长羽支,这些比人类头发质地更好的毛发一直闪烁着,让人联想起加勒比的风光。
Also included in this weird and wonderful selection of images are a rusty nail and cut human hair on a razor blade. 在这怪异而神奇的图像精选集中还有生锈的钉子和剃须刀片上的人类头发。
Underwear and Nightwear , Human Hair Accessories, Wigs, Lingerie, Designer Wear, Accessories. 采购产品内衣裤和睡衣,人类的头发配件,假发,内衣,设计师衣服,配件。