
美 [skɑr]英 [skɑː(r)]
  • n.瘢痕;伤疤;伤痕;(精神上的)创伤
  • v.在…上结疤;给…留下瘢痕;给…留下精神创伤;损害…的外观
  • abbr.(=subcalibre aircraft rocket)机载次口径火箭
  • 网络疤痕;刀疤;南极研究科学委员会(Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research)

复数:scars 过去式:scarred 现在分词:scarring

leave scar,carry scar,bear scar


n. v.

1.伤疤;伤痕;瘢痕a mark that is left on the skin after a wound has healed

2.(精神上的)创伤;伤痕a permanent feeling of great sadness or mental pain that a person is left with after an unpleasant experience

3.有损外观(或公共形象)的地方;污点;煞风景之处something unpleasant or ugly that spoils the appearance or public image of sth


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 △ scar n 伤痕;疤痕 forehead n 前额;(任何事物的)前部 △ ...


常用临床医学英文术语 ... roseola 玫瑰疹 scar 伤疤 senile plaque 老人斑 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 △ scar n 伤痕;疤痕 forehead n 前额;(任何事物的)前部 △ ...


大战刀疤(Scar)跟财狼,或是与拉菲基(Rafiki)一起体验神秘的魔法 ! ( 由於原文的物品介绍不详细...所以偷懒的我还是得自己装 …


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... scandal/ 5skAndl/n. 丑事,丑闻;耻辱 scar/ ska:/n. 瘢痕 scent/ sent/n. 气味,香味;香水 ...

南极研究科学委员会(Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research)

曾任国际南极研究科学委员会(SCAR)冰川学常设工作组副主席、主席,国际雪冰科学委员会副主席,现任政府间气候变化专业 …


心灵用英语怎么说_百度知道 ... 美好的心灵 heart of gold (心灵上的)创伤 scar 【心】心灵感应 telesthesia ...

