
美 [eɪdʒ]英 [eɪdʒ]
  • n.年龄;年龄段;时期;老年
  • v.变老;使显老;使变老;使苍老
  • 网络时代;年纪;寿命

复数:ages 现在分词:aging 过去式:aged

early age,same age,middle age,past age,tender age
reach age,come age,pass age


n. v.

1.[c][u]年龄the number of years that a person has lived or a thing has existed

2.[u][c]年龄段a particular period of a person's life

3.[c](历史上的)时代,时期a particular period of history

4.[u]老年;陈年;破旧;老化the state of being old

5.[pl](informal)很长时间a very long time


be/act your age

行为和年龄相称;举止不再有孩子气to behave in a way that is suitable for sb of your age and not as though you were much younger

come of age

成年;达到法定年龄when a personcomes of age , they reach the age when they have an adult's legal rights and responsibilities

look your age

容貌与年龄相当to seem as old as you really are and not younger or older

under age

未到法定年龄not legally old enough to do a particular thing


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... birth n. 出生;出世;诞生 age n. 年龄;年纪 old adj. 年岁的;年老的;年长的 ...


字典中 奕 字的解释 ... (6) 光明[ bright] 世,时代[ age] (2) 同本义[ great] ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... birth n. 出生;出世;诞生 age n. 年龄;年纪 old adj. 年岁的;年老的;年长的 ...


yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 29,equ=equal 等,均,平 30,ev=age 年龄,寿命,时代,时期 31,fact=do,make 做, …


yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 29,equ=equal 等,均,平 30,ev=age 年龄,寿命,时代,时期 31,fact=do,make 做, …


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(一)|联想记忆法背单词 ... *affluence n. 丰富;富裕;流入 *age v. 老化 agrarian adj. 土地的,农业的 ...


学士学位英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... against prep. 对(着),逆 age n. 年龄 n.时代 v.变老 agent n. 代理人,代表 ...


年字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 年初〖 beginningoftheyear〗 年代age;time〗 年底〖 theendoftheyear〗 ...

