good girl

  • 网络好女孩;好姑娘;好孩子

good girlgood girl

good girl


杰克·阿贝尔_百度百科 ... 死亡天使/ Angel of Death 好女孩/ Good Girl 被爱的特鲁/ Tru Loved ...


从毛泽东到莫扎特 中英文 ... 就是这样 That's it 好姑娘 Good girl 好极了 Bravo!. Bravo!. ...


第十册英语第七模块知识... ... 29. at last 最后 7. good boy / good girl 好孩子 8. write a message / write messages 写信息 ...


...码,包括「神魂颠倒」(Upside Down);「乖女孩」(Good girl)中的歌曲「I’m a good girl」,还曾被歌手克莉丝汀(Chri…


我的彩妆玩具——SLEEK_嫣紫_新浪博客 ... 658 oh so specia 限量欧洲盘 576 good girl 限量好女孩盘 657 monaco 限量摩纳 …


布鲁诺·托德契尼 参与影片... ... 梦幻贝多芬 In the Shade of the Master 温柔的女人 Good Girl 天使的肌肤 Once Upon an Angel ...


[1] 好女孩艺术good girl art),多穿紧身衣物,故意突显女性身段,让男性读者眼睛吃冰淇淋为主要目的的图像。[2] head sho…

I can feel you are a good girl, but just like a windflower to me, I am afraid to near to you to make you disappear in the wind. 我能感觉到你是个好女孩,但是对于我来说你就像一个水中之花一样要不可及!我害怕自己接近你时,你会消失在水中!
Ted said he found a good girl and soon he will marry with her. 泰德说他遇到一个好姑娘,并即将和她结婚。
Certainly she was a good girl, but she was seen at all hours here and there about Bonneville and Guadalajara. 说实在的,她是个好姑娘,可就是她什么时候都在波恩维尔和瓜达拉哈拉各处地方抛头露面。
Anyways try to be a good girl because its easier for a man to get away with being bad but it is really hard for a woman to do so. 不管怎样学着去做个好女孩,因为男人学坏很容易而对女人来说并不轻松。
I was lucky enough to have such a good girl as you. 我真幸运能拥有像妳这样好的女孩。
All good-girl Catherine needed to do was take a chance and break out of her ingrained (but outdated) patterns concerning dating stereotypes. 好女孩凯瑟琳要做的,不过就是找一个机会,打破自己关于老套约会的根深蒂固(但是过时了的)的模式。
Good girl Dorothy is a tornado blew a strange and wonderful country - Oz, and lost his way home. 善良的小姑娘多萝茜被一场龙卷风刮到了一个陌生而神奇的国度——奥兹国,并迷失了回家的路。
"Sit down in that chair, my good girl, " said the Duke, "until I glance over the paper. " “在那张椅子上坐下,好姑娘,”公爵说,“让我把这些材料看一下。”
You can't just walk up and say, you know, "Hi, I'm a really good guy, and a good girl, and you should really invest in me. " 你不能就只是突然冒出来,然后说:「您好,我是个好人,你们应该要投资我。」
His mother met you and said, good girl, you are not young now, you should get married. 他妈妈看到你的时候说,闺女,都不小了,结婚吧!
Now remember, Jane, you write to us as often as you can. Captain Campbell is not frightening. Be a good girl, Jane. 要记得哦,Jane,多多写信给我们。Campbell上校一点也不凶的,要乖乖的。
The real issue was that Janet had no way to deal with the possibility that Angela was a good girl who also did drugs and had sex. 真正的问题是Janet无法面对Angela即是一个好女孩又用毒品、发生性关系这种可能。
It was the "perfect time" because I had finally quit being the good girl who was trying to please everyone but myself. 因为我终于不再是那个要讨好除了自己之外的每个人的“乖女孩”。
She was a good girl, who did not go to the ball, and who was very peaceable. 那是一个好姑娘,不上跳舞会,性子也安静。
So you know what I say? Good girl! Good girl, you. -Um. . . yes, definitely. -You still finished what, in the Top 4? 所以你知道我会说什么?好女孩!你是个好女孩。-嗯…,是的,肯定。-你仍然进入了前4名?
I believe you are a good girl, as you progress, you are very strong and you are very optimistic, I also hope you can self-confidence. 我相信你是个很好的女孩子,你很上进,你很坚强,你很乐观,也希望你能自信。
you are so excellent, and there is no doubt that you will find a good girl. but she's not me. 你是如此优秀,你会遇到更好的女孩子,但她不是我。
Mr d'Urberville says you must be a good girl if you are at all as you appear; he knows you must be worth your weight in gold. 德贝维尔先生说,从你的模样看起来,你肯定是个好姑娘;他说你身价如金啦。
She is a very good girl, she was very kind-hearted, thoughtful, and you know how to live, and know how to get along with your friends. 她是一个非常不错的女孩,她很善良,懂事,知道怎样去和你生活,知道怎样去和你的朋友相处。
"Nice to meet you too, " she said, in that trained, polite, talking-to-adults good girl voice. “我也很高兴见到你,”她说道,训练有素、彬彬有礼的,和大人交谈的好女孩的声音。
"Ten o'clock, " she remarked, apparently finding the time on the ceiling. "Time for this good girl to go to bed. " “十点了,”她说,仿佛在天花板上看到了时间,“我这个好孩子该上床睡觉了。”
You've always been a good girl. 一直都是个好姑娘
Traveling to the edge, and maybe even over: the good girl relishes the pure thrill of traveling to the edge with her bad boy. 行走在越轨的边缘,甚至是出轨:好女孩喜欢跟着她的坏小子一起体验出轨时那种纯粹的兴奋感。
She's a good girl really, a bit lazy and disorganized sometimes, but she's very bright. 她确实是一个好女孩。有点点懒惰和没纪律性。但她非常聪明。
History is usually a "good girl" . She often gives a warning shot before sweeping away the past. 历史通常是一个“好女孩”,在将过去扫地出门前,她常会鸣枪警告。
I want you to think of your mother and your sister and your brothers, and be a good girl. 我要你想一想你的母亲,你的妹妹和你的哥哥,做一个循规蹈矩的女孩子。
Linda was a good girl, but she was often late for school. 琳达是一个好女孩,但她经常迟到。
You were a good girl to help in the shop. 你帮店里干活儿,是个好姑娘。
You are innocent, is I is not too sensible, I have been too selfish, too frivolous, heartfelt speaks one in here me to you: Good girl! 你是无辜的,是我太不懂事了,我太自私了,太轻狂了,在这里我衷心的对你讲一句:善良的女孩!
I do not know how to face them because I share their impressions of the I is not the same, a great gray area in my mind, I am not good girl. 我不知道如何去面对他们,因为我和他们印象中的我是不一样的,我心中的灰色地带很大,我不是乖乖女。