
美 [ʃut]英 [ʃuːt]
  • v.射击;拍摄;投篮;射门
  • n.拍摄;摄影;幼苗;嫩芽
  • int.做了蠢事或事情出了差错感到懊恼;(让某人把话说出来)说吧
  • 网络嫩枝;开枪;吃嫩芽

过去式:shot 第三人称单数:shoots 现在分词:shooting

shoot arrow,shoot film,shoot movie,shoot bird,rifle shoot



1.[i][t]开(枪或其他武器);射击;发射to fire a gun or other weapon; to fire sth from a weapon

2.[t]射杀;射伤to kill or wound a person or an animal with a bullet, etc.

3.[t][i]~ (sth)发射(子弹等)to fire bullets, etc.

体育运动for sport

4.[t][i]~ (sth)打猎;狩猎;打(猎物);猎杀to hunt and kill birds and animals with a gun as a sport

快速移动move quickly

5.[i][t](使朝某方向)冲,奔,扑,射,飞驰to move suddenly or quickly in one direction; to make sb/sth move in this way

疼痛of pain

6.[i]剧痛跳窜to move suddenly and quickly and be very sharp

朝向某人direct at sb

7.[t][nopass]突然把…投向to direct sth at sb suddenly or quickly


8.[i][t]拍摄;摄影to make a film/movie or photograph of sth

体育运动in sports

9.[i][t]射门;投篮to try to kick, hit or throw the ball into a goal or to score a point

10.[t](informal)~ sth(在整场比赛中)击出…杆to make a particular score in a complete round or competition

玩游戏play game

11.[t]~ sth玩,打(某种游戏)to play particular games


be/get shot of sb/sth

摆脱;处理to get rid of sb/sth so you no longer have the problems they cause

have shot your bolt

竭尽全力;倾其所有to have used all your power, money or supplies

be like shooting fish in a barrel

易如反掌;探囊取物;手到擒来used to emphasize how easy it is to do sth

shoot the breeze/bull

聊天;闲聊to have a conversation in an informal way

shoot from the hip

轻率应对;鲁莽行事;仓促反应to react quickly without thinking carefully first

shoot yourself in the foot

搬起石头砸自己的脚to do or say sth that will cause you a lot of trouble or harm, especially when you are trying to get an advantage for yourself

shoot it out (with sb)

开枪拼个你死我活;(和…)决一死战to fight against sb with guns, especially until one side is killed or defeated

shoot the messenger

拿报信人出气(而非责备问题的责任人)to blame the person who gives the news that sth bad has happened, instead of the person who is really responsible

shoot your mouth off (about sth)

吹嘘;大吹大擂to talk with too much pride about sth

shoot the rapids

急流划艇to go in a boat over part of a river where the water flows very fast


暗绿椎枝孢 in English,... ... 密点细枝象 cylindrocopturus adspersus 嫩枝 shoots 拟枝孢镰孢 fusarium sporotrichioides ...


《Friends》词... ... runs n. 跑, 赛跑, 奔跑, 运转, 趋向 shoots n. 射击, 发射, 摄影, 急流 rink n. 溜冰场, 冰球场, 室内溜冰场 ...







