
美 [frɪndʒ]英 [frɪndʒ]
  • n.外围;刘海儿;流苏;额前短垂发
  • adj.边缘的;附加的
  • v.形成…的边缘
  • 网络危机边缘;迷离档案;须边

复数:fringes 现在分词:fringing 过去式:fringed

southern fringe,northern fringe


n. v.

3.[c](沿…边缘的)一排(树木、房屋等)a narrow strip of trees, buildings, etc. along the edge of sth

4.[c](地区或群体的)边缘the outer edge of an area or a group

5.[sing](指群体、事情或活动)次要部分,外围groups of people, events and activities that are not part of the main group or activity


  《危机边缘》(fringe)和同属于fox电视网的热门电视剧《x档案》有些类似,参杂了《the twilight zone》的某些元素,甚至还 …


迷离档案Fringe)让我对于边缘科学有了兴趣;是生活大爆炸(The Big Bang Theory)让我发现其实科学家也有可爱的一 …


《Friends》词汇表B ... squeaks n. 尖叫声, 吱吱声, 机会v.发出尖叫声 fringe n. 边缘, 须边, 刘海 paste n. 糊, 面团, 黏土团 ...


服装外贸英语词汇大全_外贸术语_eBay外贸门户 ... frill,frills 褶边,绉边,[粤]荷叶边 fringe 流苏,毛边 front edge 前襟边 ...


有关服装面料的英文单词_百度知道 ... frill 绉边 fringe 繸流苏;须边 front view 正面 ...

2013年考研英语新增词汇_百度文库 ... fridge n. 电冰箱 fringe n. ,毛边,边缘 fume n. 浓烟 ...


英语词汇-物理词汇(1)-专业词汇-中国教育文摘 ... frictionless motion 无摩擦运动 fringe 条纹 fringe pattern 条纹图形 ...

Not so long ago, the industry wisdom on plug-ins was that they represented a fringe technology, too expensive for mass production. 不久前汽车产业还认为插电式混合动力车仅代表着一种边缘技术,对于量产而言则过于昂贵。
I'd expect to see a strong team sent out against Unirea. We can't afford to be complacent and field all the fringe players and kids. 我非常期望一支强大的球队面对乌尔济切尼,我们并不会因为周围是我们的球迷而得意。
Now, astronomers say they have found the first conclusive evidence for one of these elusive objects at the fringe of a distant galaxy. 现在天文学家们称,他们发现的第一个确凿的证据表明,有一个难以发现的中等质量黑洞位于遥远星系的边缘上。
Clearly, a large segment of his party's base is comfortable with views one might have thought were on the extreme fringe. 显然,他的政党基础中一大部分对被认为属于极端的观点并不感到难堪。
As a fringe benefit for the DPJ, which tends to back Japan's trade unions, it also wins the party friends in business. 日本民主党(趋于支持日本工会)这还赢得了商业上的党派友人。
A bit to his surprise, "radical" fringe stars like Arundhati Roy are prepared to support his demand for secession. 更有点令人惊讶的是,即使是“激进”分子中的“明星人物”如的阿伦达哈蒂·罗伊(ArundhatiRoy)也准备要支持他的分裂要求。
They would be much cooler than her in her to kar, with its heavy fringe of baby pearls. 比起浑身裹着坠着小珍珠穗托卡的她来说,她们要凉快多了。
Rural-urban fringe was a weak area, which had lots of land utilization problems. Land managers were obsessed at all times. 城乡结合部作为城市与农村的过渡地带,其土地利用十分混乱,因而在利用中存在诸多问题,一直困扰着土地管理者。
Its outer fringe is all that we shall see. 它的外部边缘是我们将看到的全部。
Your correspondent had only touched upon the fringe of the matter. 你的报导只谈到了问题的边缘。
His skin was curiously and unpleasantly swarthy, and save for a fringe of thin black hair at either side, his head was completely bald. 他的皮肤是种奇怪的难看的黑色,头上除了边缘两侧几根黑发外,几乎就是秃头了。
Kaka seems to be on the fringe of a Madrid Squad which already has a midfielder too many. 在如今中场臃肿不堪的皇马,卡卡似乎成了边缘人了。
A number of fringe players could be set to leave Anfield and Dalglish said: 'We are happy with the business we have done so far. 一些边缘球员将可能离开安菲尔德,对此国王说到:“我们对迄今为止完成的交易感到开心。”
The Boscombe Pool is thickly wooded round, with just a fringe of grass and of reeds round the edge. 博斯科姆比池塘附近都是茂密的树林,池塘四周只长了一圈杂草和芦苇。
Investment of that nature is an indicator that market forces are ready to support and promote what might have begun as fringe ideas. 这样的投资表明,市场力量已作好准备,支持和促进使一些设想变为现实。
And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power? 看哪,这不过是上帝工作的些微;我们所听于他的是何等细微的声音!他大能的雷声谁能明透呢?
And this time, there is no idealisation of the enemy outside of a truly lunatic fringe. 而且,这一次,除了认为敌方是真正的极端主义国家外,没有对他们进行任何理想化。
The fringe has produced wonderful science, and it has produced wonderfully abysmal science. It has never been a comfortable place to live. 边缘地带曾开创令人惊叹的科学,也制造出令人惊叹的糟糕科学,那里向来不是高枕无忧的地方。
Sparse white stubble sprouted on the jaws of his long, dark face, and there was a fringe of grey hair around his shiny bald head. 长脸上带了一层暗黄色。嘴唇上有两撇花白的八字胡。头顶光秃,只有少许花白头发。
In fact, a bit of legal persecution is just what those advocating fringe history most want. 事实上,一些法律迫害正是那些鼓吹这场惨胜的人最想要的东西。
Her hair had been braided and put into two buns on her head, her fringe cut short on her forehead. 这次,她在头顶两边各编了一个发髻,把前额的刘海修剪得很短。
The deerslayer did not break through the fringe of bushes immediately abreast of the canoe . 杀鹿人没有立刻进入和小舟平行的树丛。
Democrats say any Republicans who turn down the money are "fringe governors" , while Republicans say it's Democrats who are out of touch. 民主党说不想要银子的共和党州长不是好州长,而共和党则说你们民主党才叫脱离群众不着调。
If you are a round face, so the hair of your top of head should be a little bit fluffy and the Gao is some and stay inclined fringe of hair. 如果你是圆脸,那么你头顶的头发应该蓬松一些,高一些,留斜刘海。
Add in a couple of fringe Islamist parties and you could be looking at an Islamist majority in Egypt's first parliament. 再加上若干边缘的伊斯兰党派,埃及首届议会很可能由伊斯兰主义者占多数。
It is only his second London Fashion Week, although his show was not part of the main event but staged at a fringe venue. 这只是他的第二次伦敦时尚周,尽管他的展示并不是这个盛事的一个部分,但仍在边缘场地上演。
It's been a rapid rise for an idea that, only months ago, was located firmly in the political fringe. 仅仅在几个月以前,这个话题还处于政治圈中的边缘,而现在却得到了人民的广泛支持。
Speaking of the fringe benefits and working conditions of that company, all the employees shut up their mouths. 说到那家公司的福利和工作条件,所有的雇员都闭口不谈。
The detailed information of the surface profile is contained in the distorted fringe pattern. 关于表面轮廓的详细信息包含在畸变的条纹图形中。
They were hectic years -- rough years, and inescapably , they often took me to the fringe of the underworld. But just the fringe. 在纷乱、艰辛的岁月里,我无法逃避地常常被带到了黑社会的边缘——所幸的是在边缘——挣扎。