
美 [ˈtraɪəmf]英 [ˈtraɪʌmf]
  • v.战胜;成功;打败
  • n.巨大成功;重大成就;伟大胜利;喜悦
  • 网络黛安芬;凯旋;获得胜利

复数:triumphs 现在分词:triumphing 过去式:triumphed

great triumph,glorious triumph,final triumph


n. v.

1.[c][u]巨大成功;重大成就;伟大胜利a great success, achievement or victory

2.[u](巨大成功或胜利的)心满意足,喜悦,狂喜the feeling of great satisfaction or joy that you get from a great success or victory

3.[sing]a ~ (of sth)(成功的)典范,楷模an excellent example of how successful sth can be


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急求常用的英语单词_百度知道 ... 405. restrict vt. 限制,约束 408. triumph n. 胜利,成功 409. tuition n. 学费 ...


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"Faced with this huge responsibility, I feel I need to be very careful, and I feel fear, " Mr Ma said after his election triumph. 马英九在大选胜利后表示,想到台湾人民给了这么大的责任,他未来会“以戒慎恐惧、居安思危的心情好好的做”。
The laws of men or the laws of religion have no longer sufficient power to check depravity of manners and the triumph of the wicked. 人类的法律和宗教的规条已无力阻止道德沦落、邪恶得逞。
Uribe said the operation was admirable in many ways, and it was a triumph for the armed forces, and respectful of human rights. 他说:“这次行动在很多方面都令人敬佩。这是哥伦比亚武装部队的胜利,也是对人权的尊重。”
Very often the enemy seems to triumph for a season, and God allows it. 许多时候,仇敌似乎得胜了,神也容让它得胜;
He must, if he would triumph, attain as clear an understanding as possible of the nature of the enemy that abides in his subconscious. 他必须、如果他能够胜利、获得尽可能明确的一个关于居留在他的潜意识的敌人的性质的认识。
Some men have been worthy of a better century, for every species of good does not always triumph. 有的人应该生在更好的时代,因为善良美好的东西并非总是获得胜利。
From the time of Shang Yang onward, Ch'in's steadily growing power made it only a matter of time before it would triumph over its rivals. 从商鞅时代起,秦的国力不断壮大,以致它战胜其他敌国只是一个时间问题。
Triumph said it had sought a patent for the eco-bra, although it has no plans for now to put it on general sale. 黛安芬公司说,公司已为这款环保文胸申请了专利,但目前还不准备在市场上销售。
This would also be an award for Capello's football, the triumph of that more complete football, which has also been unfairly criticised. 这也会是对卡佩罗式足球的奖励,是更完整的足球的胜利,而这也被不公平地批评过。
As I think of her life, and all it had to bear, I see the absolute triumph of Christian grace in the lovely ideal of a Christian lady. 我一想到她的生活,和她生活上一切的负担,我就立刻看见基督在她身上的得胜。
But Leyzaola considered it a personal triumph, and he told reporters that El Teo, once in custody, had acted like a woman. 但拉伊佐拉把埃尔·特奥的被捕看做个人的胜利,他告诉来访记者,埃尔·特奥进了监狱后完全失去了威风,举手投足变得像个女人。
His triumph was no fluke. The presidency did not fall into Mr Obama's lap. 奥巴马并非侥幸获胜,总统宝座并不是从天上掉在他面前的。
Unless Asia has any exclusive "killer apps" of its own, it is hard to see how such a triumph could alone condemn the West to disaster. 除非亚洲拥有自己的独门“杀手锏”,否则很难说这样的胜利就宣告了西方世界将走向毁灭。
The mother's head turned for a quick furtive look at Hagen and he saw in her eyes a burning, hawklike triumph. 这个母亲快速而又隐秘地看了黑根一眼,黑根在她的眼镜里面发现了灼烧的像鹰隼一般的胜利的光芒。
Learnt two days ago to have registered personal blog and informed all friends of mine without any delay in an air of triumph. 刚学着注册了自己的博克,就得意的马上通知了所有的朋友。
The surrender of her weary ghost to the keeping of stars and sea was stirring like the sight of a glorious triumph. 它将自己疲惫的灵魂交给了星星和大海,这一幕真像壮观的胜利庆典一样令人激动。
"The sun will come up in the West before Victor Triumph tells a lie! " I said. I was seated, pulling on my high-heeled boots. “要是维克托。图兰夫会说谎太阳就从西边升起来了!”我说。我坐下来,套上我的高跟鞋。
Meanwhile, nevertheless, it was sad to think of the perchance mortal agony through which he must struggle towards his triumph. 然而,一想到他为了赢得胜利而在挣扎中所经受的致命的折磨,同时又令人神伤。
For New Fourth Army, the history of its cultural construction is tightly connected with that of its development, expansion and triumph. 新四军文化建设的历史同新四军的发展壮大、胜利的历史是紧密结合在一起的。
Despite the dark nature of classic fairytales, as we see in GRIMM, good will triumph over evil and there is always a moral to the story. 尽管像我们在《格林》中看到的,经典童话故事包含阴暗的本质,但是善良最终会战胜邪恶,而且每个故事都有道德寓意。
And with each report from her mother, Kinzie would scream into the phone and do a little dance of triumph. 随着妈妈的每一次汇报,坎齐都会在电话中尖叫,跳一段舞来庆祝胜利。
There was a slight gleam of triumph in his eye as he said this. 他说这句话的时候,眼睛里透露了一些胜利的光芒。
His chocolate triumph is not the result of a snap buccaneering move, but follows decades of immersing himself in the cocoa business. 他这场“巧克力胜仗”不是一次海盗式的快速掠夺,而是浸淫可可交易几十载的结果。
Heavier taxation might narrow the division between rich and poor, but it would be a hollow triumph if it stifled the economy. 加大税收力度也许会缩小贫富间的差距,但如果它抑制了经济的发展,那也只是毫无意义的成就。
Sceptics had not expected it to live so long, so its rude health is something of a triumph. 持怀疑态度者没有预料到它会生存这么久,因此它的顽强生命力(十分强健?)可以说是某种意义上的胜利。
BLOCK: The film portrays the war as a triumph over U. S. imperialism and has been used as anti-American propaganda. 块:影片描绘一个对美国帝国主义战争的胜利,并已采取反美宣传使用。
"I recollect, " said Waverley; "but did not the triumph of Presbytery AT the Revolution extinguish thAT sect? " “我想起来了,”威弗莱说道,“可是,是长老会在革命中得到了胜利,难道这个教派还没有销声匿迹?”
And the Londoner's post-match comments hardly screamed out 'class' or 'dignity'. "It was a triumph for Stoke's way of playing, " he said. 就连伦敦的赛后评论都少有的惊呼“等级”或者“尊严”。“这是斯托克城式的伟大胜利”他说。
With all that in mind, perhaps it was a triumph that the multi-billion-renminbi deal got done. 综上所述,上百亿元人民币的交易得以完成或许已经算得上胜利。
No doubt you will hear some tell you that journalism is in dire shape, and the triumph of digital is to blame. 毫无疑问,你们会听到一些人说,新闻业岌岌可危,而这要归因于数字化的进攻。