fall back

  • na.后退;下降;减少
  • 网络撤退;回落;退后

第三人称单数:falls back 现在分词:falling back 过去式:fell back 过去分词:fallen back

fall backfall back

fall back


大学英语四级常用词组 ... excuse oneself from 借口推托;婉言拒绝 fall back 后退,退却 fall off 下降,跌落,减少 ...


百度词典搜索_fall ... fall away1. 背弃:收回友谊或支持 fall back1. 退回;撤退 fall behind1. 落后:跟不上步伐;落后 ...


财务分析词汇中的英文对照,谢谢_百度知道 ... fair return 合理利润;合理收益 fall back 回落 false accounting 伪造帐目 ...


nobody's fool_百度百科 ... Try 试试看 Fall back 退后 Take a look at me 仔细看着我 ...


百度词典搜索_fall ... fall away1. 背弃:收回友谊或支持 fall back1. 退回;撤退 fall behind1. 落后:跟不上步伐;落后 ...


游戏快捷键 - Game 考研论坛 ... "Go,Go,Go!"“ 全队突击” "Fall Back"“ 全队后撤” "Stick Together, Team!"“ 全队密集攻击” ...


史诗战争4修改版小游戏,2214小游戏 ... ACHIEVEMENT - 成就 FALL BACK - 立即撤退(所有部队) RETREAT - 后撤(选中 …


中国语単语例文集11 « dream_nimin131... ... 盗窃 steal 倒退 fall back;go in reverse 稻子 unhulled rice ...

Plan to have at least one year's living expenses to fall back on or provided for by a second household income. 计划出至少一年的生活开支,或者要有第二份家庭收入来支付。
Certainly this makes it less likely that the U. S. could fall back into a recession soon, at least according to Goldman Sachs (GS). 这一变化肯定会使美国迅速陷入经济衰退的可能性降低,至少高盛投资公司(GoldmanSachs)是这么认为。
Know at least two or three languages, so if one dies off, you have another one to fall back on while you train for a new technology. 至少了解两到三种语言,所以,如果某种语言过时了,你在学习新技术的时候还可以依靠另一种语言。
Just did not expect, the food chain, eventually fall back to a human top of his head. 只是没想到,这条食物链最终回落到了人类自己的头上。
He had to have a fall-back stratagem; a second method of trying to ensure that the evidence of the Allied deception reached the Abwehr. 为确保把盟军施用疑兵计的证据送给“阿勃韦尔”,他还必须想一条退路,做好第二手准备。
Even if Samsung's smart-phone future is up in the air, the company can fall back on a hidden weapon: its semiconductor division. 三星智能手机的命运悬而未决,公司还有一个秘密武器可以依赖:半导体。
An order came for him to fall back and support our right. Instead, he moved forward and went over the hill to the left. 上级下达了命令,让他后退来支持其他部队的右翼,可是,他却往前进发,爬上了左面的山头。
Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together. 有时候,两个人要分开以后才会意识到,他们多想在一起。
Relatively cheap and easy to do, though it would require non-stop effort as the chemicals gradually fall back to Earth. 成本较低而且简便易行,但由于化学物质会逐渐落到地面,使用这种方法需要不断地向大气中喷洒硫化物。
When the big bills for his wife's hospital care came, he was glad he had money in the bank to fall back on. 当他收到妻子的一大笔住院费的帐单时,他因为银行里有一笔钱而感到欣慰。
Without that (this should be considered a configuration error), Kaazing will fall back to an advanced non-streaming implementation. 如果没有的话(这会被视为一个配置错误),Kaazing将会退回到一种高级的非流式的实现。
An order had come to him to fall back and support our right; and instead he fell forward and went over the hill to the left. 当时他接到的命令是撤退并支持右翼战场,然而他却全面进攻并攻占了左面的山头。
Now they have nothing to fall back on since they will be stripped of every single piece of stolen properties that do not belong to them. 现在他们已无所依靠,因为他们即将被剥夺他们偷窃而来的不属于他们的财产。
The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. 诸神处罚西西弗斯不停的将一块巨石推上山顶,而石头由于自身的重量又从山上滚下来
No matter how much we grow up, while at least one parent is alive there's always a sense of having someone to fall back on. 我们不管多大了,只要父母当中至少还有一个活着,就总感到可以有所依赖。
The EU was missing a common treasury, he noted, which could have served as a last resort to fall back on in the time of a debt crisis. 索罗斯指出,欧盟缺少一个统一的财政部。发生债务危机时,一个统一的财政部本可以成为最后一根救命稻草。
Even if Sallie's debt falls to junk levels and its access to capital markets is restricted, these will give it a cushion to fall back on. 即使Sallie的债务信用降到了最低等级,并被限制进入资本市场,这两大银行都将会给它一条后路。
No doubt something like this would make use of a SSD, but since nothing like that exists, I guess we can always fall back on these options. 毫无疑问,类似这种的东西会利用SSD,但是由于目前还没有像这样的东西存在,我猜我们会经常求助于这些选择。
In a production environment it would be anticipated that HTTPS streaming can be used as a worst-case scenario to fall back to. 在生产环境中,需要预先考虑到HTTPS流可以被用作最坏情况的场景下,以留有一步余地。
On most other questions I should have to fall back on the expert much earlier, and would be less able to test his pronouncements. 在别的大多数问题上,我只得更早地依赖专家的理论,而且更少有办法检验他的结论了。
Badly beaten , the enemy had to fall back in disorder . 敌军被打得一败涂地,乱成一团向后撤退。
The unemployed typically have few liquid assets to fall back on and little chance of a loan from the bank. 失业者通常拥有较少的流动性资产可以依赖,他们也几乎没有机会从银行得到贷款。
With no functioning law to fall back on, they knew also that the only way to get a power supply was to take matters into their own hands. 她们还知道,由于没有法律可以求助,恢复供电的唯一办法是依靠自己的力量去解决。
When British leaders fall back on the Commonwealth as a measure of influence, you know they are in retreat. 当英国领导人开始将英联邦作为影响力的衡量标准,很显然,它们正在撤退。
Once he made a promise of help, he would never fall back. 他一旦答应帮忙,便决不会食言。
This takes only a moment to fall back into a series of uncertain modulations of key as well as volume. 一会儿,音乐又回复到一系列不确定的转调中,音量也不确定起来。
As the heat diminishes, radioactive materials that have vaporized condense on the particles and fall back to Earth. 当核爆的热量减少,被蒸发放射性物质会浓缩到这些颗粒中,然后落到地面。
There are a many possible causes for waking up in the middle of the night and being unable to fall back to sleep. 有很多可能的因素,导致午夜惊醒,随后不能再次入睡。
The pilot would then experience about a minute and a half of zero-G before the spacecraft begins to fall back to Earth. 然后在返回地球之前,飞船将进行一分半钟的零重力飞行试验。
But I now know, if I don't, I fall back to the old trap and begin to waste time again. No end! 但我现在很清楚,如果不去做,我又会掉回那个老陷阱,然后又开始再次浪费时间,无尽无止!