
美 [mɪl]英 [mɪl]
  • n.磨坊;工厂;磨粉机;面粉厂
  • v.磨成粉
  • 网络穆勒;密尔;米尔

复数:mills 现在分词:milling 过去式:milled

steel mill,lumber mill,domestic mill
build mill,wheat mill


n. v.

2.工厂;制造厂a factory that produces a particular type of material

3.磨粉机;磨面机a small machine for crushing or grinding a solid substance into powder


go through the mill|put sb through the mill

(使)陷于困境;于某人为难to have or make sb have a difficult time


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... military a. 军事的;军人的 mill n. 磨坊;制造厂 millimetre n. 毫米 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... likeness n. 相似之处 mill n. 工厂 observable a. 看得到的, 觉察得到的 ...


英文影印“西学基本经典” ... 6.功利主义( Utilitarianism) 作 者:穆勒Mill) 7.伦理学原理( Principia Ethica) ...


且,当密尔(Mill)说法律强制能够具有有效性的惟一理由就在于用它来阻止一个人伤害另一个人时,他是不是真的犯了只讲“纯自然 …


l.米尔(Mill)征:嘱患者将肘伸直一腕部屈曲,同时将前臂旋前,如果肱骨外上髁部感到疼痛即为阳性,对诊断肱骨外髁炎(网 …


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... military a. 军事的;军人的 mill n. 磨坊;制造厂 millimetre n. 毫米 ...


机械专业英语词汇_百度文库 ... 螺钉 screw 铣削 mill 铣刀 milling cutter ...

