the color

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the colorthe color

the color


初一英语下册语法词汇... ... —It’s very beautiful. 很漂亮。 —The color. 颜色。 Thanks/Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助 …


! NituGens - 博客大巴 ... 多克拉 Dorakela Pass 色 彩 The Color 形 态 The Form ...


许多出彩(The color),进击和防手都很保守,人需要有一颗牺牲自己私利的心。必要的时辰他总能自告奋勇。


- 着色The color)- 牙齿漂白(Bleaching Of vital and non vital teeth)- 粘连(Adhesion to dental structures)- 直接修复(前 …


英语单词分类_百度知道 ... 22动词类 verb 5颜色类 The color 6衣服类 The clothes ...


如果有人问你桌子有甚麽颜子,你会说它有这个颜色(the color)。但明显地,如果光线改变、看桌子的人有色盲或者戴上蓝色的 …

But she felt it creeping out of the sky. It was reaching her through the sound, the smell, the color that filled the air. 但是她感到它正从天边而来,透过空气中的声音、气息和颜色正在逼近她。
It was exceptionally clear, almost the color of the sky, which at that very hour did not exhibit even a streak of cloud. 它格外清楚,几乎天空的颜色,在那个最小时不甚至展现一种云的条理。
the color was a bit less " satisfying " than a real sonnet , but you could hardly tell the difference. 颜色虽然和真品比较起来有点逊色,但是很难说出其中的差异。
The men were happy again , the color back in their faces as they talked together and began to walk on . 那帮人又高兴起来,脸上渐渐有了血色,他们开始边说边赶路。
He was beginning to be afraid he had come to the wrong planet, when a coil of gold, the color of the moonlight, flashed across the sand. 他开始担心自己来错了星球。这时,一卷月光色的金子般的东西闪着亮光爬过沙子。
"Because white is the color of happiness and today is the happiest day of her life. " Her mother tried to explain, keeping it simple. “因为白色是象征幸福的颜色,今天是新娘最幸福的日子,所以穿白色的婚纱”。妈妈给女儿解释说。
To answer I love the color or the color of happiness, I can only say that I: love can be so colorful, but my love is colorless. 若要我回答爱情的颜色或是幸福的颜色,我我只能说:爱情可以使五颜六色的,但我的爱情是无色的。
Try as you might, it's impossible not to discuss the color, texture and consistency of your baby's diaper bombs. 尽量尝试,几乎所有的谈话都是关于你孩子的尿布炸弹的颜色,质地,粘稠度的。
The contact lens from supporting the poker back to see all the color of the sign points. But not to wear the glasses who don't know. 隐形眼镜的人可从配套的扑克背面看到各个牌的花色点数。而没戴这种眼镜的人根本不知道。
The sun shining on her glossy hair, gave it a metallic luster, and it was difficult to say what was the color , dark bronze or black. 阳光照在她光泽的头发上,给它涂上一层金属似的光彩。很难说出它究竟是颜色,是深褐色,黑色。
She wore one of his shirts, a shirt that had once been blue but had faded until the color could not be named, and a pair of his breeches. 她穿着他的一件衬衣,这件衬衣曾经是蓝色的,由于褪色,已经变得说不上是什么颜色了;还穿了他一条马裤。
Apply the color to your hair in even strokes starting from the front and working to the back of your head. 把混合好的染发剂均匀涂抹在发丝上,要从前额开始向后涂抹。
The color drained from her face, her eyes immediately became glassy. 她脸上失去了光彩,眼睛也立刻变得呆滞了。
The color of my eyes, " said the little girl, with a smile that promised heartache to drow males in years to come. " “我眼睛的颜色。”小女孩的甜美微笑让这个年老的卓尔男性感到一阵心痛。
When you mentioned Fiona's hair, it was the clue that told me you were probably beginning to see the color red. 我以前就注意到了。当你提到费欧娜的头发,那给了我一个线索,或许你开始看到红色。
When editing the images that are used for frames and borders, alter the colors as needed to fit within the color palette for your theme. 编辑用于框架和边界的图像时,请根据需要更改颜色,以使其与主题的调色板相配。
when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons -- because she was a woman and on record of the color of her skin. 当有人能像她一样不参加表决的原因有两个-因为她是一名女子,看着英雄联盟皮肤多少钱。由于她的颜色皮肤。
when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons &firm; ; because she was a girl bride-to-be of the color of her skin. 当时像她这样的人由于两个原因不能投票--一第一由于她是女性,第二个原因是她的肤色。
A carpenter's pencil is usually finished in bright red. The color makes the pencil easy to find in wood shavings. 而木匠用铅笔则通常是明亮的红色。这种颜色使得铅笔很容易在木屑中被发现。
"It's the color of your eyes today, " I sighed, surrendering, staring down at my hands as I fiddled with a piece of my hair. “那是今天你的眼睛的颜色。”我叹息着,投降了。我把玩着自己的一缕头发,眼睛盯着自己的手看。
Colourity color management system to describe the color of the final results, but it does not reflect the mutual relationship between them. 色度色彩处置编制能刻画颜色的首先成果,但并不克不及反响不入它们之间的互动关系。
This skin floating on the surface, the color is too bright, no sense of over-the natural level, and dry, not moist. 这种皮浮于表面,颜色太艳丽,无过度的自然层次感,且干涩,不滋润。
I only closed my eyes and opened my eyes, see the color of the sky i was same as before, I thought it was the same day. 我只是闭了下眼睛又睁开眼睛,看到天色是一样的,我觉得是同一天呢。(嘿~有错的地方改下下哦``谢谢布布咯!)
He can pick it out on a map of the United States, even if we change the color or puzzle size on him. 即便我们更换颜色和尺寸,他依然能从一张美国地图中找出密苏里州。
He looked up and saw his father changed into a most beautiful being, his body the color of a dark rain-cloud. 他抬头看到父亲变得极为美丽。他的肤色黑如雨云。
Bavaria denies the charge and said the dresses were the color of the Dutch team playing that day. Bavaria否认这一指控,说她们的服装是当天荷兰队队服的颜色。
Everything - the color, shape, size, design, and location, is all up to you. 一切-颜色,形状,大小,设计和位置,是一切取决于您的意愿。
To see more color categories or to create a new color category, click All Categories to display the Color Categories dialog box. 要查看更多颜色类别或创建一个新的颜色类别,请单击“所有类别”以显示“颜色类别”对话框。
when someone like her couldnwoult vote for two reasons -- because she was a woman by the color of her skin. 当有人能像她一样不到场表决的原因有两个-由于她是一名女子,由于她的颜色皮肤。
You can change the color scheme of any of the control elements, as well as determine the border type and a custom caption. 您可更改配色方案的任一个控件元素,如以及确定边框类型和自定义题注。