
美 [ˈseɪfli]英 ['seɪfli]
  • adv.安全地;稳妥地;妥善保管地;小心收藏地
  • 网络平安地;确实地;安然

safely ignore,safely arrive,safely predict


1.未受损伤(或损坏);未丢失without being harmed, damaged or lost

2.安全地;无危害地in a way that does not cause harm or that protects sb/sth from harm

3.不大可能出错地;有把握地without much possibility of being wrong

4.安稳地;安定地without any possibility of the situation changing

5.没问题地;毫无风险地without any problems being caused; with no risk


仁爱英语八年级下册单词_百度文库 ... noon 正午,中午 safely 安全地 top 顶部, (物体的)上面 ...


鲁教版五四制八年级上册英语单词_百度知道 ... peanut n. 花生 safely adv. 平安地 fishbone n. 鱼骨 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... questioningly questioninglyadv. 怀疑地 safely adv. 安全地, 确实地 coast n. 海岸, 滑坡v.沿海岸而行 ...


====极品女吊在宿舍。_定陶吧_百度贴吧 ... Safely 安然14 ...


英语词性转换 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... safety 安全 --- safely 安全的 sensibly 明显地 --- ...


引用 软件英语词汇 -... ... 1381. primary a. 原始的主要的 1382. safely ad. 安全地确实地 1383. habit n. 习惯 ...


《新目标英语》八年级词汇... ... run out of 用尽;缺乏 safely ad. 安全地,平安地;确切地,没错地 salesperson n. 销售人员; …


中英文对照 格林童话_怡心老者_新浪博客 ... return 回来 safely 安然地;平安地 trick 诡计 ...

The small boat arrives on dry land safely and the old man leaves. Because Love is so happy, she forgets to ask for his name. 小船安全地到达了陆地,老人独自走了。爱因为太高兴了,竟然忘了问老人的名字。
Method of use: when you log in, inputting: account password + + the name of the static dynamic password, you can safely into a game. 使用方法:当您登录时,只需输入:帐号名+静态密码+动态密码,即可安全进入游戏。
It might have been worse. At least you got home safely. 事情本来还会更糟。至少你安全到家了。
As soon as he was safely behind his bedroom door, George took the money from his pockets and counted it. 乔治安然回到宿舍关上门以后,就从口袋里掏出钱数了起来。
the only gesture he had made to the possibility of a journey was to shut his snowy owl , hedwig , safely in her cage. 他对这次旅行唯一做好的准备,就是把他那只白猫头鹰海德薇好好地关在了笼子里。
Safe Registry Cleaner has easy-to-use wizard window to guide you to scan and clean your Windows Registry safely. 23下载安全的注册表清理器具有易于使用的向导窗口,引导您扫描和清理Windows注册表安全。
The next task is to carry out a risk assessment to see if any of the most popular services can be justified and how they may be safely used. 下一步是进行风险评估,看看最流行的云服务是否能够合理使用,以及如何能够安全地使用。
Steadying himself with the Goat's horns, he safely reached the mouth of the well and made off as fast as he could. 稳稳抓住山羊角,安全地到达了井口并尽它所能匆匆的逃掉了。
She could play in it all by herself, and nobody would know she was there. She put the key safely in her pocket. 她就能一个人在里面玩儿,谁也不知道她在哪儿啦。她把钥匙小心地放进口袋里。
The Rat brought the boat alongside the bank, made her fast, helped the still awkward Mole safely ashore, and swung out the luncheon-basket. 河鼠把船划到岸边,靠稳了,把仍旧笨手笨脚的鼹鼠平安地扶上岸,然后扔出午餐篮子。
While my backpack and I are running around the world, my hard drive is still safely at home, turned off and under lock and key. 当我背着包满世界乱转的时候,我的硬盘还被锁在家里。
We are God's emissaries and messengers here for your awakening, and bound to see that you safely step upon the path to Ascension. 我们是上帝的使者和信使,为了你们的觉醒而在这里,有义务看着你们安全地踏上扬升之路。
The neighbors were relieved to see the children come out safely from the danger of the burning house. 邻居们看到孩子化险为夷,逃出着火的房子,都松了一口气。
Still, she said, the United States might consider "a final brief extension of the mission, if it allows the monitors to withdraw safely. " 但她又说,美国可能会考虑“最后一次短暂延长行动授权,如果那样可以使观察员安全撤离的话。”
Thanks to his assistance, we got out of the dark cave safely. 幸亏有他帮助,我们才安全地走出漆黑的山洞。
Good, let us try to slow us stretch the right leg to the sky, buttocks leg strength and his hands left the support of the ground safely. 好,让我们慢慢的试着将我们的右腿向天空舒展,臀部腿部用力,双手左脚稳稳的支撑地面。
Method can safely be called at any time, but its value is cached only if it is called from within a session. 方法,但是只有当从会话中调用它时,才缓存它的值。
Best Registry Cleaner has easy-to-use wizard window to guide you to scan and clean your Windows Registry safely. 57下载最好的注册表清理具有易于使用的向导窗口,引导您扫描和清理Windows注册表安全。
During about 2 hours' flight, I saw a film and had a delicious meal. Then the plane began to get lower and I got to Xi'an safely. 在飞机上我看了场电影,吃了一顿可口的饭。大约两小时后,飞机开始降落。我安全到达了西安;
Not only did I distrust him, I didn't know how much I could safely say. 我不但信不过他,而且也不知道该怎么说才稳当。
The door was instantly opened, and oh, how glad his sister was to see him safely resting on his soft pleasant bed! 门立即就打开了,哦,他的妹妹看到他安全的在他柔软的舒适的床上休息是如此的开心!
Despite all the medical advances which have been developed to enable babies to be born safely, early delivery is still a major problem. 尽管医疗技术水平不断提高以确保产儿安全出生,但早产依旧是一个严重的问题。
He pursued them, and passed safely; even by the way that he had not gone with his feet. 他追赶他们,走他所未走的道,坦然前行。
It had been agreed that they should all meet in the big barn as soon as Mr Jones was safely out of the way. 大家当时一致同意,在确保琼斯先生离开之后,在大谷仓集合。
Leave a big enough gap between you and the vehicle in front - big enough for you to stop safely if the vehicle suddenly slows down or stops. 应与前车保持足够行车距离,若前车突然慢驶或停下来时,本身的车辆也能安全停下。
probably you h*e gone to bed, probably you also resemble me the similar faltering asleep safely, but ask you to believe, I hope your ! 或许你已经睡觉了,或许你也像我一样无法安然入睡,但请你相信,我希望你快乐。我希望你爱你!
She took from the back of her head, where it had been safely tied, a small package, not larger than a silver dollar, sewed up in silk. 这个不如一个银元大的小包裹是用丝绸缝制的,被安全地捆扎在脑后的发髻里。
Most did not even realize there was a problem until after their flight landed safely and armed guards boarded the plane. 大多数乘客直到在飞机安全着陆后,看到有武装警卫登机出现,才察觉到了异样。
If such a system was being tested, it could be done more safely with the sub cruising on the surface, but with all hatches closed. 如果正在测试这样一种系统,则测试可在水面巡航的潜艇上更安全地做,但是所有舱门要关闭。
The jury is still out on whether Beijing will manage to produce air sufficiently breathable for runners safely to complete a marathon. 为了长跑运动员安全起见,陪审团仍然在研究北京空气是否适合马拉松长跑。