
美 [tɪp]英 [tɪp]
  • n.小费;尖端;消息;主要用于英式英语
  • v.倒;使翻倒;给…小费;使倾斜
  • 网络小贴士;提示;小技巧

复数:tips 现在分词:tipping 过去式:tipped

southern tip,eastern tip


n. v.

末端end of sth

1.尖端;尖儿;端the thin pointed end of sth

2.(装在顶端的)小部件a small part that fits on or over the end of sth


3.指点;实用的提示a small piece of advice about sth practical

4.(informal)(尤指有关赛马的)内幕消息,指点a secret or expert piece of advice about what the result of a competition, etc. is likely to be, especially about which horse is likely to win a race

5.(informal)举报;密报;线报secret information that sb gives, for example to the police, to warn them about an illegal activity that is going to happen

额外的钱extra money

6.小费;小账a small amount of extra money that you give to sb, for example sb who serves you in a restaurant

脏乱处untidy place

8.(informal)脏乱的地方an untidy place


on the tip of your tongue

话在嘴边上(却一时想不起来)if a word or name ison the tip of your tongue , you are sure that you know it but you cannot remember it

the tip of the iceberg

(问题的)冰山一角only a small part of a much larger problem


国内外小费(tips)简述3跨文化交际ppt--各国禁忌... 小费文化 汉语言文化 收取小费的处理方式 怎么给小费How to give ti... 阳光家 …


小贴士TIPS):温泉水的压力是不可被忽视的,泡温泉的时候一定要把头颈部及胸部露出水面,这样可减少浸泡时温泉水对 …


温馨提示tips):除此之外,一个宝贝的标题决定了被搜索到的最大几率,只能说是配合上下架和橱窗推荐才能达到最大效果 …


生活点滴 - jufeng248 - 网易博客 ... 提示信息: msg 小技巧: tips 栏目标题: title ...

通胀保值债券(Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities)

0回答 5 通胀保值债券TIPS)的实际收益率和CIP是什么关系? 0回答 哪里卖有进口充气娃娃,要那些对身体无害的,触感好 …

颈静脉肝内门体分流术(transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt)