At the age of 30, after a power struggle with a more experienced executive who had been hired to run the start-up company, he was out. 在他30岁那年,因为与被聘来经营这家初创公司的更有经验的高管发生了权力斗争,他离开了苹果。
At the age of 21, he started the rough journey of travelling around China in a wheelchair with a map and a compass. 岁的时候,这个年轻人竟怀揣一幅地图,手持一个指南针,摇着轮椅踏上了走遍全中国的艰难路途。
A woman never acknowledges such a nondescript age as forty-eight unless she is going to marry a widower with seventeen children. 一个女人决不会承认象四十八岁这样一个难以归类的年龄,除非她准备带着十七个孩子嫁给一个鳏夫。
Haggis decided at an early age to be a writer, and he made his own comic books. 哈吉斯很小就决定当一个作家,他创作了自己的滑稽故事书。
Anne hoped she had outlived the age of blushing; but the age of emotion she certainly had not. 安妮希望自己已经跨过了羞怯的年龄,但她肯定没有跨过容易冲动的年龄。
Carlisle wasn't considering age too intently, as each of these decisions was spur-of-the-moment as well as life-or-death. 对于年龄卡莱尔并没有太多的考量,每一个都是在生死关头争分夺秒所作出的决定。
Talabani also said he produced 74-year-old Aziz Aziz's age and partly out of sympathy for the other, because he is an Iraqi Christian. 塔拉巴尼还说,他对74岁的阿齐兹产生的同情一方面出于阿齐兹的年龄,另一方面也因为他是一名伊拉克的基督徒。
For those of us relying on healthy habits to get us to age 100, the findings from a new study of centenarians may come as a bit of a blow. 对指望靠健康的习惯就能活到百岁的人来说,一项对百岁老人的最新研究结果也许是一个小小的打击。
The Gilded Age was one of extreme profligacy, both in business investment and sumptuous expenditure. 不管是商业投资、还是豪华消费,镀金时代(GildedAge)都算得上极度挥霍的时期之一。
They carried out a series of research projects called Person Perception to see how people estimate the age of others. 研究人员进行了一系列“年龄直觉”的研究项目,观察人们如何判断其他人的年龄。
There was also evidence linking a legal drinking age of 18 to a higher rate of unplanned pregnancies among young women. 人们已经证实低龄妇女的意外怀孕率升高与规定法定饮酒年龄为18岁有关。
Vargas hopes to be able to promote legislation to approve such an early age as he came to the United States, immigrants can become citizens. 巴尔加斯希望,借此能推动立法,批准像他这样自幼来到美国的外来移民能够成为公民。
All that, and the rise of the son, makes a repeat White House run by the father morelikely, no matter his age. 所有这些,加上小保罗的冉冉升起,让其父大保罗再度角逐白宫变得更为可能。
When my daughter reached the age of six, my wife and I decided to give her a small amount of pocket money. 我的女儿年满6岁时,我妻子和我决定给她一些零花钱。
She appeared to be in her 30s ( "Why don't you guess my age, " said the rail-thin sex worker, when asked). 她看上去三十来岁。(当问到年纪的时候,这位骨瘦如柴的性工作者说:“你干吗不猜猜我的年纪?”)
Today, at the food court in the mall, a beautiful girl about my age came up to me and hugged me with tears in her eyes. 今天,在百货公司的食品区,一个年纪和我差不多大的姑娘跑过来,还着眼泪拥抱了我。
But how he now sees, we do not know; or who opened his eyes, we do not know. Ask him; he is of age; he will speak for himself. 至于他如今怎么看见了,我们却不知道,是谁开了他的眼睛,我们也不知道;你们问他吧,他已经成人,会替自己说话了。
Currently, in the United States, the general advice is for colonoscopy tests for colon cancer to begin at the age of 50. 目前,在美国一般在50岁开始就普遍建议做结肠癌检查。
"Jessica, " said her mother, who was also a study in what good clothing can do for age, "push that pin down in your tie -- it's coming up. " “杰西卡,”她母亲说,她的穿着也可以帮助人们研究漂亮的服装能怎样美化上了年纪的人。“把领带夹别牢--快脱出来了。”
"But by age 10, those memories seem to get crystallized, " she said. “但是到10岁的时候,他们的早期记忆似乎被冻结了,”她说道。
He said the coffin dates back to the 21st Dynasty, right after the end of the New Kingdom and the golden age of Egypt. 他说这副棺材可以追溯到第二十一朝,刚好就在新王国及埃及黄金时代终结之后。
Deformation, division, fuzzy, "abstract" image is in this day and age of human psychological state of specific visual symbol. 变形、分裂、模糊、“抽象”的形象正是处于这个时代的人类心理状态的具体可视的象征。
At the age of six, while I was eating a big apple, something hard pressed against my tongue. I spat it out. It was a tooth. 我六岁那年,有一次在吃一个大苹果时,有个东西压在了我的舌头上,吐出来,原来是颗牙齿。
If I put my hand down your pants and play with your balls for 10 minutes, I will be able to tell you your exact age. 只要我把手放进你的内裤里,玩你的蛋蛋十分钟,我就会知道你的准确年龄。
The number is not a surprise at all, considering that the age of college students is usually between 18 and 24. 因为大学生的年龄大都在18至24岁之间,所以这一数字并不令人吃惊。
Ah, but we live in aninternet age now, in which news is supposed to break at least a week before the event itself happens. 然而我们现在生活在一个互联网的时代,一个新闻在事件本身发生至少一周之前就应该发布的时代。
Even at the end of her life at the age of 208? ? years, she was still working hard on a book on a dog and a cockroach. 即使在她208岁的生命的尽头,她还在孜孜不倦地写一本关于狗和蟑螂的书。
But he also noted that the average age of a Japanese farmer is 70. He said Japan will someday have no choice but to accept more imports. 但是同时他也指出日本农民的平均年龄在七十岁。他表示日本总有一天将别无选择地接受更多的进口产品。
Over time, then, the story should be gradually expanded with more specific information to suit the child's age and maturity level, she said. 然后,随着时间的推移,这个故事要渐渐涉及到更多适应孩子年龄和成熟程度的明确信息。
Many Americans still believe that if you work hard and save, by the age of 50 you could be a millionaire. 许多美国人仍然相信,如果努力工作并攒钱,那么到50岁时就有可能成为百万富翁。