teddy bear

美 ['tedi beə(r)]英 ['tedi beə(r)]
  • n.泰迪熊(一种柔软的毛绒玩具熊)
  • 网络抱抱熊;小熊;泰迪小熊

复数:teddy bears

teddy bearteddy bear

teddy bear



泰迪熊(teddy Bear) -泰迪熊官网_淘宝网泰迪熊_毛绒玩具_电影_图片_晒出我幸福 taidixiong.org - Sites like taidixiong 泰迪熊(t…


玩具类的英语单词有哪些?_百度知道 ... minicar 玩具车 teddy bear 玩具熊 dollhouse 玩具小屋 ...


【3.30】官网款报价大全_femme报价博客_新浪博客 ... Luxury Care 奢迷-波西米亚¥65 Teddy Bear 抱抱熊 40 DB Shadow 千 …


●准备一只小熊(Teddy Bear)、一个小熊的旅行袋●制作大书用的图画纸及色笔分配10分钟●阅\读Friends故事书●阅\读完毕,请 …


...受小熊的热情拥抱,一定马上就能开心地得到那种有如“泰迪小熊”(Teddy Bear)陪伴欧美孩童,度过人生悲欢岁月的爱与祝 …


11只粉嫩可爱的泰迪熊(Teddy Bear),代表着对她今生一心一意的爱。一颗被泰迪熊们簇拥的心是你们的幸福之心。


英文儿歌TOP200 - 【宝宝吧】 ... 186.Mister Sun 太阳先生 200.Teddy bear (泰弟小熊) 38.Ten little indian boys (十个 ...

