the promise

  • na.上帝给亚伯拉罕的允诺
  • 网络无极;承诺;诺言

the promisethe promise

the promise


『谁与争锋』【锋吧】《无极》(the promise)全球各地区预告片.. 锋影手册 不管是非多少,谢霆锋从影至今,拍过的最大型 …


帝国时代Ⅱ_百度百科 ... The Horde Rides West( 游牧民族西迁) The Promise承诺) Pax Mongolia( 蒙古统治下的和平…


帝国时代2_互动百科 ... The Horde Rides West( 游牧民族的西进) The Promise诺言) Pax Mongolia( 蒙古的和平) ...


轻音乐下载_百度知道 ... 07. Belonging 属於 09. The Promise 誓言 10. Fairytale 优美 ...


TEM8 英美文学 ... (The Gift,The Great Mountains 大山; The Promise 许诺, The Leader of the People 人们的领袖) ...


...、池贤宇等现役中的Star们将出演国防原创音乐剧《约定(The Promise)》,这个音乐剧是韩国...


您的位置:首页 >> 电影 >> 剧情 >> 《一诺千金》(The Promise)[DVDRip] 《一诺千金》(The Promise)[DVDRip] 下面是用户共 …


求2007年中国上映电影列表_百度知道 ... 彩票也疯狂 CRAZY LOTTERY 革命到底 The Promise 女王 The Queen ...

Just as the colonel's curtain of fear had begun to descend once again, the promise of international protection will hoist it back up. 正当上校的恐怖之幕开始再次落下之际,国际社会的承诺将其一把掀开。
And if it backtracks from the promise, I want to say that this country is going to be in bad shape. 如果他们食言,我想说,这个国家的情况将会很糟糕。
I will forget how much I love you, and the promise we made together! 忘记曾对多么地爱你和我们曾经许下的承诺
now, all that matters is the promise that the rakhi stands for. The festival is now all about pampering your siblings. 现在最重要的其实是rakhi代表的承诺,现在这个节日的意义就是宠爱自己的手足。
Even so, the promise came with a caveat: that the speed of enlargement must take account of the EU's "absorption capacity" . 不过,这个声明还是遭到了批评:扩展的速度必须考虑到欧盟的“吸纳能力”。
But said after they are in a sexual relationship, it brings with it the promise of commitment and a potential father to any child. 不过,假如男人在他们发生性关系后再表白,这意味着承诺,并可能成为孩子的父亲。
But AV was all that Labour or the Tories would accept by way of electoral reform and at least offered the promise of extra Lib Dem seats. 然而,即排序复选制是工党和保守党唯一能接受的选举革新方式,并且至少给予自民党拥有更多席位的希望。
And it's just wonderful to see, sort of, these glimmers of the promise of what can happen if we train our kids right. 看到我们以正确地方式培养我们的孩子之后所展现的晨曦,真是令人鼓舞。
For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call. 因为这应许是给你们,和你们的儿女,并一切在远方的人,就是主我们神所召来的。
It had hoped that just the promise of EU support, agreed last month, would have been be enough to reassure markets and help its recovery. 上个月获准的来自欧盟的经济援助将有希望大大地安定希腊市场并助其经济得以恢复。
Despite the promise of such a system, Visionary Vehicles is just a proposal at this point. 尽管这样的系统,有远见的车辆仅仅是一个建议,在这一点上。
The deficiency of plots made thoughts unable to be consumed, which is the important reason why The Promise is in an awkward position. 在消费文化语境中,电影故事性的缺位使思想丧失了可消费性,这是《无极》遭遇尴尬的重要原因。
In the midst of its joyful flight, it remembered the promise it had made to return and tell the other bugs where it had gone. 在他快乐的飞翔旅途中,他想起了曾经许下的承诺,他要回去告诉其他的水趸他去哪了。
That question is one only you can answer, but this new development at work seems to bring with it the promise of more income. 问题就是只有你自己可以回答这个问题,但是这个工作上的好消息似乎能给你带来更多的收入。
The promise of the cloud is shoving the costs of dealing with all that off the bottom line. 是云技术保证了将处理这些的开销压缩到最低。
The former governor of Massachusetts said he would "restore the promise of America" if voters choose him over President Obama. 这位马萨诸塞州前州长表示,如果选民选择他而不是奥巴马,他将“重塑美国希望”。
Not a free ride, but at least a subsidised one. NUTRITIOUS or not, when you are hungry the promise of a meal is welcome. 不管是否有营养,人饥饿时,有人答应给饭吃都是受欢迎的。
After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I ll always be there for you! " 看到这令人伤心的一幕,他想起了曾经对儿子所作的承诺:“不论发生什么事,我都会在你身边。”
Then he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I'll always be there for you! " And tears began to fill his eyes. 然后,他想起了曾对儿子所做的承诺:“不论发生什么事,我都会在你的身边。”至此,父亲热泪满眶。
If everything wonderful ends up to be a deception, the promise of the past is only a glorious tragedy, then? 如果美好的一切都以欺骗而告终,那么过去的承诺不过是场华丽的悲剧,然后呢?
Who else would stand in line at the post office with me for half an hour with only the promise of a lollipop as compensation? 还有谁会和我一起在邮局排队等上半个钟头,就为了我承诺的一颗棒棒糖的奖励?
But he also said he was more cautious about the promise of generics this time, because biotech medicines were not easy to copy. 但他也表示,这次他非常谨慎地看待新仿制药物的前景,因为生物技术药物很难仿制。
He did not doubt nor did he distrust the promise of God, and by being strong in faith, he gave glory to God. 对于天主的恩许总没有因不信而犹疑,反而信心坚固,归光荣于天主。
The promise was that all sincere supplicants would be given encouragement, succour, a contract and maybe an envelope full of money. 他们承诺那些真诚的救助者,会从他们那里获得勇气、援助、一纸合同、也许一个塞满钱的信封。
Now, I don't expect the promise any more, Of course, Maybe it is just a joke like a costumer acting on the stage. 现在我不再期望有诺言,可能他只是一个玩笑,像一位顾客在演一出戏。
He said that military means alone would not be enough and that there has to be the promise of a better life for impoverished Afghans. 仅仅采取军事手段是远远不够的,同时也是对贫苦的阿富汗人提供一种美好生活的承诺。
You broke the promise and made me realise. It was all just a lie. 你违背了诺言我才明白,原来这一切不过是谎言。
They are Action Signals trying to guide you to the promise of a greater quality life. 它们是引领你走向更高质量的生活的行动信号。
No doubt he understands what ought to be done, but the promise he made in 2008 has tied his hands. 奥巴马无疑明白应该怎么做,但他2008年许下的承诺捆住了自己的手脚。
But I could see the sacrifice in her eyes behind the promise. 但从她眼中我能看出这样的诺言会让她做出怎样的牺牲。