
美 [ɡeɪm]英 [ɡeɪm]
  • v.打赌;赌输赢
  • adj.甘愿尝试;有冒险精神
  • 网络局;博弈;野味


play game,win game,watch game,lose game,develop game
exciting game,popular game,close game,important game,indoor game



1.[c](有规则的)游戏,运动,比赛项目an activity or a sport with rules in which people or teams compete against each other

2.[c](一项)游戏,运动,比赛an occasion of playing a game

3.[sing]sb's ~比赛(或游戏)时用的手法;比赛(或游戏)技巧the way in which sb plays a game


4.[pl]运动会a large organized sports event

5.[pl](学校的)体育课,体育活动sport as a lesson or an activity at school

体育比赛的一部分part of sports match

6.[c](网球等比赛的)一局,一场a section of some games , such as tennis , which forms a unit in scoring

儿童活动children's activity

7.[c]儿童游戏a children's activity when they play with toys, pretend to be sb else, etc.


8.[c]娱乐;消遣;玩耍an activity that you do to have fun

活动;行业activity, business

9.[c]行当;行业;职业a type of activity or business

秘密计划secret plan

10.[c](informal)诡计;策略;花招a secret and clever plan; a trick


be a game

不当一回事;当儿戏;闹着玩to not be considered to be serious

be on the game

卖淫;当“野鸡”to be a prostitute

be out of the game

被淘汰出局to no longer have a chance of winning a game or succeeding in an activity that you are taking part in

be still/back in the game

没有出局;仍有获胜(或成功)的机会to still/once again have a good chance of winning a game or succeeding in an activity that you are taking part in

the game is up

(对做坏事被抓或罪行败露者说的话)戏该收场了,别再演戏了said to sb who has done sth wrong, when they are caught and the crime or trick has been discovered

game on

(赛场局势发生变化后表明)胜负难料used after sth has happened that makes it clear that a contest is not yet decided and anyone could still win

give the game away

不慎泄露;露馅;露马脚to tell a secret, especially by accident; to show sth that should be kept hidden

the only game in town

同类中最重要的事物;唯一的选择the most important thing of a particular type, or the only thing that is available

play the game

办事公道;为人诚实to behave in a fair and honest way

play sbs game

(无意中)促成某人的计划to do sth which helps sb else's plans, especially by accident, when you did not intend to help them

play (silly) games (with sb)

(与某人)耍花招,玩鬼把戏not to treat a situation seriously, especially in order to cheat sb

two can play at that game

(表示也会对方耍的花招)这一套你会我也会used to tell sb who has played a trick on you that you can do the same thing to them

whats sbs/your game?

在干什么;怎么啦used to ask why sb is behaving as they are


懒人ios代码库-ios项目开源库实例 ... 音效( Audio) 游戏( Game) 视图布局( ViewLayout) ...


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... ball 球;舞会 game 比赛;运动;游戏 listen 听,仔细听 ...

英语运动类单词_爱问知识人 ... overhead smash,overhand smash 高球扣杀 game set 盘 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... 27. computer 电脑;电子计算机n. 28. game 运动;游戏n. 29. key 钥匙n. ...


...actions) 或策略(strategies) 博弈(game)的要素 1.参与人或者局中人 (players ) 3.局中人可能得到的赢利(payoffs)。


常用乘务英语分类词汇及短语 - 豆丁网 ... fillet steak 肉片 game 野味 gsmmon 熏腿;腊腿 ...


omy - 游乐场 Playground - 星座 Horoscope ... 达人 - 饮食族 Wine & Dine 小游戏 Game 星座 Horoscope ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... gain vt. 获得,博得;(钟、表)走快 game n. 比赛会;猎物 gate n. 大门 ...