Her mother said it must be a dream, but Sarah saw that there is a new teddy bear and some chocolates on her bed. 妈妈说她一定是做了个梦,但Sarah看见一只新玩具熊和巧克力在床上
A woman brought in the teddy bear and a secret message in a capsule. She asked Lee to sew the message inside the tummy of the teddy bear. 是一位女士带来的这只泰迪,她请他把一只装有字条的容器封进泰迪的肚子。
Knut was no longer the cuddly little teddy bear romping with a soccer ball, but a 245-pound eating machine. “克努特”已不再是当年那只爱玩足球的可爱的小泰迪熊,而变成了245磅重的食肉机器。
There was no space in his bag, so Felix had to leave his teddy bear behind when he went on the school trip. 参加校游时,费利克斯的背包里没有多余的空间了,因此他不得不把玩具熊留下来。
George is not a sexy name. George is what you name your teddy bear, not the name you wanna scream out during climax. 乔治可不是个性感的名字。乔治是你给毛毛熊取的名,而不是你高潮时想要喊出的名儿。
(Laughter) So I got the teddy bear and I said, "Do you mind If I pull out one of your fibers? " (观众笑)我找到泰迪熊,对它说,“你介意我抽走一根纤维吗?”
A woman with a cast on her left arm struggled along in improbable heels, while another had only a huge blue teddy bear for luggage. 一个妇女背着与自己完全不成比例的大包,而另一个只是带着一个大大的玩具熊。
While a Polar bear sleeping on an ice berg with its paws clutched around it like a toddler holding their teddy bear is truly cute. 当北极熊在冰山上睡觉时,爪子抓住周围,就像一个蹒跚学步的婴儿抓着他们的泰迪熊一样,那是真的非常可爱!
Teddy bear , child's angel, are burden all over the body only, as for you. 玩具熊,孩子的天使,只不过,对于你来说,是满身的累赘。
She was buried in a white coffin, with a teddy bear made of purple flowers. 她被安葬在一具白色棺材里,陪伴她的是一只由紫色花朵拼成的玩具熊。
Round and round the garden Like a teddy bear; One step, two step, Tickle you under there. 花园里面徜徉,玩具狗熊一样;一步两步走来,给你挠挠痒痒。
The koala is one of Australia is most famous and best loved animals. It has a peaceful character and looks like a teddy bear. 考拉是澳大利亚最著名最可爱的动物之一。它有着温顺的性格,看起来就像玩具熊。
Give me a teddy bear, soft and could be make any pose, and I could make it as my pillow. 买一个熊送我,软软的,可以摆成任何姿势那种,我骑着睡觉。
Sometimes it was just over a particular word I used or maybe just because my sister gave my teddy bear a hug and I was unhappy about it. 有时候,仅仅是因为我用的某个词,或者是因为姐姐抱了我的玩具熊,而我对此感到生气。我们从来不把打架当真,就好像这只是场游戏。
and then he lowered his hand. The shape in the crib was a teddy bear. There was no child. 然后,他把手放了下来。躺在婴儿床中的是个玩具泰迪熊。没有孩子。
I had noticed three things. . . a baby's rattle, an old-fashioned teddy bear and what looked to be a baby. . . 我看见三样东西…一个小孩子的玩具,一件老式的玩具熊,还有一个东西好像是个孩子…
They saw a honey squeeze bottle shaped like a teddy bear as a "must buy" as long as it was refillable . 他们看到了一瓶蜂蜜挤压形状像一个玩具熊的“必须购买”只要有人充装。
I also said that I had bought them all a teddy bear and the one that was mine was really for her but that I would keep it for her. 我还要说,我买了他们所有的玩具熊和地雷,这就是一个真正的目标是她,但我会随时给她。
I will wait until dark. Then I'll just put the Teddy bear at the front door and walk away. No one will see me. 我会等到天黑,然后把泰迪熊放在前门,之后悄悄走掉,没有人会看见我
A teddy bear hug can occur when a takeover company warns its target company in advance about the offer it's about to make on its shares. 一个泰迪熊的拥抱发生在当收购公司提出收购前事先通知对其目标公司的出价。
After young Ron broke Fred's toy broomstick when they were very young, Fred turned Ron's favourite teddy bear into a large spider. 小时候,Ron弄坏了Fred的玩具扫帚,出于报复Fred将Ron最喜爱的泰迪熊变成了一只巨型蜘蛛。
beth said to her long time crush jake. she wore her favorite blue teddy bear shirt. her four- year - old blue eyes shined in the sun. 她穿着最喜欢的带玩具熊的蓝色衬衣。四岁的她,蓝色的眼睛在阳光下闪闪发亮。
He loved soft things, and would often smile at the touch of a soft teddy bear or other soft toy. 他喜欢柔软的东西,在触摸软软的艾德熊和别的柔软的东西时经常露出微笑。
With his small allowance, he has the two alternatives of a teddy bear or an alarm clock made of aluminum. 他的零用钱很少,只有两个选择的余地:玩具熊和铝制闹钟。
Its shape is a teddy bear Vigny, whole golden, wearing a red shirt, with you smile, laugh so cute. 它的外形就是一个小熊维尼,全身金黄,身穿一件红色衬衫,向着你微笑,笑得那么可爱。
The cake is the presents I send for you and your sisters' is a lovely teddy bear. 我送给你的是一份生日蛋糕,你表妹送的是一个可爱的玩具小熊。
Allen watches a moment, perplexed by the sight of a grown man fondling a teddy bear. Then, he ventures a guess. 艾伦观察了一会儿,饱受眼前的景象所困惑,一个成年人深情地爱抚着他的泰迪小熊。
If there was anything Tina loved to do, it was to draw a teddy bear. 如果有那么一件事情是蒂娜喜欢去做的,那就是画泰迪熊了。
Until finally, he was the only teddy bear left in the entire store. 到最后,整个商店就剩下他一只熊。
Unless the new plan to be unveiled this week can save the day, Sarkozy may find himself needing more than a teddy bear for psychic solace. 除非将于本周公开的新计划能挽救大局,萨科齐可能会发现,作为心理安慰,自己需要的不只是一只泰迪熊。