federal funds rate

  • un.联邦资金利率
  • 网络联邦基金利率;美国联邦基金利率;联邦利率

federal funds ratefederal funds rate

federal funds rate


会计词汇E ... favourable balance of trade 贸易顺差 Federal funds rate 联邦基金利率 fee collection procedure 收费程序 ...


美国联邦基金利率Federal Funds Rate)是指美国同业拆借市场的利率,其最主要的隔夜拆借利率。这种利率的变动能够敏感 …


联邦资金利率Federal Funds Rate)是美国民间存款机构相互拆款(期间通常为隔夜)所收取的利率,该利率由双方根据联准 …


广州德银资产管理有限公司 - 金融小知识 ... 殖利率( YTM) 联邦利率( Federal Funds Rate) 选择权调整后信用利差( OAS) ...


我们当然不能以美国联储的基准利率(Federal Funds Rate)作为参考,因为该利率是银行间隔夜的拆借利率。假设投资者投资美 …


美国联储局联邦基金利率(federal funds rate)日本央行(BOJ) 日本央行贴现率(Discount Rate) 欧洲央行(ECB) 欧洲央行再融资利 …


美国联邦资金利率(federal funds rate),泛指一般美国商业银行隔夜拆款收取的利率标准。Eric Resongren指出,银行间借贷利 …

The reason was that the Fed would respond "aggressively" , by which he meant a cut in the federal funds rate of just one percentage point. 原因在于联储将会做出激进的反应,但他所谓的激进反应只不过是联邦基金利率会下调1个百分点。
It could cut its federal funds rate target from 1% to zero, though that would make it hard for some parts of the money market to function. 它可以将联邦基金利率从1%砍到0%,尽管这样可能导致金融市场的局部瘫痪。
Federal Reserve policymakers have decided for a second straight meeting to leave the federal funds rate at two percent. 美联储决策人已经决定连续召开两次会议让联邦基金率维持在2%。
The Federal Open Market Committee cut the federal funds rate by seventy-five basis points -- a week before it planned to meet. 联邦公开市场操作委员会在他们计划开会前,将联邦基金利率下调了75个基点。
In a series of successive hikes beginning in the second quarter, the U. S. federal funds rate should hit 2 percent by year-end, he said. 他预计,美国联邦储备理事会(美联储,FED)将自第二季开始连续加息,到年底联邦基金利率将达到2%。
The most obvious way for the Fed to help is to lower the federal funds rate target, which sets the cost of borrowing, from its level of 2%. 美联储救市最明显的方式是降低联邦基金的利率(该利率决定了借款成本),从2%的水平上。
The federal funds rate in the US is now 4. 75 per cent, with expectations of a cut of at least 25 basis points this week. 目前美国联邦基金利率为4.75%,预计本周可能下调至少25个基点。
Judging by the price of Fed fund futures, investors expect the federal funds rate to be as low as 2. 25% by the end of the year. 从联邦基金期货价格来看,投资者预计今年年底联邦基金利率会降低至2.
To fight slowing economic growth, the United States Federal Reserve cut its federal funds rate to one and one half percent. 为了应对放慢的经济增长,美联储将其联邦基金利率下降到1.
Typically, the rate for such debt would be about one-quarter percentage point over the federal-funds rate, which is currently 2%, he says. 他说,这类借款的利率通常比联邦基金利率高出约25个基点,目前的联邦基金利率是2%。
For starters, the Fed isn't expected to begin tightening monetary policy as it has in the past by raising the federal-funds rate. 首先,预计美联储不会像过去那样通过上调联邦基金利率来启动货币政策的收紧过程。
S. federal funds rate only impacts gold price in the long term and negligible in short term. 而美国联邦基金利率只在长期内对黄金价格有影响,在短期内影响甚微。
Paul Volcker dispelled that notion, breaking the back of inflation by pushing the federal funds rate up to 19 per cent in 1981. 1981年,保罗?沃尔克(PaulVolcker)将联邦基金利率提高至19%,遏制住了通胀,从而驱散了上述观念。
When the Fed reversed itself in mid-2004, raising the federal funds rate at last, the boom was bound to go bust. 在2004年上半年末,联邦储备银行开始施行相反的政策,提高了联邦基金利率,顿时颠覆了房地产业的繁荣景象。
Since inflation expectations have turned from negative to positive, the "real" Federal funds rate is now lower. 自从通胀预期由负转正之后,目前联邦基金实际利率现在更低了。
The quarter-point cuts in its federal funds rate and discount rate on December 11th were followed by a steep sell-off in the stockmarket. 12月11日,联邦融资利率和贴现率降低了0.25个百分点,随后出现了股票市场的激烈抛售。
But it's hard to believe that cutting the federal funds rate from 1 percent to nothing would have much positive effect on the economy. 但是,很难相信,将联邦基金利率从1%削减至零会对经济产生很大的积极影响。
Against that backdrop, the FOMC decided to lower the target for the federal funds rate 50 basis points, to 3 percent. 据此,FOMC决定降低联邦基金目标利率50个基点,至3%。
The U. S. effective federal funds rate charted over fifty years. 美国有效的联邦基金利率已经制定了50年了。
The Fed has already used its main tool to the limit, having pushed its target interest rate, the federal-funds rate, to near zero. 美联储已经将主要政策手段用到了极限,将联邦基金利率降到接近零的水平。
In normal times, GE, which has the highest debt rating, would have to pay the equivalent of the federal funds rate. 在正常情况下,信贷评级处于最高水平的通用电气仅需支付相当于联邦基金利率的利率。
On Tuesday the committee lowered its target for the federal funds rate to four and three-quarters percent. 美联储委员会于周二下调了联邦基金目标利率至4.
Although the federal funds rate target is far below the 5. 25% of last summer, mortgage rates are only a little lower (see chart 2). 尽管联邦基金利率目标已经远低于去年夏天的5.25%,按揭利率却依旧居高不下(见图2)。
On balance, most members agreed that the target for the federal funds rate should be lowered 25 basis points, to 2 percent. 最终,大多数成员同意将联邦基金目标利率下降25个基点,至2%。
To fight slowing economic growth, the United States Federal Reserve cut its federal funds rate to 1. 5%. 为了防止经济增长继续放缓,美联储将其联邦基金利率下调至1.5%,该利率指银行间的隔夜货款利率。
Zandi expects the Federal Reserve to slash the federal funds rate, currently at 3 percent, by another percentage point this year. 赞迪预计,美国联邦储备委员会会在今年大幅降低联邦基金利率,由目前的3个百分点,再降低一个百分点。
My research showed that a higher federal funds rate would have avoided much of the boom and bust. 我的研究显示,更高的联邦基金利率在很大程度上会避免住房按揭泡沫的虚高和破裂。
The US central bank set its target range for the federal funds rate to between zero to 0. 25%, citing deteriorating economic conditions. 基于目前的经济形式,美国中央银行调整联邦基金利率至目标区间0%~0.25%。
On most days, the actual federal funds rate has already been drifting well below the target. 多数时间,联邦基金实际利率已经明显低于目标水平。
The European Central Bank has set a higher short-term interest rate than the Fed's near-zero federal-funds rate. 欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)设定的短期利率已经高于美联储(Fed)接近于零的联邦基金利率。