
美 [ʃɑt]英 [ʃɒt]
  • n.铅球;射击;射门;投篮
  • adj.毁坏;杂色的;闪色的;破烂不堪
  • v.“shoot”的过去式和过去分词;装弹药;装沙子
  • 网络镜头;注射;子弹


give shot,get shot,take shot,say shot,hit shot
single shot,good shot,random shot


用枪炮with gun

1.[c]~ (at sb/sth)射击;开枪(或炮);枪(或炮)声the act of firing a gun; the sound this makes


5.[c](针对对手、多为一系列之一的)一席话,一击a remark or an action that is usually one of a series, and is aimed against sb/sth that you are arguing or competing with


6.[c][ususing](informal)~ (at sth/at doing sth)尝试;努力the act of trying to do or achieve sth

体育运动in sport

7.[c]击球;射门;投篮the action of hitting, kicking or throwing the ball in order to score a point or goal in a game


9.[c]照片a photograph

电影中的镜头scene in film/movie

10.[c](电影中的)镜头a scene in a film/movie that is filmed continuously by one camera


11.[c](informal)注射a small amount of a drug that is put into your body using a syringe


12.[c](informal)少量饮料;(尤指)少量烈酒a small amount of a drink, especially a strong alcoholic one

航天器of spacecraft

13.[c]发射an occasion when a spacecraft is sent into space

比赛中的马/狗horse/dog in race

14.[sing]有…获胜可能的马(或狗)a horse, dog, etc. that has the particular chance of winning a race that is mentioned


like a shot

立刻;飞快地;毫不犹豫very quickly and without hesitating

a shot across the/sbs bows

(若不改变就会有某种后果的)警告something that you say or do as a warning to sb about what might happen if they do not change, etc.

a shot in the arm

鼓舞的力量;令人振奋的事情;强心针something that gives sb/sth the help or encouragement they need


博丽灵梦_百度百科 ... (Sliding) 滑行』 (Shot射击』 (ARMORED) 铠甲,装甲』 ...


电影中镜头shot)是最小的单位,最大的单位就是该部电影;在这之间,也是导演最重视的单位则是场(scene)。 永远是先 …


跪求1000个最简单常用的英语单词_百度知道 ... 农业;耕种 farming 努力;尝试;射门 shot 女衬衫 blouse ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... sheet 塑胶片 shot 注射 shot cycle 射出循环 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... short wave n. 短波 shot n. 射击,开枪,开炮,射击声;子弹 should v. mod. 应当,应该,会 ...


NBA 2K11胯下运球等动作怎么做?_百度知道 ... PASS 传球 SHOT 投篮 PRO-HOP 跳步 靠打 ...


... shoot v. 射击;射死 shot n. (球赛中)击,射门,投篮;发射, n.尝试;努力;射击 show down . 减缓;减速 ...


shot 和shoot一样么??怎么用?_百度知道 ... vi. |评论 shot 开枪, 射击, 子弹, 炮弹 shoot 射击, 发射, 摄影, 急流 ...

