the king

  • 网络国王;上帝的私生子;王者

the kingthe king

the king


上百部BBC经典纪录片在线 ... 第七集:亡命之徒 The Outlaw 第八集:国王 The King 第一集:巴赫 Bach ...


上帝的私生子THE KING)-观后感2006.05.24重重提起却轻轻放下的达文西密码<2006.05.26> → Google搜寻 站内文 …


...王者(the king)...他是孤傲的王者,浑身上下透着霸气。评论|评论| 英语单词:网站 英语单词:软件下载 英语单词:快速


在前面的案例里,我对我妻子忠贞是因为:我是君王the king)!而且你能知道尼古拉和斯多嘎主义者接受(丈夫必须对妻子 …


#1 | 国王号The King) - 2011年波城国际季军 FR09-45862 由Hoflack Serge (霍夫拉克 塞格) 作育 由Hoflack Serge (霍 …


柯蒂·斯密特-麦菲_百度百科 ... 末日危途 The Road 电视国王 The King 我的父亲,罗穆卢斯 Raimond ...


大王The King)遂走马上任,以球员兼教练为母会效命!与爱华顿名教练侯活简度( Howard Kendall)斗扭六壬。

The king had his subjects eating out of his hands. 国王让他的臣民听任摆布。
That is, at least a third of the king kong turn not destroy body in the defense, comparable to that of the fairy product! ! ! ! ! 也就是说,至少第三转的金刚不灭体在防御上,不下于中品仙器!
The king was so much under the control of his wife that she was the virtual. 国王完全受妻子的控制,以至于她是这个国家的实际统治者。
His mother came to him and wept bitterly, trying to persuade the king to fight. 他的母亲来到他身边,悲哀地哭着,试图说服国王去战斗。
The oldest of them all said that only one maiden would be able to pick the fruit and that she would become the bride of the king's son. 其中一位年纪最大的老智者说,只有一个姑娘才能把这些石榴果摘下来,而这个姑娘将会成为王子的新娘。
The lost toy is a great matter to the child, but in the king's eyes it is not a thing to break the heart about. 孩子丢了玩具,对于这个孩子来说是件大事,但是在国王的眼里这并不是什么值得伤心的事。
The king placed the maiden before him on his horse and rode away to his castle, the fawn following by their side. 国王把少女放在他的马的前面,然后骑着马回到了他的城堡,小鹿就跟在他们旁边。
But unlike China, Thailand and Malaysia still retained a King, though no one knows how much power the King has. 但是有点不同,泰国和马来西亚保存了国王,至于国王有多大权力,另说。
Zeus, the king of the gods, had a way of hiding things from his wife Hera. 宇斯是众神之王,他有办法对她太太希拉隐瞒事情。
If there's no meaning in it , ' said the King, ' that saves a world of trouble, you know, as we needy't try to find any. “如果诗里没有任何意义,”国王说,“那就免除了许多麻烦。你知道,我们并不要找出什么意义,而且我也不懂什么意义。”
"Let me run with you to the King, " said Goose Loose. “让我们和你一起去森林之王那儿吧!”鹅说。
Step aside! The king of the cookout is here. I'm ready to work my magic on this barbecue. 借过!国王的野餐来了。我要开始施展我的魔法了。
When the critic returned from prison , the king showed him some of his stories again and asked him what he thought of them . 当他走出牢房后,国王又拿一些他写的故事给他看并问他认为怎么样?。
Then one day when the king had ridden out hunting, she took the little shirts and went into the woods. The ball of yarn showed her the way. 一天,国王骑马狩猎去了,王后便带着这些小衬衫走进森林,用线团儿在前面给她引路。
And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice. 以色列王差人去窥探神人所告诉所警戒他去的地方,就防备未受其害,不止一两次。
When the old man heard the king's reply, he took his two sons to the royal elephant stables and selected twenty of the best elephants. 老人听到国王的答复后,就带着他的两个儿子赴了皇家象厩,挑选了二十头非常健壮的大象(elephant)。
She heard all this and could say nothing to the contrary, but the King would not believe it, for he loved her so much. 这些话她全听到了,却没法反驳。好在国王非常爱她,所以并不相信这些话。
If any of the peoples of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, they will have no rain. 地上万族中,凡不上耶路撒冷敬拜大君王万军之耶和华的,必无雨降在他们的地上。
The day was fine, the sun was bright and the roses were lovely. The king picked one of them, but it turned to gold in his hand. 这天天气晴朗,阳光明媚,玫瑰花香醉人。他摘了一朵,但花儿在他手里变成了金子。
said the king. "Take him away and keep him safe, until he feels inclined to tell the truth, even if he waits a hundred years. " 国王说,“把他带走,安全地看好他,直到他愿意说出真相为止,即使他要等上一百年。”
As soon as Hamlet came into her room, his mother began to scold him for what he had done to the king. 哈姆雷特一走进她的房间,他的母亲就为他对国王所做的事开始责骂他。
During all that time they referred to the troops as "ministerial, " as if the Crown's bureaucracy, not the king, waged the war. 之前的日子里,他们将英军称为“内阁军”,好象是英王的内阁而非是英王发动了这场战争。
The King's argument was, that anything that had a head could be beheaded, and that you weren't to talk nonsense. 国王的理由是:只要有头,就能砍,你刽子手执行就行了,少说废话。
At the end of the seven years she came back from the land of the Philistines and went to the king to beg for her house and land. 七年完了,那妇人从非利士地回来,就出去为自己的房屋田地哀告王。
In late 2001, CIA officials found a novel at an Arabic book store in London titled Zabibah and the King. 在2001年后期,中央情报局的工作人员在伦敦的一个阿拉伯语书店里发现了一本名叫《扎比芭与国王》的小说。
The king's daughter within [the palace] is all glorious: Her clothing is in wrought with gold. 王女在宫里极其荣华;他的衣服是用金线绣的。
You must try to cut off the king's escape route with your pieces or make the king's own pieces get in his way. 你必须努力用你的棋子切断敌王的退路,或者使对手的子挡住敌王的路。
Even without Hollywood's ultimate accolade, it is hard to fail to see that The King's Speech has built its own legend. 就算没有问鼎好莱坞大奖,也不难发现《国王的演讲》创造了它的传奇。
Zoo officials let the King Penguins waddle around once a week in a bid to ease homesickness and the stress of being in captivity. 园方每周会让国王企鹅在园内摇摇晃晃地散步一次,希望能纾解企鹅被圈养后的思乡之苦及压力。
It was an age of absolute monarchy; the King's absolute power is portrayed in the garden. 这是一个君主专制时代,国王的绝对权力是在花园里描绘。