
美 [sɪft]英 [sɪft]
  • v.筛(面粉或颗粒较细的物质);细查;详审;区分
  • 网络尺度不变特征变换(Scale Invariant Feature Transform);筛分;筛选

第三人称单数:sifts 现在分词:sifting 过去式:sifted

sift evidence,sift flour



1.[t]~ sth筛(面粉或颗粒较细的物质)to put flour or some other fine substance through a sieve/sifter

2.[t][i]细查;详审to examine sth very carefully in order to decide what is important or useful or to find sth important

3.[t]~ sth (out) from sth区分;挑选;精选to separate sth from a group of things

谁有厨房内的英语单词_百度知道 ... mash 捣,捣成泥 sift drain 捞 ...

尺度不变特征变换(Scale Invariant Feature Transform)

本文主要针对尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算法进行研究,提出新的局部特征点检测子Rank-SIFT算法,来提高局部特征点的稳定性。 …


初二英语单词表_百度知道 ... on top of 在...的顶部 sift v. 筛分,过滤,精选 caption n. 说明,标题 ...


一些翻译~(转的~) ... scorch 烧焦,烤焦 sift 筛选,详查 silt 淤泥;使淤塞 ...


si开头的4个字的英文_百度知道 ... sigh 叹气 sift 详审 - side 面; 侧面; 边 ...


一些翻译~(转的~) ... scorch 烧焦,烤焦 sift 筛选,详查 silt 淤泥;使淤塞 ...

Sift the flour. Pour the flour into a large bowl or on a work surface. Mold the flour in a mound shape with a hole in the center. 将面粉过筛,将面粉倒入一个大碗或者面板,将面粉堆成一个中间有洞的土堆形。(如上图)
There was a massive dvd rack on the side and I began to sift through Jared's enormous dvd collection. 有一个庞大的DVD架在旁边,我开始筛选Jared的巨大DVD收藏。供述中,约翰塔克??
You'll have to sift through all of it to see what you can salvage. 你得全部筛一遍,看你能救回哪些文档。
Working from clues in the body of the body of the letters, we must patiently sift a mountain of material for a few pertinent grain of fact. 从文字的主体着手,我们必须耐心的审查大量的资料以便从中得到有限的事实收获。
sift flours, bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar into a bowl, stir in combined oil and water, and mix to a soft dough. 筛面粉,把小苏打和奶油组合在一起放到碗中,用油和水搅拌,然后放到一个柔软的面团中。
The company allowed members of the research team to sift through stones not deemed to be of gem quality. 这家公司允许研究小组的成员筛选出被视为没有达到珠宝质量的石头。
Due to the vast amounts of data stored, technology is needed to sift through it, make sense of it, and draw conclusions from it. 由于储存数据量非常巨大,因此需要通过技术手段从中筛选出有意义的数据并得出结论。
Schools like this are the lowest rung of the ju guo system that China built in the 1950 s to sift its population for sporting potential . 像这样的学校,是中国在上世纪50年代建立的举国体制中最低的一级,用来在群众中筛选具备体育潜力的人。
She would sift the generations of men through her sieve, and see if she couldn't find one who would do. 她要把这些同代的男子们,在她的筛子上细筛一遍,看看有没有一个合用的。
You collect data and sift through it, trying to deduce what's happened. 收集并筛选数据,尝试推论出发生的问题。
Sift the cake flour, salt, cocoa powder and baking powder by a fine sieve. 将饼粉、盐、可可粉及发粉混合筛匀。
Someone left a real mess for you to sift through. 有人给你制造了大堆的麻烦。
During Golden Week holidays this month, thousands of volunteers helped to sift through the muddy wreckage left by the March tsunami. 就在这个月的黄金周假期期间,数千名志愿者帮助清理三月海啸留下的废墟。
The body, meanwhile, remains on the Boeing scanner, as Manning and his colleagues sift through terabytes of data. 身体,同时,仍然放波音扫描仪上,因为曼宁和他的同事们要筛选万亿字节的数据传输。
Moreover, the precision of object recognition can be improved effectively by the combination of SIFT features and normalized DLT algorithm. 结合SIFT特征和正交DLT算法,给出一种较为精确的物体识别方法。
Again use your intuition to sift out the likely messages against those that are clearly false and meant to be misleading. 再一次利用你们的直觉去过滤出那些不是明显的错误和意味着误导的可能的信息。
Sift through your contacts to identify people who might be interested, even though they haven't explicitly opted in. 仔细筛选你的通讯录,指定那些也许会(对此)感兴趣的人,即使他们没有被显式地(列入电子邮件的)接收(清单)里。
Wright said it would be takes his crew weeks to sift through all of the video footage for anomalies or mysterious lights. 赖特称,他的组员要花费数周仔细筛查录像中出现的异常现象或神秘光亮。
Sift the flour into a mixing bowl, add in sugar, vanilla sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Mix well. 面粉过筛到盆里后,加入砂糖,香草糖,烤粉,苏打粉和食盐,完全混合均匀。
You may start wondering how it is possible to sift through all the junks to get the good stuff so as to make women laugh? 你也许开始想:如何在这么一大堆烂货中去粗取精,找出好笑话让女人开心呢?
Like a linguistic genome, analysts can sift through five million books, and two centuries of text to trace their etymological histories. 如同语言的基因组,分析家能够通过筛选五百万本书和两个世纪的文章来追踪它们词源历史。
Sift flour and salt into a mixing bowl, cut butter into small pieces and rub into bread crumbs shape. 面粉和盐筛于碗中,搓入小粒牛肉成面包糠状。
When you need a study tip and don't have time to sift through all the prose on your bookshelf, a simple list is the perfect solution. 当你需要学习的小贴士,而又没有时间去详细翻阅书架上的每一本书,那么此时一份简单的清单就是最好的选择了。
Like a print catalog, the site encourages users to sift and explore products, while eliminating needless page refreshes. 就像印刷目录一般,该网站鼓励用户精细地挑选,并探讨产品,同时消除不必要的页面刷新。
SIFT has proved to be the most robust local invariant feature descriptor in object recognition and matching. 在目标的识别和匹配中,SIFT已经被证明是鲁棒性最好的局部不变特征描述符。
A handful of researchers, armed with MRIs, have begun to sift out the chemical mix that makes up love. 几个研究人员,已经通过核磁共振成像机器开始筛选那些组成爱的化学组合。
For the purpose of actualizing automatic image matching, a new Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) matching strategy is presented. 为了实现图像的自动匹配,提出了一种新的SIFT匹配策略。
The distance function is used for similarity measure of image feature vector and realizes the matching of feature vector. 用距离函数对图像的特征向量进行相似性度量,从而实现SIFT特征向量的匹配。
The SIFT keys derived from an image are used in a nearest-neighbour approach to indexing to identify candidate object models. 从图象获得的过滤钥匙用于对辨认候选人对象模型的标注的一种近邻居方法。
Trucking refuse to the half-dozen rag-picking settlements that ring the city, they carefully sift out recyclable glass, paper and plastic. 货运公司在整个城市半打的抹布回收点都不回收垃圾,他们精心筛选了可回收玻璃,纸张和塑料。