小提示(tips):目前市面全部的22宽屏液晶显示器采用的都是tn材质的液晶面板,由于液晶面板成本可以得到有效控制,22宽屏液晶 …

Fortunately it's pretty easy to avoid eye strain. Here are a few tips to make sure you don't end up squinting at the world. 幸运的是,我们很容易避免眼疲劳。下面有一些妙招确保你能明亮的看清世界。
Raymond said he had tips from sources that Combs would be at the rink to watch his child's hockey game on Friday. 雷蒙德说,他得到消息说库姆斯将会在周五前往冰场观看孩子的冰球赛。
As he was about to put the last touches on the finger tips, Geppetto felt his wig being pulled off. 手刚做好,杰佩托就觉得头上的假发套给拉掉了。他抬头一看,可是看见什么啦?
For several months she saved up tips, just a few dollars at a time, that she would hide in a refrigerator. 经过几个月的省吃俭用,克劳迪亚有了点钱,她把钱藏在冰箱里。
We have to keep ourselves up-to-date with the latest tips and developments from the best of the marketing bunch. 我们须得让自己把握住最新情况,注意从营销大本营那里出来的最新贴士跟发展。
When Mr. James is staying in a U. S. hotel, he generally tips the concierge $10 to $20 a day, depending on how much he has used the service. 詹姆斯在美国入住酒店时,一般每天给前台10至20美元的小费,具体数额取决于他享受到了多少服务。
When the sun sank low above the treetops and no more drops fell from the tips of the icicles they began to watch eagerly for Pa. 太阳下沉到树梢上,冰柱上的水也不再往下滴,她们开始急切地盼望着爸爸的归来。
The final visual touches are a new rear wing and a pair of double-barreled exhaust tips peeking through the revised rear skirt. 最后是一个新的视觉接触尾翼和一双如今通过修订排气技巧就后方的裙子。
Once you've decided what you really value, you need to know how and when to ask for it. A few tips. 一旦你决定了自己的真实价值后,你还需要知道怎样在合适的时间提出要求。以下是一些小贴士。
He suggested quite a few tips about the managers of the company, but none of them held water. 就公司的管理问题他提了好几个建议,可没一个管用。
here, who have friends in your own real summed up in the beauty tips to share with you all along. 在这里,有网友在自己糊口中实战总结出来的美容小秘诀与大家一块儿分享。
But most lovely of all was the skill with which they flew, their wing tips moving a precise and constant inch from his own. 但是最可爱的还是他们的飞行技术,他们的翼梢始终极精确地与乔纳森的翼梢保持着一英寸距离。
A few minutes later, she'd won four drinks, thanks to the gum, Band-Aids, Q-tips and mouthwash she was able to easily whip from her bag. 几分钟之后,她已经赢了4杯酒了,多亏了包里可以随意拿出的口香糖、邦迪、棉签和漱口剂。
In this regard, there are a number of websites that can be very useful to a woman on the hunt for pregnancy tips. 有鉴于此,对于那些找寻换云贴士的妇女们而言,许多网站都是十分有用的。
I though I'd spend a bit of time putting together a short list of financial tips for the recent graduate. 我想我该花些时间为这些即将毕业的学生整合一份简短的理财建议清单。
This includes gender specific pregnancy tips intended to describe how a man can assist his wife or partner in working through a pregnancy. 其中包括了与性别有关的特别怀孕贴士,这些贴士旨在向男士们阐述在怀孕期间如何协助他的妻子。
I used to help my parents by doing some housework, and I also asked some tips but I'm just kidding. I never really want to be paid. 再说,我需要钱的时候,只要和父母说清目的,父母一般会满足我的要求,劳动对我来说只是一种锻炼。
Tips: Did you know? Reading 15 minutes a day translates into one million words a year. 小贴士:你知道吗?每天阅读15分钟,一年就可以增加百万单词。
She wanted to reach out her hand in the darkness and touch him with the sensitive tips of her fingers upon the face or the lips. 她渴望在黑暗中伸出自己的手,用敏感的指腹抚摸他的脸和唇。
So I thought I'd share with you four tips for falling asleep faster that I've used and that have worked. 于是我想在这里和大家分享四个快速入睡的方法,我用过这些方法,并且确实有效果。
One of the tips: Turn on error reporting immediately. It'll save a great deal of time in the long run. David曾经写过《twoPHPtipshewishedhe’dlearnedinthebeginning》,其中一点就是:及时启用错误报告,这会节省大量的时间。
All our employees are forbidden to ask for or accept tips, presents, rebate or entertainment of any kind. 所有雇员禁止索要、收受任何馈赠,如:“红包”、小费、礼物、回扣和娱乐等。
As a wind turbine's blades cut through the air, they lower air pressure, especially around the tips of the blades, Baerwald explains. 贝尔沃德解释说,当风力涡轮机的叶片划过空气的时候,会使气压降低,特别是在叶片的顶端周围,气压更低。
David wrote: I'd like to see you post your tips and "tricks of the trade" so to speak on living out of a hotel or extended stay room. 大卫写到:我想看到你谈谈你的关于住在酒店或者租来的房子里时的小窍门和手段。
I know this is prying. " I said, " but how much extra money do you earn in tips? “我知道不该问,”我说,“可是,你能多挣多少小费?”
Stone tops it all off with details of what happened when he tried the tips. And he invites you to send him your secret to good health. 斯通把我们尝试这些小技巧的细节放在首位。并且他邀请你也可以写信告诉他你健康的秘密。
She had raised herself on the tips of her toes, as if she were about to dance. 她踮起了脚尖,好像要翩翩起舞似的。
I've been subscribing to his ezine for almost a year now, and I've learned many great tips for making my presentations more humorous. 到现在为止,我已订阅这份杂志一年多了,从中我学习到了很多让演讲更加幽默的技巧。
Tips: try to make two genu near the surface of bed, over the two legs, shaking unbend of relaxation. 尽量使两膝靠近床面,结束动作后,伸直两腿,抖动放松。
The tips that follow provide a guide to help you adjust your sales effort and be more effective when trying to close the deal. 以下的指导提示着将如何帮助我们调整销售的方法以及如何更加有效的达成订单。