
美 [tæɡ]英 [tæɡ]
  • n.标记;标签;标志;标牌
  • v.给…加上标签;把…称作;给…起诨名
  • 网络没有标签;关键词;书签

复数:tags 现在分词:tagging 过去式:tagged

latin tag


n. v.

1.[c]标签;标牌a small piece of paper, cloth, plastic, etc. attached to sth to identify it or give information about it

2.[c][ususing]称呼;诨名a name or phrase that is used to describe a person or thing in some way

5.[c](外国语的)语录,引语,格言,谚语a short quotation or saying in a foreign language


标签(Tags):(可以为空,用空格隔开多个标签,最多可填写 5 个)自定义URL关键字:(可以为空,多个关键字之间用半角空格符相 …


十堰意外险保资讯-意外险新闻-保险案例-保险知识 ... Tags: 十堰意外保险 Tags没有标签 ...


刘松_工业设计;空间设计;..._搜主意网_ ... 群/ Group 关键词/ Tags 状态/ State ...




书签(tags): 大肠癌前兆, 大肠癌症徵兆, 大肠癌症状, 大肠癌第三期, 大肠癌筛检, 大肠癌饮食, 大肠癌治疗, 大肠癌第四期, 大肠癌 …

标签集(tag set)

鹏鹏 - 5d.cn ... 标签集: TAGS: ...


Fancy Fan | 反思范儿 ... 文章存档 |ARCHIVES 标签云 |Tags 价值链接 |Links ...


心理咨询平台_蓝心网 ... 推荐咨询师/ Counselor 热门标签/ Tags 会员登录/ Sign In ...

The last example left a lot of blank spaces for clarity, so it's easy to line up the XML tags. 为了清晰,前一个示例保留了许多空白,使XML标记处于单独的行上。
If you do not realize that it has been selected, applying filters for tags and attributes might not produce the results that you expected. 如果您没有意识到它被选中了,那么为标签和属性应用过滤器的操作可能就不会产生您想要的结果了。
The second line specifies that this information is to be surrounded by HTML paragraph tags before return. 第二行指定该信息在返回之前需要用HTML段落标记括起来。
Reader makes it relatively easy to organize feeds by creating tags which show up in the left-hand column, similar to folders. 通过创建标签(tags),阅读器使它相当容易组织订阅,其显示在网页左侧,与文件夹相似。
'Women cannot and do not lie, ' she said, before telling a fraudulent tale of shopping and false price tags. 她说,“女人不会说谎,也从不说谎。”然后她编了一个关于购物和错误价签的故事。
Within the body tag lies the next piece: the building block tags, which play host to the layout, the information, and the search tools. 主体标记中的下一部分是:构造块标记,它用于容纳布局、信息和搜索工具。
Many of the tags available in DocBook make it a natural choice for building technical documentation. DocBook中的众多可用标记使它成为构建技术文档的最佳选择。
Shocked at how much money kids spend? Maybe you haven't checked the price tags lately on some of the younger generation's must-haves. 这个数据令你吃惊吗?也许你最近没看过这帮孩子必备品的价格标签吧。
As you can see, using favoring attributes over child tags leads to a smaller file size and a significantly faster parse time. 正如你所看到的,与使用子标签相比,使用属性时文件尺寸更小,特别是解析时间更快。
It allows you to create HTML containers for your images so you could add banners and any HTML tags. 它可让您创建的HTML容器为您的图片,让您可以添加横额及任何HTML标记。
The next time you want to call a person listed as one of these tags, just say that person's name or a relevant codeword. 下次你想给名单上任何一个人打电话的时候,便只需说出这个人的名字或相关的代号。
And I may (as I have in recent months) gotten a bit lazy about the tags I add to what I write. 而我在给自己的文章添加标签上可能有些懒(最近几个月正是如此)。
The easiest way is to put tags in the XML file that will cause only the critical GUI controls and values to be considered. 最简单的方法是在XML文件中加入标志,使得只考虑临界的GUI控件和值。
NoteDepending on the type of file you are saving, you might be able to add file properties like tags at the time that you save the file. 注意根据正在保存的文件类型,可以在保存文件时添加标记等文件属性。
It can be challenging to decipher what's going on from the tags. But it's easy to see the difference in the display, as in Figure 4. 也许您很难从这些标签中发现有什么改变,但从显示效果中能清楚地看出差别,如图4所示。
RFID tags, which have been used to identify everything from cattle to tombstones, will not be the only type of sensor crowding the planet. 已被用于识别从牛到墓碑等一切事物的射频识别标签并非唯一一种将占满这个星球的传感器。
If users are not allowed to access a document, should they be able to see the document's associated tags when they explore the tag space? 如果不允许某些用户访问某个文档,那么当他们使用标记空间时,是否应该允许他们看到与这个文档相关联的标记呢?
If I tag a photograph with my own tags, that means the photograph is more useful to me; but it is not necessarily more broadly useful. 如果我给一张照片标上我的标签,这说明该照片对我有用处,但它并没有为更多的人所用。
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the process of labeling photos with name tags. 我惊讶地发现,自己对给照片加姓名标签的操作乐此不疲。
Up to this point in our discussion of JSP custom tags , we ve managed to sidestep the important detail of error handling . 在我们讨论JSP自定义标记的时候,我们一直都设法回避了错误处理的重要细节。
When you end up on a RSS page with XML tags all over the place, copy the URL at the top of your screen and paste it into your feed reader. 当您碰到到处是XML标记的RSS页面时,请复制屏幕顶部的URL并将其粘贴到阅读器中。
PeopleBrowsr allows you to create and manage groups by adding public or private tags to any users from any of your different social sites. PeopleBrowsr允许您创建和管理您的群组,从不同的社交网站标记任何公共或私人用户组。
The second stylesheet translates these tags into a core set of PostScript functions necessary to render a page of flowing text. 第二个样式表将把这些标记转换为呈现一页连续文本所需的一组核心PostScript函数。
Name tags are especially important in neighborhoods where people might be suspicious of someone knocking on the door. 名字标签在那些人们对敲门的人具有怀疑的地区是特别重要的。
One of its programs is called Dog Tags, specifically to assist wounded veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. 其方案之一是所谓的狗标签,特别是帮助从伊拉克和阿富汗受伤的老兵。
As she cut the tags off a hot-pink leopard snuggly she had bought for Josephine, her eyes began to fill with tears. 母亲把她给约瑟芬买的美洲豹玩具上的标签撕了下来,她的眼睛充满了泪水。
Attributes to the markup of a control and there is no way, nor is there a reason, for the control to distinguish what those tags might be. 属性,没有方法也没有理由让控件来区分这些标记的可能内容。
In this case, the file is just in a simple XML format that has an tag with a set of tags in it that hold the URL for each image. 这是一个简单的XML文件,它有一个标记,其中包含一组标记,在这些标记中保存有每个图像的URL。
Notice that the FlexTask version is going to be shorter, since the compiler parameters are now captured as attributes and not explicit tags. 改成Flex任务之后代码变短了,因为现在编译参数被写成属性而不是子标签。
An XML dialect is just a particular set of XML tags along with some rules for how the tags fit together. XML方言只是一组特殊的XML标记,以及一些关于如何组合这些标记的规则。