There was no scar contracture, joint stiffness and infection observed. The healed skin appeared almost normal color and good elasticity. 结果:创面无感染,全部愈合,无瘢痕挛缩和关节僵直,皮肤弹性好且色泽接近正常。
And then, out of nowhere, the pain in his scar peaked. As he clutched his forehead and closed his eyes, a voice screamed inside his head. 接着,伤疤的痛陡然加剧。他按住额头,双目紧闭,似乎听到脑中有个声音在尖叫。
Remember: when you hurt someone's feelings, no matter what you do to make up for it, there will always be a scar in their heart. 每当你伤害到他们,无论你做什么事去弥补你所做的伤害,他们的心中,永远都会留下一条深深的疤。
The only thing Harry liked about his own appearance was a very thin scar on his forehead that was shaped like a bolt of lightning. 哈利对自己的外表最喜欢的就是额头上那道像闪电似的淡淡的疤痕。
He thought that I come far to visit you, and perhaps I should not wear so flamboyance clothes but you shouldn't rip up my scar like this. 心想我大老远跑来探望,也许我不该穿的这么华丽,可是你也犯不着这样揭我的疮疤吧!
[The] purpose of [my] talk today really is is to sort of indelibly scar your minds with these charismatic and majestic creatures. 我今天的演讲实际上是想要用这些魅力十足而威严的生物在你们的脑海中留下一个永久的印记。
Scar physique, local infection of the lesions and body more serious diseases is not easy to implement grinding method. 瘢痕体质、局部有感染病灶的和身体有较严重疾病的人不易实施磨削术。
And at a street fair in Central America, we see that Sara has a small, pendant-shaped scar on her shoulder in the shape of a snake. 在中美洲的一条街道集市,莎拉在她的肩上有一道小的蛇形的伤疤。
The light showed a pale , square face with keen eyes, and a little white scar near his right eyebrow. 火光映照出一张苍白的国字脸和锐利的双眼,右边眉毛附近有一道白色的刀疤。
Something is a knot when you reserve it, a scar when it's opened. If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words. 有些事情,不谈是个结,谈开了是个疤。如果你不懂我的沉默,你也永远不会明白我说的话语。
Honey sorry I have been a little busy, about the scar, is just a birth mark. 亲爱的,抱歉我最近有点忙,关于那个伤疤,只是个胎记而已。
The advantage of this law is to be not hurt reach derma, do not leave scar, but the equipment condition of need is taller. 本法的优点是不伤及真皮,不留疤痕,但需要的设备条件较高。
She has a scar on her forehead. Her face is not round, but sort of egg-shaped, and she is about the height of this table. 额头上有个疤,脸不圆,是鹅蛋形的那种,她差不多跟这个桌子这么高。
Always like wandering in the crowd I don't like to speak, as if the heart has an indelible scar. 总喜欢在人群中徘徊的我却总不喜欢说话,仿佛心中有着抹不去的伤痕。
I guess with the arm you could say that since she stitched herself up she must have done a good job without scar, but what about the back. 我猜对于手臂,你可以说因为她缝合了,她自己必须做的非常好没有疤痕,但是背部呢?
Weather is hotter now, do not know to take mole scar to cicatrization to be affected to me, I now more and more regretted. 现在天气比较热,不知对我取痣创伤愈合有没有影响,我现在越来越后悔了。
Recovery from spinal cord injuries is often impossible because of the formation of scar tissue, which impedes the growth of new nerves. 脊椎损伤后复元通常是不可能的,因为伤疤的形成会阻碍新神经细胞的生长。
When you say things in angry, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. 这个几句话的意思是:当你气愤地说出什么话时,他们就会留下这样的一块疤痕。
The White House Medical Unit said the number of stitches used was high in order to reduce the size of any scar. 白宫医疗队称,要为奥巴马用较细的线缝合伤口,但是针数较多,以减小疤痕面积。
His throat has a huge and ugly scar on it, as if someone opened his neck when he was a child. 他的喉咙上有个很大很丑的伤疤,就像他小时候被人隔开了脖子。
A young man lifts his hand to his head, showing a zip-like scar running from the crown of his skull to his neck. 一个年轻人抬起他的手指向头部展示了一条由头顶到颈部像拉链一样的伤痕。
Remember if you do not get the Acne Make Scar Up done by an expert then your face can be completely ruined. 记住如果你不做出痤疮疤痕得到了专家所做然后你的脸,可完全丧失。
The only remaining sign of Sam's tumour is a scar on the right side of his head. 现在能证明山姆生过肿瘤的唯一标志是他右边脑袋上的一个疤痕。
The soldiers broke off their game. Scar rose to his feet, brow beetling. "What did you say, dwarf? Who do you think you are? " 士兵们停下了游戏。伤疤站起来,眉毛一挑。“你说了啥,侏儒?你以为你是谁?”
To prevent scar tissue from returning, your doctor may give you estrogen and place a balloon in your uterus for up to a week after surgery. 为了预防复发,医生能够会让你服雌激素,或术后一周在宫腔放气囊。
Walton underwent surgery to remove bone spurs, scar tissue and cartilage debris in his right ankle that bothered him for most of the season. 沃顿在手术中移除了困扰他多半个赛季的,右脚踝中的骨刺,疤痕组织和软骨碎片。
This is a powerful aspect known to cause sudden separations or breaks or to leave a permanent emotional scar with all that is said. 这个相位是很强的相位,可能导致突然的分离或者关系的中止亦或是在感情上留下刻苦铭心的伤痛。
Her hand was cold and there was a scar on her wrist, as if something had cut her skin a long time ago. 她的手腕上有一道疤,好像是很早以前被什么东西割破的。
Twenty years ago, the only removal option was dermabrasion , which would create a scar the size of the tattoo, he said. 他说,二十年前,去除刺青只能靠磨皮术,会留下和刺青一样大的疤痕。
As a reward, he took the scar from his face, as the medicine-woman had said. 作为回报的一种,他把星孩脸上的疤痕去除了,正如女巫医所说的那样。