
美 [mɪn]英 [mɪn]
  • abbr.(=minute)分;分钟(=minimum)最小;最少
  • n.闽方言;福建话
  • 网络片长;最小值;最小(minimum)





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70 min: Welbeck, buoyed by his fine goal, storms past two and into the box before Dawson puts the ball out for a throw-in. 第70分钟:维尔贝克的进球撑起了他的自信,这倒黑色的闪电在被道森把球破坏出边线之前漂亮的过掉了两名热刺队员。
Zhu Min, Executive Vice President of the Bank of China, said the infrastructure construction plan can support next year's growth. 中国银行副行长朱民表示,架构重建计划有助于明年的经济增长。
Our mini bus will pick you up in the hotel and take you to the marina (a journey about 20 min. south of Hua Hin). 我们的汽车将在酒店接你,然后载你到码头(华欣的南部,大约20分钟的行程)。
Jessica now came quickly into sight from around the chook shed. This was the final run for MIn Min as she headed now for the main gate. 杰西卡快速地从鸡棚附近跑来了,这是敏敏的最后冲刺,它要冲到大门了。
I made Min Gi Seo with my thinking and my heart, but a character is just a character, it's not me. 我用我的思想和灵魂去塑造闵基书,但角色就是角色,不会是我本人。
Gu Xiaobai is ready to go Mo Xiao Min time, accidentally found Mo Xiao Min in and her former boyfriend. 顾小白正准备去找莫小闵的时候,却意外地发现莫小闵在和她的前男友见面。
The hotel staff tells you its a less than 5 mins walk from the MTR but be ready for at least a 10 min walk through a not so good lane. 酒店工作人员告诉你从“地下铁茶餐厅”步行至这里不到5分钟,但是请你做好心理准备,抄小巷也至少要10分钟。
Yun-Min good at study and sum up the management ladder, and the company is the "best manager" honorary title of one of the winners. 韫敏善于学习和总结,管理水平不断提升,是公司“最佳经理人”荣誉称号的获得者之一。
Yi Min insisted once again to help him in the summer; it was certainly not a hypocritical polite formula. 伊敏再次提及暑假去帮他,一定不会是客气话。
Disciple Min Rong Rong suggested my Bodhi Vows; she said that when she first read it she was shaken by the great vows. 弟子闵蓉蓉提议写我的愿文,她说当她第一次读到这麽伟大的愿文时感到很震撼。
When asked what attracted her to Min Ho, she said there are too many and could not list out. 谈到李民浩的优点,她笑说,实在太多了,无法列出来。
Janice Min, the editor-in-chief of Us Weekly, reckons the content of her magazine and its associated website overlap by no more than 15%. 《美国周刊》总编辑JaniceMin估计,其杂志与相关网站重复的内容不足15%。
"He said he would come back with big money, " said Jo Yon Rip, 64, about her twin brother, Jo Gun Min, who disappeared in 1968. 赵延立(音)的孪生兄弟赵勤民(音)1968年失踪了。过了日子,军方送来通知说,他已在某地“阵亡”。
Mr Min said the Rothschild name, with a 250-year banking history, and its cautious banking approach had appealed to Bank of China. 朱民表示,吸引中行的是具有250年银行业历史的洛希尔家族的声名,及其审慎的银行业策略。
The North Korean staff is often threatened; South Korean police uncovered a plot to kill Radio Free NK's manager, Kim Seong-min. 这个电台的工作人员经常受到威胁,韩国警方曾破获一个阴谋暗杀自由北韩电台台长金成民(KimSeong-min)的计划。
What will be the min qty per print ? How much will all around print cost extra ? 每种印刷的起订量是多少的?每种印刷费大概多少?
He kid's heart not Min, be like a kid similar be full of curious, seem to be long not big forever. 他童心不泯,像孩子一样充满了好奇,似乎永远长不大。
I wish I could really go, like the last min said, has left me in the ends of the earth of the iceberg. 我但愿我真能去,像敏上次说的那样,在天涯海角里留下我的一角。
Oh Yoon-min, who runs a recycling company, said: "They are just trying to scare us but I do not care. " 经营着一家回收公司的OhYoon-min表示:“他们只是想吓唬吓唬我们,但我根本没当回事。”
jung min was so cute when he went up the stage alone and again teasing fans as if he's not aware of what he's doing to us. 朴马今天很可爱,他自己一次,一次独自走上台逗粉丝,就好像那是他的无意之举。
Ms. Liu Min devotes herself to the borderline culture and absorbs all lines and colors in her vision of life with all her sight and mind. 一头扎入边缘文化而不自拔,用目光、心智汲取生命视域里所有的线条和全部的色彩。
"If you're frail you ought to exercise. Just moping won't do any good, " Chueh-min raised his head and said harshly. “身体弱就应该多运动,单是忧愁也没有用处,”觉民抬起头不以为然地说。
Ou huai min: Arrow ou, my ghost will with you even after i am dead. You cannot get rid of me forever. Arrow ou, defend me out quickly. 欧怀民:欧雅若,我做鬼鬼魂都会缠着你的。你永远都摆脱不了我的,欧雅若,快把我保出去。
Amazingly, I find that in that short 10 min, we were able to convince the audience there was a special chemistry between us. 很出奇地,我发觉在那短短的十分钟,我们能够令观众认同我们之间有一种特殊的化学作用呢。
They mainly Shanghai Rental Group, and Shanghai China Star Group, and Shanghai Min her group, the Shanghai shoals made to the company. 它们主要是上海房地集团、上海中星集团、上海闵虹集团、上海滩涂造地公司。
Make sure that the wings or other parts of your ship do fall under the gear's Z min position ( contact with the ground ). 要确保翼或船的其他部分不要低于起落架的最小高度值Z(与地面接触)。
The heat circulation of a small oven is not as efficient, therefore the scones had to be turned after 6 to 7 min. 因为小烤箱热度不是很均匀,在6、7分钟左右便要拿出来前后换转一下。
Chuckling turned to shrieks as the hens flew up in the air to avoid Min MIn. 当母鸡飞向空中的时候,鸡群尖叫着奔跑着躲开了敏敏。
I got butterflies in my stomach . Now , I could have a good rest for 10 min . But anyhow, I'm not the last minute person. Believe it or not. 我填了点东西垫肚子。现在,我可以好好地睡10分钟了。但是不管怎样我不是最后一个睡觉的,信不信由你。
Shanghai Min'an Gold investment Co is one company that plans to hold on to its gold stocks in expectation of higher prices. 上海民安(音)黄金投资公司是这些众多投资公司中的一家,该公司打算继续扩大库存,期望金价继续走高。