focus on

  • v.聚焦于;集中于
  • 网络关注;专注于;集中在

focus onfocus on

focus on


人教版_高中英语_必修1-选修10_单词表 - 豆丁网 ... focus n. 焦点;中心点 focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于 soil n. 土壤 ...


四级常用固定搭配 - 英语四六级 免费考研论坛 ... 120、find out 查明,发现 122、focus on (使)聚焦,(使)集中 123、frown upo…


1999年阅读真题精解_Yellow_新浪博客 ... 19. concern 与…有关 21. focus on 关注;集中 22. strategy 策略;方法 ...


国际商务英语教程_百度文库 ... (reproduction 再生产, (focus on 专注于, ( production 生产过程, ...


in2english - Community ... for sale 待售 focus on 集中在 for a change 为了换换花样 ...


新视野大学英语2短语 - 豆丁网 ... set the stage for 为….做好准备 53. focus on 聚焦于;集中(精力)于 54. sth 习惯于 55. ...


英语六级重点词汇_百度文库 ... draw one’s attention 吸引某人的注意 focus on 集中考试大论坛 in years to come 在未来的几年 …

Witnesses said the shooting focus on the back of the building, in addition to shot noise, at least two explosions heard a loud bang. 目击者说,枪击集中在大楼的后面,除了枪击声,至少还听到了两次爆炸的巨响。
Huntsman said the deal fell short by not moving toward "a real focus on entitlement reform" and a balanced budget amendment. 洪博培表示说各方谈判停滞不前是因为没有推进“真正聚焦在权益改革上的问题”以及一个平衡的预算修正案。
A Treasury official said the strategic economic dialogue would "focus on the long-term structural issues between our two countries" . 美国财政部一位官员表示,此次战略经济对话将“重点关注两国之间的长期结构性问题”。
God sees what has happened to us and knows how much we need to focus on Him today. 上帝知道发生在我们身上的一切事,也知道我们今日多麽需要定睛仰望他。
Apart from the bank tax, the general discussion of the world economy will focus on resolving global imbalances, and on currencies. 除了银行税,有关全球经济的一般性讨论还将集中在解决全球失衡及汇率问题上。
2. Focus on the pink "Fixation point" and let the "ball" on the left fall to the bottom of the screen a few times. 2。集中在粉红色的“固定点”,并且让“球”在对在底部的左边的屏幕几次。
Ian: Probably something with a focus on hospitality management. You seem like a. . . hospitable person. What was your GMAT score? 伊恩:大概是着重在接待管理的课程吧。你似乎是个……挺好客的人。你的GMAT考几分呢?
This visual effect is usually very subliminal; site visitors almost never focus on the left and right edges of a layout. 这种视觉效果通常是下意识的,网站访客几乎从来没注意过布局的左右两边。
If you focus on doing the best that you can and you stay true to yourself, then you'll accomplish far more than you think you can. 如果你集中精力于做到最好,并从自己实际出发,你所能完成的远比你想象中的多。
Of course, most folks, in a very optimistic fashion, when looking at such a distribution will focus on the Low Estimate. 当然,在看到这种分布时,大多数人都会乐观地集中于低估之上。
Why must the Indian culture always focus on how much others are getting and not on how much we are benefiting? “法迪亚”说,印度文化为什么必须总是关注其他人获利多少,而不是我们自己有多少收益?
Much time would be required if I were to go through all the proposals. I shall therefore focus on the three major areas mentioned earlier. 要讲解计划内的所有措施要用上不少的时间,所以我会就我刚才提及过的三方面为大家作一些介绍。
Life is way more enjoyable when you stop trying to be cool and simply focus on being yourself. 你停下脚步冷静一下,简单关注你自己,会发现生活是很有趣的。
To solve this problem, step back for a minute and focus on your employees instead of the tasks that they can't seem to remember to do. 想解决这个问题就要退一步想想,关注员工而不是那些员工不愿意做的任务。
It is possible to teach actual skills only if history is taught in depth, and that means a focus on a limited number of specialised topics. 只要历史教学有足够深度,实用技巧的传授也并非遥不可及。而这意味着可以仅聚焦于有限数量的特定话题。
Steve Jobs, the firm's iconic boss, is to quit the daily grind, at least for a while, to focus on his health. 公司的标志性老板,乔布斯,辞去了美日的工作,至少需要一段时间关注自己的健康。
I call it a "Zen run" because my goal is not to improve performance or burn a lot of calories, but to focus on being present as I run. 我称之为禅跑,因为我的目标不是提高我俄跑步能力或者燃烧更多的能量,而是关注我目前的跑步状态。
Following the treaty of Westphalia there was a focus on the question of state sovereignty, implying non-intervention, to secure peace. 根据威斯特伐利亚条约,人们关注国家主权问题,即为确保和平,不能干涉国家主权。
So as you focus on the breath, try to get past the idea that you're in one part of the head watching the breath in other parts of the body. 因此,随著你专注气,要试著克服你在头部某个位置看身内其它地方的气这个观念。
e. When something upsets you, attempt to block it out of your mind and instead focus on the good things in your life. 当有事令你心烦,试着从头脑里将它挡在外边,关注生活中好的方面。
Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund, said the company in 2009 will focus on new materials, new energy equipment and many other growth industries. 摩根士丹利华鑫基金表示,公司2009年将重点关注新材料、新能源设备等诸多成长性行业。
As you are prone to say, keep your cool, and do not let events weaken your resolve to maintain your focus on the end times. 正如你说的,保持冷静,不要让事件的发生削弱了你维护自己结束时间点的决心。
Mr. Jones urges the BOJ to keep its policy rate close to zero and 'focus on trying to stop deflation. ' 他督促日本央行将政策利率维持在接近零的水平,集中精力努力遏制通货紧缩。
So he thinks Mr Rajan is right to focus on politics but that they did not play out in quite the way he believes. 所以他认为,Rajan把焦点放在政策上是正确的,但是演化推进过程却并非Rajan所认为的那样。
In juggling multiple goals and increasing the likelihood of meeting them, it is often useful to first focus on the goals themselves. 在多重目标以及在增强实现多重目标可能性的游戏中,先着眼于目标本身往往是有效的。
How much does this information cause you to lose your focus on your own purpose? 这个信息从多大程度上使你们失去了对自己的目标的专注?
He said his opponents should focus on fighting him in elections. 并称,其对手应当将精力放在“选举上放手一搏”。
You want your fans to be behind the team but we also have to focus on the quality of our performance and accept the verdict of the crowd. 你希望你的球迷支持球队,但是我们也必须要专注于展示出我们的实力,接受球迷的各种反应。
He said, the focus on economic development, paying particular attention to human development, education reform has already started. 他说,在重视经济发展的同时特别重视人文发展,教育改革已全面启动。
So today was the first day of 2008, and also the end of my Non-digital-period, which i decided on to be able to focus on studying anatomy. 因此,今天是2008年的第一天,同时也是我结束数据工作的时刻,我可以下定决心专注地学习解剖了。