
美 [strim]英 [striːm]
  • n.流;溪;小河;(液)流
  • v.流;流动;流出;飘扬
  • 网络溪流;小溪;数据流

复数:streams 现在分词:streaming 过去式:streamed

steady stream,constant stream,continuous stream,shallow stream


n. v.

1.小河;溪a small narrow river

2.~ (of sth)流;(液)流;(气)流a continuous flow of liquid or gas

3.~ (of sth/sb)(人)流;(车)流a continuous flow of people or vehicles

4.~ of sth一连串,接二连三,源源不断(的事情)a large number of things that happen one after the other

5.(将同龄学生按能力编在一起的)班,组a group of students of the same age and level of ability in some schools


be/come on stream

投产;投入使用to be in operation or available

流的概念(stream)的概念源于UNIX中管道(pipe)的概念。在UNIX中,管道是一条不间断的字节流,用来实现程序或进程间的 …


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... strawberry n. 草莓 stream n. 小河; 溪流 street n. 街,街道 ...

英语单词音标(小学) ... sun 太阳 stream ,溪 soil 土壤 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... strawberry n. 草莓 stream n. 小河; 溪流 street n. 街,街道 ...


科尼渔具 - 科尼渔具官方网站 ... BOAT ROD 船竿 STREAM 小溪 FLY ROD 飞蝇竿 ...


数据流Stream):提交到服务器的数据包参数以及HTTP头信息。 1.POST行为 2.GET行为 3.CACHE POST大家都很熟悉的 …


采用如下的串流stream), Modeler 会根据性别不同自动把一个 EXCEL 文件分成两份不同的 EXCEL 文件。在这里,我们采 …

The stream left behind it a crescent deep pool at each of its turning points. 溪水每到拐弯处都会留下一枚新月型的水潭。
On his way home, there is a stream. The water is still and clear. He stops to take a look at it. 在半路上有一条小溪,溪里的水平静无波、清澈见底,于是他停下来观赏。
The sound seemed to fill the house, and then she was moving, moving like water, like the cold rushing of a mountain stream. 这声响声音似乎弥漫了整个屋子。她开始动了,她像水,像一股冰冷湍急的山间溪水一样活动。
whose voices came into my ears , as if the whimpers of stream in my dream. 我听到传来的谁的声音,象那梦里呜咽中的小河;
The DITA content -- now in normalized SGML form -- is inserted with a slight bit of modification into the original output stream. 变成规范化SGML形式的DITA内容被稍加修改插入到原来的输出流中。
Bed grain for face showing somewhat rosy color, look much better, only her eyes suddenly shed a tear, who tears? And for whom the stream? 床上的素玖玖脸上显出几分红润之色,气色好了许多,只是她的眼角突然流出一滴泪,那是谁的泪呢?又为谁流的呢?
Nor do they include the cost of the environmental damage that occurs when a business dumps toxic wastes into a stream. 损益表中也没有包含商业活动中向河流中随意倾倒垃圾所造成的环境损害的成本。
Americans had been able to pay $9. 99 a month for DVDs through the post as well as the right to stream some films and programmes. 在这之前,美国人每个月只需支付9.99美元,就能享受邮递租借DVD光碟和网络观赏一些流媒体电影、电视节目的服务。
as israel pulls more of its troops out of southern lebanon , refugees continue to stream home to see what ' s left. 随着更多以军士兵从黎南部撤离,难民继续川流不息地返回家乡查看情况。
Simply pick up the volume on their hands Kujiao I walked up and down in a stream, flow through the father's toes, He He. 就索性卷裤角用手抱起我在小溪里走来走去,水流穿过爸爸的脚趾头,呵呵。
Reset the stream to the most recent mark, or to the beginning if it has never been marked. 将流重置至最新的标记位置,如果从未被标记,重置至开头。
This method is often used to change the aspect ratio of a video stream. 此方法通常用于更改视频流的高宽比。
Of your thoughts like a curl of mist hanging by a thread, and for your blessing is the babble of the stream with whole life! 对你的思念象袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福是潺潺的小溪伴随一生一世!
It was not through the cities that this main stream flowed, but through innumerable little country towns and villages. 这一主流还不在城市,而是在乡村,在不计其数的村镇中。
A leaf full of fish is all that was caught by a half day of emptying out a local stream. 叶子上满是小鱼,这些鱼是用半天时间从当地的小溪里打捞出来的。
He took the shivering little animal in his arms, and waded again through the stream. Soon he overtook the slow oxen. 他用胳膊抱着直哆嗦的小狗,又游了回来。很快他就赶上了慢慢行进的牛车。
I moved forward to such a dream, such a move are the details of their own, For the tears stream overflow the threshold of the heart. 我感动着这样的梦想,感到有这样一个打动自己的细节,欲流的泪水溢满了心情的门槛。
The dog came to a stream. There was a narrow bridge across it. The dog walked on to the bridge, and looked into the water. 这只狗来到一条溪流边。有一座窄窄的桥跨在上面。这只狗走到桥上,望水里面看。
A non-swimmer trying to cross a stream that on average is three feet deep might drown because part of the stream is seven feet in depth. 一个不会游泳的人在横越一条平均水深3英尺的河流时有可能被淹死,因为这条河流中有的地方水深达7英尺。
A river carried down in its stream two Pots, one made of earthenware and the other of brass. 河里顺流而下飘着两只罐子,一只是陶质的,另一只是铜质的。
Androgens travel around the body in the blood stream, and a key way of treating hirsutism is to reduce the level of these androgens. 雄性激素循环于血液系统,治疗多毛症关键在于降低这些雄性激素的水平。
After a few days of his mother's death, it rained a great deal and the stream swelled. 青蛙妈妈去世后不久,一场大雨袭来,小溪水位也高了很多。
The little stream had never heard of such a thing . "Give up what I am now and disappear into the breeze? " 小河流从来不知道有这样的事情,放弃我现在的样子,然后消失在微风中?
Wheat straw had an idea, said: "The Let me lying on the stream, you can be the same as the bridge from me to go in the past. " 麦草灵机一动,说:“让我横躺在小溪上,你们可以像过桥一样从我身上走过去。”
At the foot of the garden was a broad stream. Here, under the muddy banks lived the old toad with her son. 花园底下有一条宽宽的小溪,癞蛤蟆和她儿子就住泥泞的岸边。
Never before had the world seen such a movement. It was a never-ending stream. Towns grew and villages sprang up almost overnight. 这个世界从未见过这样川流不息的迁徙,几乎一夜之间,城镇村镇如雨后春笋般的兴起。
Having learned the cause of his grief, Mercury plunged into the stream and brought up a golden axe, inquiring if he had lost it. 经了解了他悲痛的原因,Mercury陷入流,带来了一个黄金斧头,问他是否已经失去了它。
Father bound the celery together with a rope and dipped it in the stream for a while before he took it to the market for sale. 父亲用绳子把芹菜扎在一起,放在河里浸了浸,然后拿到菜场去卖。
It seemed as if she would never stop pouring out the stream of venomous and biting words, but the scholar was too far away to hear them. 老妇人似乎还有许多刻毒的锐利的话,可是秀才走远开听不见了。
They have had a lineal descent through the ages, with the stream of the blood as well as a logical development. 它们一脉相承,贯通各线,即有其逻辑上的前因后果,亦有其血统上的来龙去脉。