
美 [ˈfɔrmjələ]英 [ˈfɔː(r)mjələ]
  • n.公式;方案;方程;算式
  • adj.(赛车)方程式的(指赛车要符合规定的体积,重量及汽缸容量等)
  • 网络分子式;配方;化学式

复数:formulas 复数:formulae

use formula,create formula,deduce formula,seek formula,formula change
magic formula,same formula,acceptable formula,final formula,proper formula



1.[c]公式;方程式;计算式a series of letters, numbers or symbols that represent a rule or law

2.[c]分子式letters and symbols that show the parts of a chemical compound , etc.

3.[c]方案;方法a particular method of doing or achieving sth

4.[c]配方;处方;药方a list of the things that sth is made from, giving the amount of each substance to use

6.[c]方程式(按发动机大小等对赛车的分级)a class of racing car, based on engine size, etc.

7.[c](特定场合的)惯用词语,套话a fixed form of words used in a particular situation


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丙炔醇分子式(Formula):C3H4O分子量(Molecular Weight): 56 CAS No.: 107-19-7 无色透明液体,有香叶气味,久置尤其 …


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所谓方程式(FORMULA),代表了方程式赛车的精髓专为挑战速度极限所设计出来的工程解决之道,更是一种高级的全球赛事和 …


碘化铷化学式(Formula): RblCAS NO:7790-29-6分子量:212.37熔点:1300℃沸点:642℃性质:白色粉末结晶,易溶于水。 …


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表 - 豆丁网... ... career n. 生涯,职业 formula n. 公式,程式;准则,方案 explore v. 勘探;探索…

The basic concept of semantics is a form of expression language (formula, the arrow out, etc. ) that the true concept. 语义的基本概念是一个形式语言的表达式(公式、矢列等等)的真性这一概念。
The official Communist source does not tell us exactly how opium, as an aphrodisiac or as part of a formula, was used in the Ming court. 当年的明朝宫廷,鸦片被作为春药或秘方使用的具体情况,中国官方对骸骨的化验并不能提供更多的信息。
The research and the simulation calculation demonstrate that this method can solve the interpolation of these unknown-formula curves. 通过理论研究和仿真试验表明,这种方法能够较好地完成这类曲线的插补。
Would every "economist who had a formula that could reliably forecast crises a week in advance" also make it publicly available in time? 试想,每个「拥有能提早一个礼拜准确地预测金融危机的公式的经济学家」都会愿意把消息赶在第一时间公布给大家使用吗?
Now they want to know the exact formula for how much a particular commodity affects the price of a good. 如今他们想知道衡量特定商品对某种货物价格有多大影响的确切方法。
Yi Min insisted once again to help him in the summer; it was certainly not a hypocritical polite formula. 伊敏再次提及暑假去帮他,一定不会是客气话。
British professor has developed a mathematical formula to help people find out exactly how much an hour of their time is worth. 英国的一位大学教授计算出了一个数学公式,帮助人们计算具体每个人的一个小时价值多少。
The comparison between the predictions and test results showed that the empirical formula could be used to predict the moment resistance. 预测与测试结果的比较表明经验公式可用于预测时刻抵抗。
Unfortunately I'm not prepared to think of something that would revolutionise Formula 1 to make it better. 不幸的是我不指望有什么能为f1带来场革命让他变的更好。
You want to be one of Formula One racing driver, feeling that the shocking strength and speed of it? 你想成为一名方程式赛车的赛车手,感受那令人震惊的力量和速度吗?
This unique formula with rich emollients also locks in moisture for a full 24 hours to leave skin softer and smoother all day long. 此独特的配方还蕴含丰富的润肤剂,能有效地锁住水分长达全天24小时。
That would be the basic formula i follow. when in my head punch lines read to go, you know, but also be able to say something spontaneously. 这就是我一贯的原则。还有,当我头脑中想一些连珠妙语的时候,我也会自然而然说一些东西出来。
If a formula refers to a range of cells, and you add cells to the bottom or right of that range, the references may no longer be correct. 如果公式引用一个单元格区域,而您向该区域的底部或右侧添加了单元格,则引用可能不再正确。
Such a substance's chemical formula describes the simplest ratio of the number of atoms of the constituent elements. See also stoichiometry. 这种离子化合物习惯上用表示各组成元素原子数最简比率的化学式即实验式来描述。
The results indicate that the calculated value of the empirical formula consists with that of the experimental data. 结果表明该公式估算值与实验测试值有着很好的一致性。
The formula of the gunpowder was first discovered by Taoist alchemists of ancient China when trying to make pills of immortality. 火药的配方最初是由中国古代炼丹家在炼制丹药的过程中发现的。
Whether or not infant formula with leptin should be classified as a food or medicine was a question that would have to be resolved, he said. 含有瘦素的婴儿配方归类于食品还是药品,是必须解决的问题,他说道。
There's a formula that everyone can use to determine how much a building sways. 这里可以给大家一个公式去测定建筑的摇摆度。
Mechanical model of an air-spring vibration isolator is studied. The calculation formula of its fundamental natural frequency is derived. 研究了空气弹簧隔振器的力学模型,导出了固有频率的计算公式。
Distinguishing the early stage of a wave from that of a ripple is very hard. There is no magic formula to doing this right. 正确区分早期海浪和早期微波很困难,没有什么灵丹妙药。
The molecular formula, C6H14, shows nothing but the total number of carbon and hydrogen atoms and hence is seldom used. 分子式C6H14,只不过表示碳和氢原子的数目,因此很少使用。
Since the piece of chalk was a cylinder we decided to measure it and use the formula for the volume of a cylinder. 由于粉笔是一个圆柱体,我们决定测量它,然后利用圆柱体体积公式进行计算。
Formula-determined block grants to states are, at least, designed to leave important decisions to local authorities. 利用公式为各州政府配置资金的方法至少本意是为了留给地方政府采取重大决策的权力。
Close to the beginning of a project, expertise-based techniques usually beat formula-based models. 在项目开始阶段,基于专家经验的技术通常比使用公式的技术要好。
A year later, the two took control of Commercial Credit, the moribund financial arm of a computer company, and put the same formula to work. 一年后,两人控股了一家电脑公司旗下濒临破产的财务子公司CommercialCredit,并采用同样的模式运作。
What I produced there at the final term as a formula, can be taken as a pause, a chapter heading or conclusion as you wish. 我在那里所介绍的,最后作为公式的术语,可以被用来当著是一个停顿,一个章节,开头或是结论,悉听尊便。
In a very short space of time you have become regarded as a bit of a 'character' in the Formula One paddock. 在很短的一段时间内,你在F1维修区中被认为很有个性。
A modern Formula One car has almost as much in common with a jet fighter as it does with an ordinary road car. 现代一级方程式赛车几乎一样在同一个喷射战斗机,它与普通公路用车。
As you try to find the formula for your best possible races, you may be neglecting one key ingredient: an adequate warmup. 当你在为最佳比赛寻找公式的时候,也许忽略了一个关键因素:充分热身。
Another piece of feedback we heard from users about the formula bar was that the name box was not big enough to display long range names. 还有一个关于编辑栏的反馈信息。原有的名称框太小,不够用来显示长名称。