
美 [hoʊ]英 [həʊ]
  • int.嗬;站住
  • abbr.(=holmium)【化】钬;“hoa”的变体
  • n.娼妓;妓女;破鞋
  • 网络钬(holmium);何;血红素加氧酶(heme oxygenase)

复数:hoes 复数:hos





...掺敏化离子铬(Cr)、传能离子铥(Tm)、激活离子Ho)的激光晶体(Cr:Tm:Ho:YAG)制成的脉冲固体激光装置产生 …

跪求每个姓氏的香港英文拼写_百度知道 ... 黄 WONG HO 欧 AU ...

血红素加氧酶(heme oxygenase)

HEME OXYGENASE ( HO ) CATALYZES the rate-liming step in heme degradation, producing iron, carbon monoxide (CO), an…

转载-中文起源 - 301的日志 - 网易博客 ... 马 ma5 ho6 和 wo4 ...

发音规则(一) - 小猕猴的日志 - 网易博客 ... harmonious 和谐的 ho hoe 锄头 ...

南京话_百度百科 ... 槁 hao1 ho1 戽 hu3 ...

It was easy convincing the U. S. consular officer who interviewed him in Ho Chi Minh City that he was the son of an American. 他轻易地说服在胡志明市接见他的美国领事馆官员相信他是美国人的儿子。
It's easy to get gung-ho about a new plan; in that first flush of motivation, you feel so determined that you can't imagine failing. 对新计划雄心壮志是很容易的;由于第一缕积极向上的曙光的沐浴,你会特别坚决以致于你都无法想象失败。
South Korea's intelligence chief, Kim Sung-ho, also said the son was believed to have traveled to France recently. 韩国情报局长金成镐也称,他们认为金正男最近去过法国。
From Mi-ho's point of view, it was a moment of endless happiness for her, I think. 从尾狐的观点看,我觉得那是无比幸福美好的最美时光。
But I thought you were all gung ho to get back to work now that Tina's in preschool. 但是既然缇娜已经在上幼儿园了,我以为你一心想要重新开始工作了呢。
HO HSIEN - KU - Immortal Maiden - A Cantonese girl who dreamed that she could become immortal by eating a powder made of mother-of-pearl . 荷仙姑——一位女仙人——一位梦见自己吃了珍珠母粉末而变成仙人的广东女孩。
Displaying some of his versatility, here Iqbal shows an HO electric locomotive, track and signals he made. 展示了他的一些多才多艺,在这里伊克巴尔显示,一何电力机车,轨道和信号,他所作的。
"We are talking about little kids who do not understand that 'ho, ho, ho' has any other [meaning], " she said. "Leave Santa alone. " 「我们说的是小朋友根本不了解『呵呵呵』的谐音代表什麽意思,」她说:「就放过耶诞老人吧!」
Wang Chen-Ho also mentioned in the modern times have been used to do this type of Tin, should be regarded as the world's first metal type. 王祯还提到,近世有人用锡做活字,这应当算是世界上最早的金属活字。
Help to build the communication bridge between the stores &HO to have better understand &implement of the company policy &procedures. 帮助建立沟通桥梁的商店和议员有更好地理解和执行该公司的政策及程序。
Mr. Ho's departure is no surprise, since he came out of retirement to help set up Hopu and has long signaled his intent to move on. 何潮辉的离开并不奇怪,因为他本来就是退休后复出而帮助组建厚朴基金的,并且一直表示有离开的意思。
When asked what attracted her to Min Ho, she said there are too many and could not list out. 谈到李民浩的优点,她笑说,实在太多了,无法列出来。
Except, perhaps, to hope that Mr. Ho, or somebody like him, might be bidding on the other end of a telephone line next Monday. 或许最终的希望在于何先生,或是其他像他一样的人,下周在电话的另一头喊出报价。
One of the Daily NK's founders, Park In Ho, spends much of his time recruiting and training reporters on the North Korean border with China. 朴仁浩是《北韩日报》的创始人之一,他把大部分时间都用于在朝鲜北部与中国的边境地区招聘和培训记者。
It was initially registered in the name of his wife, Ho Yee-nee. 最初,该公司是以陈的太太何绮妮的名称登记。
Wang, manager of a Chinese company selling TV in Vietnam said the sales in the past two months were going up in Ho Chi Minh City. 王,经理,一家中国公司出售电视说,在越南的销售在过去两个月中被不断上升,在胡志明市。
When we went to bed last night, it seemed like Stanley Ho was fighting his rival wives' attempts to divest him from his casino empire. 普通民众昨晚上床睡觉时,何鸿燊(StanleyHo)似乎正在反抗其太太们试图把他从自己一手建立的“赌场帝国”中赶走的做法。
Understanding the full extent of Mr Ho's commercial empire and how it might be parcelled out to the next generation is not easy. 要了解何鸿燊商业帝国的版图及其将如何转移到下一代人身上,这并非易事。
Adding to the intrigue, it appears the handwriting in the body of the letter differs from that of Mr. Ho's signature. 更让人好奇的是,似乎这封信正文里的手迹与何鸿燊的签名笔迹不太一样。
Outside our hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, a seemingly ancient woman on crutches waited beside the door with her hand outstretched . 在越南胡志明市里旅馆外面,有一个颇似古代人的老妇人倚着拐杖,伸手在门口等着。
He tried remind himself that his father believed in all this "serving God and country. " That "Semper Fi" was more than a gung-ho motto. 他努力提醒自己,他父亲所相信的这些“为上帝和国家服务”“永远忠诚”不是仅仅一个狂热的座右铭。
Ho would not listen, or seemed to suffer from a sudden amnesia and appeared to have completely forgotten where he was born. 他像不愿意听,又像突然得了健忘症完全忘了他的出生地。
Changyou's financial chief, Alex Ho, said the company has enough cash to make acquisitions but has no specific targets. 畅游公司首席财务官何捷表示,该在线游戏公司拥有足够的现金进行收购,但目前尚无具体收购目标。
On Thursday Gordon Oldham, Mr Ho's lawyer, said Mr Ho had a legal right to see the underlying documentation for the transaction. 周四,何鸿燊的律师高国骏(GordonOldham)表示,按照法律何鸿燊有权看到这笔交易的原始文件。
The general Ho Ying-Chin submitted army reports and battle reports to Chiang Kai-shek. The Nanjing massacre did not appear in those reports. 何应钦将军向蒋介石提交了军队报告和战斗报告,而南京大屠杀并没有出现在这些报告中。
Responding to Mr Ho's gripes, Mr Adelson advised those who "can't stand the heat [to] get out of the kitchen" . 在对何鸿燊的抱怨做出回应时,埃德森建议那些“无法忍受热度的人离开厨房”。
Suddenly, Ho Hsiu-mei cast a furtiveglance over her shoulder as if to see whether he was still there or not. 忽然何秀妹偷偷地回过脸来,似乎想看一看屠维岳还在这里没有。
ho! Here I come tripping it over the snow, shaking my bells with a merry din; So open your door and let me in. 我踏着积雪,脚步轻快,来到这里,摇着铃铛,哼着快乐的歌,所以请你打开门来让我进去。
It was Mr Ho, one of Taiwan's most influential business people, who decided to start PVI in 1992 as a technology offshoot of its parent. 何寿川是台湾最有影响力的商界人士之一。他在1992年决定创立元太作为永丰余的技术分公司。
'Think of it like a good perfume, which can last all day and changes in quality when you wear it, ' says Ms. Ho. Ho女士说,你不妨把它想成一种上乘的香水,洒上之后可以保持一天,其间香气还会不停变换。