she is gone

  • 网络她走了;她缺席了;她随时都可能消失不见

she is goneshe is gone

she is gone


DVD-正版 disney迪士尼动漫神奇英语... ... 07 run away 逃跑 08 She is gone 她走了 09 thirsty 口渴的 ...


新概念... ... ►. The door is closed. 门是关着的。(状态) ►. She is gone. 她缺席了。(或者她死了。) ►. She has gone. 她 …


My Channel... ... she's the sweet child 她是甜蜜的孩子 she is gone 她随时都可能消失不见 she's waving hands 她在向我招手 ...


My Channel... ... she's nature sound 她就是天籁 she is gone 但她却突然不见了 love is a chorus 爱是我们的合唱 ...


The Girl With April In Her Eye_闺阁... ... Hi hi on and on she flies 她不停不停地飞.... She is gone 直到完全消失...... ...


英语时态用法 ... She has gone. 她已走了。 She is gone. 她缺席了或她死了。 The door has been closed. 门关上了。(动作) ...


每天说半小时英语口语022... ... 8. Dose it disappear? 它不见了吗? 1. She is gone. 她不见了。 2. She is lost. 她迷路了。 ...

Perhaps I had not noticed her enough when she was alive, but now that she is gone, I could feel her shadow left behind. 她在世的时候我对她的关注还远远不够,而如今她走了,但我感到她的音容犹存。
And just at the moment when someone at my side says: 'There, she is gone! ' 就在那时,有人在我旁边说:『她已远去了!』
Michael: A girl, a girl in white dress. She was waving for a lift. Right here, but she is gone now. 迈克尔:有个女孩,传白色连衣裙的,她招手拦车呢,但现在不见了。
She served a function (lover, friend), and now that she is gone, that function must be filled by another. 她之前担任情人或朋友的角色,如今她走了,该角色必须由另一个人补上。
When she is gone and not physically present, you can keep her in your heart by keeping a symbol of your partner with you. 当她离开或者不能在一起时,你可以通过随身带着她的象征符,而把她时刻放在心里。
Like most parents, I am dreading the day she is gone, when I'll lose my daily contact with her, and am hoping that she calls regularly. 像大多数父母,我害怕她离开家的日子里,我将不能每天接触她,而希望她能经常打电话。
She is gone, taking with her his last leaf. He is gone, picking up all the leaves from the fall. 她走了,带走了他心中最后一片叶子;他走了,拾起了一整个秋天的落叶。
While she is gone, the surgeon abandons his hopeless investigation and covers its subject with the patchwork counterpane. 她走了以后,外科医生就结束了他那没有希望的检查,拿那条打满了补钉的被单把尸体盖上。
Let none be encouraged in their loose practices from this dexterous lady's management, for she is gone to her place. 谁也不要因为听到这位太太很会处置,就更加胆大地去干那荒唐事,因为她已经去世了。
But she is gone, and pray God I may one day through his mercy rejoin her. 但是她走了,祈祷上帝慈悲,能让我有朝一日能再次与她相聚。