...。还有一个有趣的例子是,一本野生动物手册,「把猫熊吃嫩芽shoots)和树叶(leaves)」│「Panda eats shoots and lea…




行一至四中,每一行包含时期I至时期IV花苞之10 μg全部RNA;行五为花梗;行六为苗芽(shoots);行七为叶;及行八为根。以 …

The little prince also pulled up, with a certain sense of dejection, the last little shoots of the baobabs. 小王子还把剩下的最后几颗猴面包树苗全拔了。他有点忧伤。
Then, suddenly and with the faint click of a shutter sliding open, a golden-orange laser beam shoots into the sky from the open dome. 然后,随着屋门滑开时的微响,突然一束金桔色的激光从开放的圆顶屋射入天空。
There's nothing more frustrating than having the shutter snap shut just a few seconds before a choice streak shoots across the sky. 没有什么比在流星划过天空前几秒才按快门更令人失望的了。
Ben is crazy for football, he enjoys himself in the moment when he shoots a goal. 本热爱足球,他最大的快乐就是自己进球的那一刻。
Jane shoots down his request for her to marry him to accompany him on missionary work in India. 圣约翰发愿前往印度传教﹐希望简爱和他结婚﹐为的是添一帮手﹐有助于传教工作。
In the state of Song there was a farmer, he had a large area of young rice shoots in his fields, he felt they were not growing fast enough. 从前在宋国有一个农夫,他在田里种了一大片秧苗,他觉得这些小苗长得太慢了。
If loves you is wrong, I do not love rightly. If thought your crime, shoots me to be able to compare simply. 如果爱你是错,我不爱对。如果想你犯罪,枪毙我会比较干脆。
Their stance is that we are beginning to see some green shoots but nevertheless we have to be cautious. 他们的立场是:我们开始看到全球经济复苏的一些‘绿色嫩芽’,但我们仍须谨慎。
Chinese notebooks record the case of a scholar who was refused new off shoots from a plant and was sentenced to jail for stealing it. 中国古书中有一段记载说,一位学者因为朋友不愿把一种植物的新枝送给他,便实行偷窃,结果被捕入狱。
I would urge you to look up our Roots and Shoots programs for young people who have the same kind of passion as you. 我强烈建议像你一样对动物工作怀有热情的年轻人来加入我们的“根与成长”项目。
Her saucer eyes and short outfit make her a real charmer -- but the lightning bolts she shoots out simply aren't electrifying enough. 虽然她明目皓齿,一身短套装使她充满了魅力—但是她眼中放出的闪电威力还不够。
They water shoots up and can act as a drinking fountain, while making it easy to wash one's hair. 它们将水向上喷,而当你想洗头是会发现这很容易,因为它像一台自动饮水机工作。
The point is that his political opponents and many in the financial markets did not believe him and used "green shoots" as an ironic taunt. 关键是拉蒙特的政治对手以及金融市场中的许多人不相信他,并把“萌芽”当成了讽刺他的把柄。
And she shoots him a look: 'It's like a cartoon character, where her eyes bug out and her mouth turns down, ' says Mr. Breeland. “她瞪着眼、撇着嘴,看上去就像是一个卡通人物,”本说。
The active mouth boils, sending red lava over its sides, and once in a while shoots hot streams up to 100 metres into the air. 积极口,说到底,发送红色的熔岩在其两岸,一旦在一个芽,而热起来的溪流米至100米到空气中。
While two men hold the poor animal's feet, a third shoots an arrow made of bamboo right through the heart. 两名男子按住这可怜家伙的四肢,另有一人将一支竹箭直射入它的心脏。
You could pay for that new camera by doing a few photo shoots, or even by selling stock photography online. 你可以拍一些摄影作品来赚取钱买新相机,或者在网上卖摄影作品。
He said in a statement issued by his production company that it was one of his most grueling shoots ever. 他在他的制作公司发表的一个声明中说,这是一个他曾经经历的最辛苦的拍摄。
It was that impossible thing: happiness that does not wilt to reveal the thin shoots of some new desire rising from within it. 这正是那种可望而不可及的境界:这种幸福永不枯萎,而且再不会有新的欲望得陇望蜀般地从其中滋生出细芽。
He forbade her to do photo shoots or party with male friends, even though he had a stable of other top model girlfriends. 他不许她拍照,和其他男友一起参加聚会,尽管他本人有很多一流名模的女友。
Local adaptability, disease resistance, cold resistance, like a strong water, appropriate hedge frame the cultivation, shoots short clip. 风土适应性强,抗病性极强,较抗寒,喜肥水,宜篱架栽培,中短梢修剪。
There was no distinct difference on boll weight and lint percent between cotton leafy shoots retained and cotton leafy shoots removed. 棉花留叶枝的单铃重和衣分与不留叶枝均无显著性差异;
It has a great value for industrialized exploitation because of its choice shoots, cold resistance and shooting up in the autumn. 由于具有鲜笋品质优良、抗寒性强、秋季发笋等特点,开发价值较高。
Spring, which shoots out of ginkgo tree, very beautiful here, my mood can be relaxed, kind of tired of learning all of a sudden disappeared. 春天,这些银杏树吐出嫩芽,非常美丽,在这里,我的心情可以得到放松,学习的那种疲劳一下子消失了。
Some of nature's most complicated chemistry takes place in the shoots and leaves of the tiny, unassuming periwinkle plant. 微小的长春花属植物的根和叶子可产生一些大自然的最复杂的化学物质。
A narrow barrel with a razor-sharp edge (think of a very big apple corer) shoots down and pierces the undrilled layer of earth below. 一个带有锋利边缘的窄桶(就像一个非常大的苹果挖核器)像子弹一样射下,穿过下方尚未钻孔的土层。
A woman in Changchun is going to open a studio which will offer photo shoots for lesbians. 一名女子在长春设立了专给女同性恋者拍照的摄影棚,还未开业。
"How delicious the bamboo shoots are! " said the British lady. “竹笋多么好吃啊!”这位英国太太说。
He pulled each one of the shoots up a bit, so they looked a little higher. 他把每棵秧苗都往上拔了一小截,这样小苗看上去就比原来高了。
runs silently to the starboard deck enters his wife's cabin and shoots her through the head. 悄悄的跑到左舷,进到她妻子的舱里从头部将她开枪打死。