the second time

  • 网络第二次;少女情怀总是诗;再次参选

the second timethe second time

the second time


360教育网--最大的免费教育资源网 ... Wangfujing Da Jie 王府井大街 the second time 第二次 in informal meetings 非正式会议 …


少女情怀总是诗(The Second Time)by 志伟 管 2,090 views 11:50 那些年-- 钢琴版(閞心学钢琴Vol. 3)免费琴谱下载by sueysky …


双语阅读... ... The second time,it's harder 再次参选,难度更大 This is not politics as usual 这不是和以往一样的政治 ...


Trans... ... 哈!~ ha 第二次姐 the second time 唔好讲到我成日路过咁 = =" it’s not good to say I’m passing by all the time. ...


初中英语... ... a second time 下一次看是第二次并要下一次去看 the second time 这次是看的第二次 1,problem 是单数所以用三 …


赖昱昇的学习历程档案 -... ... This... 这是... The second time 第二次了 You've warned me of danger 你总是警告我有危险 ...

went to see a basketball match yesterday. This was the second time I watched basketball match during my lifetime. 昨天去看了场篮球赛.这是我有生以来,第二次看篮球赛
After he escaped and was caught for the second time, the warden and guards were determined not to let Luke make fools of them a third time. 他第二次越狱,被抓住以后,监狱长和守卫都觉得再也不能被卢克愚弄了。
I cannot say, and truly do not know. For the second time my feet take me toward a tent. 我无法分辨,我真的不知道。我的双腿再次把我带向一个帐棚。
The second time around, I think, you know, I enjoyed them just as much as a teenager. . . -Mm-hmm. 在第二次的时候,我想,你知道,我就象一个孩子似的非常的喜欢它们···-嗯。
It was the second time I met her, though we did not talk the first time. Now she was my "object of service" . 这是我第二次与她碰面,第一次我并没有和她交流过,而这次她却成为我服务的对象。
It was the second time he had been out with her. 这是他第二次和她一道出去。
It seem to work out fine for her the second time round. 对她来说似乎第二次婚姻也过得蛮滋润的
It was the second time in less than a week that Bank of East Asia has had to fend off negative publicity. 这是该行在不到一周内第二次必须应对负面消息。
The problem I haven't thought about that, just wanted to leave a man. A few days after we met, we met for the second time. 这个问题我根本没想过,只是自私的心里想留下一个依靠的人。几天后我们见面了,我们第二次见面。
So I came to look. Got a bit of a shock at the old offices, but when I came back the second time I thought, yes. 于是我来看了一下,被旧办公室吓了一跳。但第二次来了,我想–这就对了。
By men seems to love her no matter what, "I love you" as long as these three words have said, do not want to repeat the second time. 由男人看来,不管如何地爱她,“我爱你”这三个字只要讲过,就不想再说第二次。
for the second time in a year on domestic flights to help air carriers cope with the impact of soaring oil prices. 为了缓解油价上涨对航空公司造成的压力,中国将再度上调国内航线的燃油附加费。
As he got up the second time, he said to the person at the end of the line: "That does it! " 当他再次爬起来的时候,他对排在队伍最后面的那个人说;
For the second time in her life, he cupped her face in his hands. "Isabel, " he said hoarsely . "Is it too late for us? " 在她生命里的第二次,他用手捧起她的脸:“伊莎贝尔,”他沙哑地问,“我们之间是不是太晚了?”
There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening. 有人敲门,这是当天晚上第二次有人打扰我了。
Then Checa almost took me out a couple of times and the second time I had to run wide and West and a couple of others came through. 然后切卡差不多了,我出了几次和我第二次到了经营范围和西方夫妇别人来通过。
It was the second time that the K21 had been sunk since the vehicle entered service last November after 10 years of development. 自车辆经过10年的发展,自去年11月投入服务以来,这已经是K21的第二次沉没。
Pottery is usually fired twice , but he began applying red coloring after the second time, then firing it again . 陶器一般烧两次,但是,伊穆·萨埃姆在涂上红色后还要再烧一次。
If the concerts are called off, it would be the second time China has put the kibosh on the band's attempt to serenade its fans in Shanghai. 如果SMAP演出取消,则将是中国第二次阻止它在上海向粉丝献歌的尝试。
STEVE EMBER: When Betty Friedan became pregnant for the second time, she was dismissed from her job at the newspaper. 当贝蒂·弗莱顿怀上第二个孩子的时候,她被报社解雇了。
He changed his mind for the second time, after which I refused ever to go out with him again. 他第二次变卦,以后我再也不跟他出去了。
The second time I do not know, may be the time to keep up with a visa are separated by only a month. 第二次我不知道,可能是跟上一次签证的时间只隔了一个月。
It moved to tvOne in February, the second time it has switched channels, after its previous broadcasters found it a bit too hot to handle. 二月份这个节目转到tvOne电视台播放,这已是第二次更换播放频道了,前一个电视台认为这个节目太火以至于难以掌控。
But if it was the second time, he would knock me with a chopstick to "help" me memorize the lesson for not doing it again. 如果犯了同样的错误,爸爸就会用筷子敲我的手,“帮助”我加深印象,牢牢记住以后不要再犯类似的错误。
The first time the Orc put his hands up like a megaphone and said, "My life for the Horde" , and the second time something else. 第一次兽人会伸出双手,拢成喇叭状并高呼“为部落献身”,第二次就会做其他动作。
It was the second time that he had been out with her alone. 这是他第二次单独跟她外出。
I don't have the heart to tell the conference now. It's the second time I've done this. How can I save face? I feel terrible. 现在,我没有勇气告诉上海方面。这可是第二回了。我怎么才能挽回面子呢?我觉得糟透了。
Monday's actions marked at least the second time that the North had allowed South Koreans to return home since the border's closing. 周一的举措至少意味着自从朝韩边境关闭以来,朝鲜第二次允许韩国人回国。
It was the second time that I had been hurt by his words. 这是我第二次被他的话所伤。
For the second time in less than two years, China will once-again open itself up to the world in a major way. 中国两年内获得第二次机会,再次将自己呈现在世人的面前。