When asked if the Fulham boss was one of the best English managers in the game, Wenger was unequivocal. 当问到是否这位富勒姆老板是英国最出色的足球主帅之一时,温格毫不含糊。
I understand Nature's game­ her prompting to take action as a way of ending any thought that threatens to excite or to pain. 我懂得大自然耍的是什么把戏——她在暗中怂恿我们采取行动以便结束那些容易令人兴奋或痛苦的思想。
And how much EA SPORTS marketing choices and the few time to develop the game have influenced your first intention? 另外,EASPORTS的市场策略以及开发时间的短缺对你的最初设想有多大的影响?
He said: "With his quality he must play like this every game, and we expect him to. " 凭借他的实力,他必须要每场比赛都有这样的表现,我们期待他也能做到。
On your way to a soccer game or activity, it's easy to grab a cold one right out of the fridge, right? 不管你是去观看一场球赛,还是参加活动,都能顺手从冰箱里拿出一瓶冰水,对不对?
The concept of downloadable content (DLC) will no longer be thought of as an add-on for existing games, but the game itself. 可下载内容(DLC)的概念将不再被视作对现有游戏的附加,而就将成为游戏的本身。
Nick: Hey, Coach! Can I talk to you a minute? Some TV station is going to report that I deliberately sat out a game! 尼克:嘿,教练!我能跟你说句话吗?有家电视台打算发布报道说我在一场比赛中故意不上场!
Xiaowu is an undergraduate, also be network game " demon animal world " player, play this game already a year superabundant . 小吴是大学生,也是网络游戏“魔兽世界”的玩家,玩这个游戏已一年有余。
Gave a good account of himself in the early exchanges, breaking Agassi's first service game. 布莱恩在比赛开始后打得不错,破了阿格西的第一发球局。
Failing to do so is like going into a casino and gambling on a game you do not know. 不这么做的话,简直就是到赌场里面去玩一个你压根不会玩的游戏。
And yeah, I am obsessed with this game. it has been a huge part of the last 4 years of my life. 是的,我时刻被这个游戏困扰着。这在我4年的生活中占了很大的一部分(果然是个宅男)。
how much is the damn game gonna cost per month? 这该死的游戏每个月要从我口袋中掏走多少钱?
Lee clawed his way back in the first, but Lin held his nerve, aggressively attacking the net to wrap up the first game. 第一局中李奋起反扑,但林聚精会神,积极打出网前球结束第一局。
Along the way, the children tried to grab the money package, thinking it was a game. 路上,小孩子们把他脖子上挂的金币包当作一个游戏来玩,试图夺下来。
Carra pushed himself to the limit at Stamford Bridge to make up for his lack of match fitness and his reading of the game was phenomenal. 卡拉在斯坦福桥拼尽了全力以弥补因为长期缺阵对比赛适应性的不足,但他阅读比赛的能力是现象级的。
I left him with someone who took him in, looked after him and he got to stand there during a game. 我让人带他进去了,照顾着他,而他在那里站了一场比赛!
He was one of the original Busby Babes and, by a miracle, survived the Munich disaster, after which he contemplated giving up the game. 他也是当初初始的巴斯比宝贝之一,并且他奇迹般的从慕尼黑空难中生还,并且在那之后他一度放弃了他的职业生涯打算就此挂靴。
He says he would like Mr. Gul to leave Armenia in a bad mood, but only because his team has lost the game. 他表示希望居尔带着坏心情离开亚美尼亚,但仅仅是因为土耳其队输了。
When you're trying to find someone online, Google's not the only game in town. 当你尝试在互联网上寻找某人时,Google并不是唯一的工具。
Few people ever noticed him , and those that did tended to make game of him. 很少有人理睬他,而凡是理睬他的都倾向于恶意地捉弄他。
Game fixing and bribery scandals have fueled widespread cynicism, and on-court fisticuffs have been a perennial problem. 操纵比赛与贿赂丑闻广受批评,球场暴力也成了老大难问题。
The changes also impact how you might approach the defensive side of the game, as you're more likely to be punished by a mistimed challenge. 改变也影响到了你如何进行防守,因为你在不恰当的时机铲球,将会受到惩罚。
John lost his consciousness so that was a major problem and when he lost that, he was completely out of the game, even if he recovers. 失去意识是当时特里受伤的主要问题,在他出现这种状况以后就表明他已经不能比赛了,即使他恢复了过来也不能再参加比赛。
Considering Diablo 3 is a fast-paced game, how much lore is the Blizzard team planning to put in? 考虑到Diablo3是一个快流程游戏,Blizzard的团队打算添加多少传说呢?
As the day wore on, he came into a valley where game was more plentiful. 时间慢慢过去了,他来到一个峡谷,那儿有更丰富的猎物。
It seems to me that White's chances are in the ending (mid game). 在我看来,白棋的机会在残(中)局。
When economists are faced with analysing this sort of decision, they reach for a branch of mathematics called game theory. 经济学家分析此类问题的时候,运用上了一种称为游戏理论的数学分支。
"Probably, for at least a short amount of time, it could have been a game changer, until a counter was developed for it, " Dobrenz said. Dobrenz说“也许只须再多一丁点儿时间,它就担当游戏逆转者了。直到它的克星被发明。”
An outsole should also be durable enough to stand up to your style of game. 鞋底还应该足够结实以抗住你的打球风格。
Simple does not mean simplistic however. A simplistic game might be something like an old Atari game remake or Tetris. 过分单纯化的游戏可能像老雅达利游戏翻版或者俄罗斯方块。