
美 [tin]英 [tiːn]
  • n.同“teen-ager 13-19”;13-19世纪;痛苦;不幸
  • adj.十几岁的;13-19岁的
  • 网络青少年;年轻;悲哀





仁爱版八年级上册英语单词_百度知道 ... trendy adj. 时髦的 teen n. 青少年 funky adj. 时髦的,极好的 ...


旅程试听下载, 简英材专辑旅程 - 一听音乐网 ... River( 溪水) Teen( 年轻) Friendship( 朋友) ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... crumples v. 弄皱, 压皱, 变皱, 崩溃, 垮台 teen n. 悲哀, 不幸, 愤怒 dollar n. 元, 美元 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... crumples v. 弄皱, 压皱, 变皱, 崩溃, 垮台 teen n. 悲哀, 不幸, 愤怒 dollar n. 元, 美元 ...

英语词汇归类联想巧记大全doc--预览 ... at the age of 在......岁的时候2. teen, ;- er, 人; ...


成人之家--色情直播 ... Spitting[ 阴蒂] Teen[ 少女] Uniforms[ 制服] ...


牛津初中英语9A单词表(英汉)_百度文库 ... discover vt. 发现,发觉 45 teen n. 十几岁的青少年 46 promise vt.&n. 允诺,答应 47 ...

Secure knowing that he had already mastered one of the toughest topics in the course, the teen went on to do well in the class. 在确认自己已经掌握了代数课程中最艰深的章节后,这位少年后来的学习一直都不错。
Figure out how much your teen can put away per week to help him get to this goal. 要找出孩子每周能够存下多少钱,好帮助他们达成这一目标。
The absence of mother in her teen age proved to be too much for her. 母亲的离去让少年时期的她承受了很多。
A woman who became Britain's youngest mother after a one night stand at the age of 12 says she had no regrets about becoming a teen mum. 英国最年轻妈妈一夜情后,于12岁怀孕产子。如今她仍旧表示身为少女妈妈无怨无悔。
The text of that message is one every teen and every parent needs to see. That's a page from my notebook. I'm Katie Couric, CBS news. 这条消息的文字是所有十几岁的青少年和所有家长需要看到的。这就是我笔记本中的一页。我是凯蒂•库里克,来自CBS新闻。
Estimate how much the teen spends per month in each category in the needs section. 估算每月孩子们会在必需品这一块下的每一个项目中花费多少。
Described by former classmates as shy, she came out of her shell as she blossomed into a young teen. 她以前的同学评价她是个害羞的女孩,她在少女时期出落得亭亭玉立。
While it shows the U. S. population is more than replacing itself, a healthy trend, the teen birth rate was up for a second year in a row. 虽然它显示了美国的人口超过取代本身,一个健康的趋势,青少年出生率上升的连续第二年。
He compared the teen star to the British pop group The Beatles, who were adored by girls all over the world back in the 60s. 他比较了童星的英国流行乐队披头士,谁是女孩崇拜各地在60年代世界回来。
The show is a little bit of a teen soap opera, with all of the relationships that we have and all of the things you uncover about the town. 这部电视剧有点青少年肥皂剧的味道,所有的人物关系和已经揭露的事情都是关于这个小镇的。
Remember to talk with your teen, not at him or her. 2、记住你是在和孩子聊天而不是在说教。
Within a week, five teen-age Japanese girls had tried to kill themselves while playing X music or wearing X merchandise. 在一个星期之内,有五个日本的少女在听着X的作品或是穿著X的商品的情况下试图自杀。
Keke Palmer is one of the highest paid teen TV actresses and is raking in an estimated $20, 000 an episode for her Nickelodeon show. 柯克·帕尔莫是世界上收入最高的少年演员之一。她大约一集片酬在2万美金。
Forget the romanticized image of your cheery teen coming home from an idyllic semester away at school, ready to offer lots of holiday help. 忘掉那些浪漫的画面和日子吧,田园式的校园、放学回家的孩童。做好准备,孩子们在假期也需要你的帮助。
Don't be afraid that talking to your teen about contraception will encourage him or her to have sex. 不要担心与你孩子讨论避孕的事情会鼓励他们去发生性行为。
The next time your teen gets behind the wheel of a car, parents might be able to see exactly what they do. 下次你的孩子驾车的时候,父母将能清楚地知道他们在做什么。
I wonder if I should tell them that my husband is old enough to have fathered me without qualifying for a role on "Teen Mom. " 我在想,是否应该告诉她们我的丈夫年龄大得足以当我的父亲了,不需要“少女妈妈”来映衬什么。
He looked up at me and I finally saw how young he was. He was a teenager if not a teen or he had to be in his early twenties. 他抬头看看我,这时我才发现原来他是个年轻的小伙子,也就是十几岁,或者顶多二十岁出头。
Expect the teen to help at home, even if it takes repeated, patient explaining that it's part of belonging to the family. 即使你要不断地耐心向孩子解释做家务是因为他是这个家的一分子,仍要期待孩子帮忙做家务。
A cool and trendy, free, Bible tool for teen who want a few hip buttons, stylish text and easy to use features. 酷和时尚,免费,自由,圣经的工具,青少年谁想要一个数髋关节按钮,时尚的文字和易于使用的特点。
Tell your own family story to a child or teen and ask him to tell you his! 给一个儿童或青少年讲述你自己家庭的故事,然后让他给你讲他自己的!
The results suggest that the approach is able to shift a teen's emotional interpretation, at least in the laboratory setting. 结果显示,至少是在实验室情境下可以改变青少年对他人情绪的解释方式。
Don't get caught up in the game and worry so much about being popular during your teen years, because most of life comes after. 不要沉溺于攀比的游戏中,不要为在青少年时代走红而大伤脑筋,人的一生还长着呢!
The sibling sets got to meet at the Teen Choice Awards, where mum Victoria revealed that her boys are huge fans of the Jonas Brothers. 这两家兄弟是在青少年选择颁奖礼上碰到的,那是当妈的维多利亚披露说她那几个儿子是乔纳斯兄弟的忠实粉丝。
Just when you think you've got the whole social media thing covered with your tween or teen, a new tech-related monster rears its ugly head. 你认为已经掌握了青少年间所有的社会信息,这时候新技术的面具就会露出它丑陋的一面。
Such consistent exposure may explain in part why the U. S. teen pregnancy rate is double that of other industrialized nations. 长期看这类节目可以部分解释为什么美国的少女怀孕率比其它工业化国家的高出一倍。
Laporte first met Picasso as a teen-ager, when she interviewed him for her school newspaper in 1944. 拉波特第一次遇见毕加索时还是一个十多岁的小姑娘。那是在1944年,她为学校报纸写稿而采访了他。
He said price increases on cigarettes have been proven to reduce teen smoking, but states are not keeping up the effort. 他并表示提高价格能有效降低青少年吸菸率,但是政府态度没有继续支持。
And a Milwaukee teen is lucky to be alive after being dumped into the back of a recycling truck and compacted. 密尔沃基的一年轻男子被丢进垃圾回收车的后箱并被压缩之后,有幸生还。
His posture is slumped, like a sulking teen, and he crosses and uncrosses his arms, eyes darting among the men. 他垂着头,象个生闷气的青少年。他交叉双臂随后又放开,眼睛盯着那几个人。