From Saturday morning the rumour mill was working and Mark must have realised it was his last game. It was a terrible position to be in. 从周末早晨流言就在到处传播,休斯一定知道这就是他的最后一场球。他的处境一定很难。
Lots of things. She could say that this is a run-of-the-mill restaurant with mediocre food that she wouldn't even feed to her cat! 很多事情。她可以说这是一个平庸的餐厅,做的食物她不会用来喂猫!
Slater established his first mill in 1790 on the Blackstone River in Rhode Island. It was one of the first factories in the United States. 斯莱特于1790年,在罗德岛州的布拉克斯东河旁,创建了他的第一座工厂,这是美国境内最初的几间工厂之一。
The rush of the water, and the booming of the mill, bring a dreamy deafness, which seems to heighten the peacefulness of the scene. 水的急流声,磨坊的轰隆声,给人带来了一种迷迷茫茫的耳聋的感觉,更替这景色增加了恬静的气氛。
"Salt, " he said. "Salt is what I sell, and salt is what I want. " Then he began to turn the mill. “盐,”他说。“我是卖盐,盐就是我想要的。”然后,他开始转动磨盘。
But on his way to the mill Angel regretted his coldness. He wished he had been kinder to her and kissed her once at least. 但是在去往面粉厂的路上,安吉乐对自己的冷酷无情感到后悔。他真希望自己刚才能对她好一些,至少吻她一下。
As he was leaving for the flour-mill, she put up her mouth to be kissed. He ignored the invitation, and said goodbye coldly. 他要离开到面粉厂去的时候,她凑上她的唇,等他吻她。他对她的主动表示不加理睬,只是冷冷地说了声再见。
There are an old horse and a little horse on a farm. One day the old horse asks the little horse to send the wheat to the mill. 农场里有一只老马和一只小马,一天老马叫小马把麦子送到磨房。
Michael is no run-of-the-mill kind of guy. He is always happy and always has something positive to say. 迈克尔决非等闲之辈,他总是那么乐观,总能看到事物积极的一面。
On the next, there was an attack on a woolen mill employing many Chinese workers. 第二天,一家雇用大量华工的羊毛针织厂也遭到了围攻。
Yes, it was a run-of-the-mill dish you could find in any fine dining restaurant. No gourmet would be bowled over by it. 对,这只是很普通的菜,在任何美食餐厅都可以找到。它并没有超越其它美食。
He spent 10 years working in a paper mill in Melbourne. "I got sick of the rat race, " he said. "So I decided to come home. " 他在墨尔本的造纸厂工作了十年。“我厌倦那种没完没了的竞争,”他说。“所以我决定回家。”
At the time, Kimberly-Clark was a paper mill company that realized you could do more with wood pulp besides just make it into paper. 那时候,一家叫做Kimberly-Clark的造纸厂意识到木浆除了可以用来造纸之外还可以发挥更大的作用。
It is very interesting to see that the two men are working in the field and that the two women are grinding at the mill. 看见两个人在田里工作,以及两个女人在磨坊推磨,是十分有趣的。
Three years later, Mr. Cui and his wife left the steel mill and exhumed the collection; the Beijing troupe's survivors reassembled. 三年后,崔永平和他的妻子离开炼钢厂并挖出藏品;北京皮影剧团幸存下来的人重聚一堂。
One was the son of a schoolteacher, another the son of a textile-mill manager. A third pawned his wife's jewels to help raise money. 其中一个是老师的儿子,另一个是纺织厂经理的儿子,第三个是典当了他妻子的珠宝筹集到了钱。
The figures had been circulating previously on China's rumour mill, but the report by CCTV appeared to be an official confirmation. 这些巨额数字此前一直以小道传言流传于坊间,但中央电视台的这条报道似乎成为一种官方确认。
And the healthy stomach ought to be with respect to all food just as the mill with respect to all things which it is formed to grind. 健全的胃应当像磨子对待所有它天生要磨的东西一样对待所有食物。
I'm still in love with you. I spend each day here waiting for a miracle, but it's just you and me going through the mill. 我依然深爱着你。我每天都再等待奇迹的出现,但是只有你和我经历过的轨迹。
She was as healthy as iron. She had the appetite of a crocodile, the stomach of a cellar, and the digestion of a quartz-mill. 她像钢一样健康,像鳄鱼一样贪吃,胃口有地窖那么大,消化能力就像一座石英加工厂!
But mind what I say: you must not sell it for money, but demand for it the 'old hand mill which stands behind the door. 但是听好我说的:你不能收他们的钱,一定要他们用‘门后的手磨’交换。
Half a year after being laid off from the textile mill, she found a way out of her difficulties by opening a day nersery. 从纺织厂下岗半年后,她开了一家日托所,为自己找到了一条出路。
More salt came out of the mill, and soon the boat was full of it. 越来越多的盐磨出来的,很快填满了整船。
Mill is always ready to chime in with his opinion. 米尔老是要打断别人的谈话发表自己的看法。
JOHN STUART MILL argued in the 19th century that an individual should be free to do as he pleased, so long as he did not harm anyone else. 19世纪,约翰•斯图尔特•米尔辩论说,只要无害于他人,个人应该自由地做他想做的。
Going back in time, the British philosopher John Stuart Mill said he could read faster than he could turn pages. 以前,英国哲学家约翰斯图尔特米勒说,他可以读得比翻书还快。
Is the production of mobile shredders and fine mill, high-quality, low consumption, reliable, easy to operate, easy operation, widely used. 现生产流动式粉碎机和细粉碎机,高质量、消耗低、可靠性强、好操作、行动方便、使用广泛。
The mill duty latching connectors are are easy to wire with no need to field solder or to struggle with a crimp pin. 该厂责任闭锁连接器线很容易,无需现场焊接或作斗争,一卷曲针。
The aim of the assailant seemed to be to enter the mill, but that of the defenders to beat them off. 攻击者的目的似乎要冲进工厂,防御者的目的则是要把他们击退。
And that seems to produce for DARPA what many millions spent on more run-of-the-mill research projects has failed to generate. 并且那样看似将为DARPA产生花费于更多未经选拔研究项目的数百万美元尚未能产生的效益。