Photo Tip: You may have to spend quite a while with your subjects, following alongside them, to get that perfect shot. 照片提示:您可能不得不要花相当长的一段时间,同你的拍摄主题在一起,跟随着他们,使拍摄变得更为完美。
It's just a little preview from his new movie, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, which he shot in China. 这么载歌载舞也是为了给他的新片《雪花与秘扇》造势,前不久他刚在中国完成了拍摄。
In the Las Vegas opener, he did not shy away from that shot early, hit a few, then got to the rim easily. 在拉斯维加斯夏季联赛揭幕战中,一开始他就果断出手,投中了几个,之后的也轻松命中。
Not only did he contest and block Williams' shot then save the ball from going out of bounds, he also perfectly timed when to leave Boozer. 他不仅仅去争抢,封盖威廉姆斯的投篮,挽救出界球,还能够很好的贴住布泽尔。
Remember the time when a "fan" came up to her then swore at her then shot her in the eye with ink? 记不记得曾经有一个“fan”走近她,接着大声骂她,并且向她的眼睛里喷射了墨水?
Just as the first ray of the rising sun shot like a golden arrow athwart this desolation we gained the further gateway of the outer wall. 当第一缕晨曦象箭似的射到这历史名城的废墟上时,我们已经走到了外城城门边。
If we guess at it like "a shot in the dark, " however, we would be extremely lucky to get the right answer. 然而,如果我们只是项在黑暗中射击一样瞎猜,我们还是有可能非常走运地猜到了正确答案。
All that fire shot so much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that the planet heated up like an oven and baked the dinos to death. 那场大火在大气里产生了特别多的二氧化碳以至于地球就像火炉一样,恐龙就这样被烘烤致死。
"Three deer is better than two, " he thought, as he prepared. Then he located the source of the sound and shot at a shadow in the grass. “三只鹿比两只还要好,”他一边准备一边想。他确定了声音的来源后,向草里那个黑影射了一箭。
"The United States Navy is ready, " Pug shot back. "I've been working like a bastard all day on a general operation order for convoy. " “美国海军已经准备好了。”帕格反击说。“我象孙子似的整天在起草一份护航总行动的训令。”
Their raft drawn into a fast stream and with ever increasing speed they are shot out of a volcano in southern Italy. 他们的筏子被吸入了急流之中,随着速度不断提升,他们从意大利南部的一个火山中射了出去。
Heading into the final shot, "I was much more nervous than I wanted to be, " he said. 他说,打到最后一枪时,“我自己也不想这么紧张。”
I tried again. "You don't seem to be very anxious for yourself, " I said. "You could have been shot. " 我再次努力道,“你似乎对自己并不是很焦虑,你当时可能会遭到枪击。”
Fortunately, 8 seconds is plenty of time for a shot like this, as long as you begin the exposure when the traffic is moving. 幸运的是,对于这张照片来说,8秒钟显得太充足了,只要你在车辆开始流动的同时按下快门进行曝光。
The in-form midfielder's shot did not lack power but it fizzled over the crossbar, albeit by no more than a few inches. 尽管这位状态正佳的中场球员的射门并不缺少力量,不过球却稍稍高出了横梁几英寸。
Drogba at Everton. It was a great goal. For me, it was the best. The shot, the curve that the ball makes, it was unbelievable. 德罗巴作客埃弗顿。这是个意义重大的进球。对我来说这是最好的。那个打门,足球所造出来的曲线,难以置信呢。
Comrade Mao Zedong's call for rectification is, of course, not a shot in the dark; it is precisely directed against our weaknesses. 毛泽东同志号召整风当然不是无的放矢,而正是针对着我们的弱点提出来的,是一针见血的指示。
The latter is probably due to the state of the code but the outside of the foot shot was annoying me a bit because of its regularity. 后者可能是由于代码的状态,但脚的镜头外是讨厌我,因为它的规律性位。
This was a matter of being in the right place at the right time for an unforgettable shot of a completely unique event. 在这个正确的地点,正确的时间里,我拍下了这令人难忘的唯一的瞬间。
And I'm going to finish up with a quote, maybe a little cheap shot, at the director of the NIH, who's a very charming man. 我将引用一段话来结束我的讲话,可能有点儿不上台面,是关于NIH(美国国家卫生研究院)的负责人,很有魅力的一个人。
It's just a one shot that I'll let you copy my homework but don't make it a habit. 就这一次我让你抄我的家庭作业,别以为还有下一次哦~!
Having impersonated a man of rectitude for so long, this was a procedure jerry could not face. He shot himself the same evening. 杰里扮演了正直的人那么久,这样的程序他无法面对。
In fact, it sounds as if he is being quite reasonable in offering you something else part time - which I suggest you take like a shot. 实际上,他给你提供了一些其它兼职工作,这听上去很通情达理,我建议你立即接受。
At one point on Wednesday, the radiation levels around the plant shot way up, and the workers were forced to get out of the area. 周三,厂区周围的辐射水平一度飙升,工人被迫退出该地区。
A television shot of a speaker that also shows the name of the hotel would be considered excellent publicity. 在映出会议发言人的电视画面上同时也显示出旅馆的名称,堪称是出色的宣传。
If she's REALLY attractive and you think you stand a chance, then it might be worth taking a shot. 如果她真的是魅力四射,你认为你是有机会的,那么就去尝试一下吧。
A Nato official said the translator gunned down the US soldiers before other soldiers shot him dead at an outpost in Wardak province. 一名北约官员称在瓦尔达克省前哨基地,这名译员在其他士兵开枪之前就击倒了这两名美国士兵。
'It looks like the perfect Christmas morning photo but the dad has just wandered into the shot, ' he said. “它看上去好像是完美的圣诞早晨相片,而爸爸刚好凑进快闪里。”他说。
And, the more times the ball goes through a given player to finish in a shot, the better that player performed. 而球经过某一球员之后射门的次数越多,这名球员的表现也就越好。
Along the border with Lebanon, several Palestinians were shot to death while trying to cross the Israeli boundary. 在黎以边界,有几名巴勒斯坦人在试图穿越以色列边境线的时候被开枪打死。