t mac

  • 网络特雷西·麦克格雷迪;特雷西·麦格克雷迪

t mact mac

t mac



making t mac score 18 pts a game is pretty much negating the purpose of him on the floor. 让麦迪每场比赛只有18分进帐,这不是麦迪上场的本意。
Good to see Yao and Rafer off to great starts, and T-Mac is looking pretty aggressive. This is going to be a great game. 很高兴看到姚明和斯通美妙的开局,麦迪看上去也攻击性十足,这将会是一场精彩的比赛。
Personally, I hope we see just a bit of the ferociousness from previous years. 个人认为,希望我们能看见T-MAC会比前几面更凶猛。
I love to see kobe and t mac compete with their full strength and anticipation to leave a mark in history. 我喜欢看科比和麦蒂的全力争胜,能在历史中留下一个印记。
His is a fragile psyche, and his coach never stopped reconstructing him, regenerating T-Mac into a more complete franchise force. 踢麦的精神很敏感,但是他的教练从未停止令他重新找回自我,而再生的踢麦也变成了更加完美的球队力量。
but man, even if yao and t mac heats up, if our role players shoot like this, we might as well pack it in. 但是哥们,如果姚明和麦迪热了起来,而我们的角色球员打成这样子,我们或许还是会打包回家的。
the offense seems to me somewhat disjunct. i don't know how long it will take to have the right kind of adjustment between yao and t mac. 我们的进攻看上去有些不连贯,我不知道还要多久姚麦之间才能真正起化学反应。
Tracy McGrady might finally get out of the first round. . . while he's on the injured list. T-MAC也许就要冲过季后赛首轮了,只不过他自己是在伤病名单中。
They knew T-Mac was Rockets' offense engine. Shutting down T-Mac (even before he got the ball) sucked Rockets' offense. 他们知道麦迪是火箭队进攻的发动机,让发动机熄火(甚至是他拿球之前)就能让火箭队进攻瘫痪。
A more mature T-Mac is getting geared up for this year's playoff series with a different mindset. 一个更加成熟的T-MAC正在以一种不同的思想态度来为这个季后赛打气。
That's just a cop out . Houston played better than us. We only have one major scorer in boozer they have 2 in yao and t mac. 休斯顿打的比我们出色,我们只有一个主要的得分手布泽尔,他们有两个,姚明和麦迪。
Given T-Mac's tear of late he seems to do best when he is the first option and has freedom to create. 考虑到麦迪近来的突破,当他成为第一选择,并且让他有发挥的自由空间,他表现更出色。
If this is any sort of long term thing for T-mac, JVG MUST put aside the differences with Bonzi and let him play, to save this season. 如果这是麦迪长时间的困扰,我想范甘迪最好抛弃和棒子的不同观点,让他打球,来拯救这个赛季。
That's a good question. Well, you know in Houston, T-Mac [Tracy McGrady] is the boss, he is the chief, he is the king. 问的好。呃,你知道在休斯顿麦迪[特雷西-麦克格雷迪]是头儿,他是领袖,他是国王。
I can't predict a win, but if our role players hit their open shots that will be created by an aggressive T-Mac, we will NOT be blown out. 我不能预测输赢,但是如果角色球员如果能投中由T-MAC的攻击而创造的空位的球,我们就不会被扫地出门。
Extremely enjoy the ball T-mac back pass to Yao, Yao fake and thow it back to T who with an incredible reverse. 超级享受麦蒂背传给姚明,姚明假投真传回麦蒂,麦蒂用一个超级过桥投进的那个球。
Even with Yao out, T-Mac is still able to just be a cog in the machine. 即使姚明不在,麦蒂作为球队的一分子,依然能做好。
T-Mac was so good it's frustrating to lose, especially against a bad team like the Kings. It makes me think of the game in Memphis. 麦子打的如此之好却如此可耻的败鸟,特别是对像国王这么烂的队伍。这让我想起来在孟菲斯的比赛。
I saw so many fouls & non-fouls it was unreal. The play where T-Mac took a jump step sideways into Fisher made me in sensed. 让球员区打比赛,我看到如此多所谓的犯规于不犯规都不是真实的,麦迪的那个跳投,侧身倒向了小鱼,让我抓狂。
While I think its admirable for him to be dedicated to deferring to teammates I'm not sure that's what's best for T-Mac. 我想麦迪专注于如何去适应队友值得尊敬,但是我不确定哪种方式对麦迪更好。
I began thinking Vince's name should be mentioned alongside Kobe's, LeBron's, D-Wade's and T-Mac's as the top swing men in the league. 我因而开始开始考虑是否应该将文斯的名字和科比、勒布朗、韦德、迈蒂等人相提并论,把他放入联盟顶级摇摆人的行列。
He seemed very eager to return to a previous T-Mac, whatever that may be, and prove to people he is still a star. 不管怎么说,麦迪似乎非常渴望能找回从前的那个自己,以此来证明自己依然还是一个球星。
Yao is like Kobe while T-mac is like Shaq; on the surface, this might seem 'wrong', since it doesn't correspond to their natural positions. 姚明就像科比,而麦蒂像沙克,在表面上,这结论可能是“错的”,因为这跟实际的位置并不匹配。
jonathan, are u surprised that t-mac will be ready by training camp? you think he is making the right choice? 有人问费根,你对麦迪准备参加训练营感到奇怪么?你认为他是否做了正确的选择?
Thus, T-Mac would be welcomed as a much louder move than the attention he would get in L. A. 因此,麦蒂加盟凯尔特人将作为一次响亮的行动而收欢迎,这远远胜于他会在洛杉矶得到的关注。
The Mavs forced us to adjust tonight. . . they really continued to do whatever they wanted to do out there, even when T-mac was going off. 小牛今天让我们被迫调整了…他们确实继续在做他们需要做的事情,即使麦蒂爆发。
T-mac needs to attack the basket, and looks for opportunities to dish to Shane at the corner or Rafer at top of the key. 解决的方法很简单:麦蒂需要攻击篮框,然后寻找机会给底线的巴蒂尔或者弧顶的斯通。
One of those rare games where both Yao and t mac got it going! When both are on, Rockets are unbeatable! 很少有的姚明和麦蒂都发挥的比赛!当两个人都发挥的时候,火箭是无敌的!
T-Mac and Yao need to take over the rest of the way. Rafer is just being Rafer. Harping is one tough guy ala Bob Sura. 麦迪和姚明应该接管下面的比赛。阿尔斯通毕竟只是阿尔斯通,哈普灵是一个比苏拉更硬朗的家伙。
As it has been said the team was 14-6 before T-Mac went down. 就像已经说过的那样,在麦迪受伤之前,球队的战绩使14:6。