the cases

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the casesthe cases

the cases

恐怖电影禁片(The Cases)在线观看,魕(The Cases)由潘绍聪 赵硕之 Brandy Akiko 朱紫娆等巨星主演,由著名的恐怖片导演 …

And most of the cases, as you know, it is a child taking care of a child. 而且现实中,往往是一个儿童在照顾另一个小孩。
The glasses had slipped out of his pocket unnoticed and fallen into one of the cases, which he had nailed shut. 眼镜已经滑了一跤,从口袋里掉入一个神不知鬼不觉的情况下,他被钉在十字架上关闭。
"Some of the household names have been responsible for some of the cases we are most concerned about, " he said. “某些知名保荐人要对我们最担忧的一些个案负责,”他表示。
Yet in the cases of Sudan and Libya, principle seems to be divorced from practice in the application of Chinese foreign policy. 但在苏丹和利比亚的例子里,中国的外交政策在落实过程中,其原则与行动似乎脱节了。
One thing that happened was that after 1956, 1957 the number of cases were down, there was a small bump here, the cases were up. 一九五六年后发生了一件事,在一九五七年,病例的数量有所下降,但在这里却有一个很小的上扬,病例数量上升了。
He said Fire District reports did not indicate how emergency personnel were alerted to either of the cases. 他说消防区报告没有指出急救人员面对此类事故,如何变得警觉起来。
Mr Wang has never been linked to any of the cases. 王建宙从未被任何此类案件牵连。
A spokeswoman said Hope had been due to operate Monday on three patients, but none of the cases was urgent and their surgery was postponed. 一位女发言人说霍普原计划在周一给三个病人做手术,但这些手术都不是紧急性的,因而被推迟了。
Guilty plea of the defendants is of great significance to which kind of process should be used to deal with the cases. 被告人认罪对案件采用何种诉讼程序予以处理具有重要意义。
The cases, again, in which a plain man might say he was 'deceived by his senses' are not at all common. 而且,普通人也许会说他“被感官欺骗了”的情况其实很不常见。
Mr. Chen insists he is innocent of any wrongdoing connected to the cases, but has said he would step down if his wife is found guilty. 陈水扁总统坚持说,他没有涉及这些案子中的任何不法行为,是清白的。但他同时表示,如果他的妻子被判有罪,他就会辞职。
Upon its arrival in London on board the S. S. Cornea, it was found, much to our regret, that about 50% of the cases were leaking. “柯娜”轮一到达伦敦的时候,我们就遗憾地发现其中有一半左右的箱子渗漏。
In one of the cases, two doctors were given demerits for delaying the transfer of a patient with a fever to a larger hospital. 其中有两名医生由于延误发烧病人转到大医院去治疗而被记过。
In the justice practices, technology appraisal result should be only used for judge's reference, could not alternate him to judge the cases. 在司法实践中,技术鉴定结论对法官应仅具有参考作用,不应替代法官断案。
Since the company's information is confidential, some of the cases, data processing are not the actual data. 由于德豪润达公司对资料保密的规定,案例中部分数据经过处理,并非实际数据。
In only half of the cases, though, had the respondent to a survey tried to do anything about the misconduct he said he had witnessed. 然而,面对这种情况,在某一调查中,竟有一半的被调查对象对其亲口所言的亲眼目睹的不端行为无动于衷。
It is imperative that you read all of the cases and come to class with a series of comments that you think will be interesting to the class. 阅读所有个案,及带着你觉得在课程中将是有趣事情的评论感来到课堂上,这是学习中很重要的事情。
Then the criminal law should endow the victims in the cases of public prosecution with right to appeal, equal to that of the accused. 其次,刑事诉讼法应赋予公诉案件被害人的上诉权,平衡于被告人的上诉权。
Furthermore, she handled a large number of cases on domain name dispute and retrieved domain names for her clients in most of the cases. 此外,她也办理了大量域名争议案件,在绝大多数案件中帮助客户索回了域名。
On opening the cases we found that 25 sets of video-recorders had been damaged by sea-water, and seem to be a complete write-off. 打开箱子以后,我发现有25台录像机因海水受到损坏,看来似乎已完全报废。
the penalty in all the cases being a fine upon the violator of the law, and freedom to the slave. 所有违反法律的情况,都将受到罚款处罚,并将奴隶释放。
It was to be settled that day which of the cases involved should be considered as test cases. 他们要在当天作出决定,该用哪些有关的诉讼案来做示范。
He said "somewhat more than half" of the cases involved students who had to withdraw from the college for a period of time. 他说该案中“有超过一半”的学生不得不强制休学一段时间。
Show me the Money - Not always, but yes, in most of the cases it is noticed that an expensive gadget gets more appreciation from the girls. 让我看看价格——不一定非得不可。但是在大多数情况下,越昂贵的电子产品越能得到女孩的赞赏。
In the cases of these two countries with aggressive central banks, the smart thing for investors to do is check back in June or so. 对于这两个货币政策较为激进的国家,聪明的投资者应该等到6月份左右,观察一下市场情况后再做定夺。
Nowadays, many other countries began to design and apply the simplified procedure to divide up the cases and the trend is diversified. 当前世界各国纷纷设立简易程序,对案件进行分流,并呈现出多元化的发展趋势。
My order took just a few days and the cases, made in Bolivia, are well designed and manufactured and look extremely sleek. 在发出订单短短几天之后,我收到了设计精美、制作优良的皮套(玻利维亚制造),看起来相当雅致。
The spouse or children of a judge may not be the law agent or defender in the cases handled by the court that judge belongs to. 法官的配偶、子女不得担任该法官所任职法院办理案件的诉讼代理人或者辩护人。
He says about twenty percent of the cases involve victims from Mexico -- the largest number of any foreign country. 他说,大约20%的案件涉及到来自墨西哥的受害者--这个数字比任何其他国家都要大。
Therefore, he seems to have the mastery of anything relevant to the cases he deals with. 因此,他似乎已经掌握任何有关他的案件处理。