
美 [pʌls]英 [pʌls]
  • n.脉冲;脉搏;脉率;强劲的音乐节拍
  • v.搏动;跳动;震动;洋溢着
  • 网络脉动;派士;惹鬼回路

复数:pulses 现在分词:pulsing 过去式:pulsed

electrical pulse,rectangular pulse
feel pulse,take pulse


n. v.

1.[ususing]脉搏;脉率the regular beat of blood as it is sent around the body, that can be felt in different places, especially on the inside part of the wrist; the number of times the blood beats in a minute

2.强劲的音乐节拍a strong regular beat in music

3.脉冲a single short increase in the amount of light, sound or electricity produced by a machine, etc.


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... pipe graphite 管状电极 pulse 脉冲 rib working 肋部加工 ...


草莓网超低折扣女士香水 - 包邮 香港草莓网 ... 加加 Plus Plus 脉搏 Pulse 诗情爱意 Poeme ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... pull v. 拉,拖 pulse n. 脉搏,(光、能量、波等的)脉动,搏动 pump vt. 用泵抽水 ...


首页-昆明吉迈琴行-- 淘宝网 ... peavey 百威 PULSE 派士 ZILDJIAN 知音 ...


恐怖电影禁片惹鬼回路(Pulse)在线观看,惹鬼回路(Pulse)由克里斯汀·贝尔 乔纳森·塔克 瑞克·冈萨雷斯 伊恩·萨默海尔德 克里斯 …


脉波(Pulse)为单位,速度、位置、斜率分别独立设定,速度最高可达60Kpps。 采交谈式输入方式,使用容易。


08月11日 《连锁信》(Pulse) 主演:Kristen Bell、Ian Somerhalder、Christina Milian08月11日 《超人集中营》(Zoom) 主演: …


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... pull v. 拉,拖 pulse n. 脉搏,(光、能量、波等的)脉动,搏动 pump vt. 用泵抽水 ...

The deep, hidden rhythm of life is always there-that of the pulse, the heart beat. 在书里总有着深沉、隐秘的生命节奏——那是脉搏的跳动,心脏的起伏。
The animal has no pulse, no blood, no electrical activity in its brain, and its tissues consume no oxygen. 这只动物没有脉搏,没有血压,大脑里没有电流活动,它的组织没有任何氧气消耗。
Like an up-tempo dance song, Miami and Miami Beach pulse with a constant beat, no matter the hour of the day. 迈阿密和迈阿密海滩犹如快步舞曲,每天不分昼夜永远在跳动的节奏中。
Pulse seems to be backed by only one company currently and to appeal to the greater community, they may have to open up more. 当前似乎只有一个公司支持Pulse,为了吸引更大的社区,他们可能必须更开放。
The doctor had to press all three fingers on his wrist to feel the pulse beat, and this was a sign the volume of blood was decreasing. 一是必须把三个手指头按在手腕子上才摸得到脉跳,这是血亏的征兆。
He took the pulse of the man with blood all over him and directed a nurse to do something. 他测了一下血迹斑斑的那个男人的脉搏,随后指示一个护士做些什么事情。
His book, his first book, and his pulse had not gone up a fraction of a beat, and he was only sad. 那是他的书,他的第一本书,可是他的心却并不曾丝毫加速了跳跃,他感到的只是悲凉。
I could feel the pulse of the universe. It was as if I had unlocked some sort of secret world; it was as if I'd found heaven. 我甚至感受到了宇宙的脉搏,宛如某种神奇世界的铁锁被我豁然开启,让我顿入天界一般。
a pulse stream is not a result of the long and the drying up of rivers, as the party responsible for nourishing the land and in silence. 一脉小溪不因江河的绵长而干涸,因为责任而默默地滋润一方土地。
I began to worry a bit, as I could feel my heart pounding and my pulse increasing. 当我感到心脏的撞击和脉搏不断加快时,不禁有些担心。
The generator is mainly used for the accurate measurement of the channel width uniform of a multichannel pulse amplitude analyzer. 主要用于多道脉冲幅度分析器的道宽一致性的精确测量。
In the long run, the researchers should be able to reach a rate close to one pair of photons per pulse. 从长远来看,研究人员应该能够达到接近100%的生产率(每个激励脉冲都能产生一对纠缠光子)。
The characteristic property of a soliton is that it does not change its shape as it travels (usually a pulse tends to gradually spread out). 孤立子的特性是在行进时形状不会改变(一般的脉冲会逐渐散开)。
He took my temperature and pulse and looked down my throat. 他给我量了体温,号了脉,然后看了我的喉咙。
Since the dawn of humanity in Africa, drums have provided the pulse of our history. They continue to help us celebrate our common humanity. 自人类在非洲起步以来,鼓就成了我们历史的脉搏,至今仍在协助我们欢庆共同的人类。
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan used their lightsabers to break through the door. Immediately, a red light began to pulse. 魁刚和欧比万用光剑强行打开大门,一道红色的光线开始闪烁。
This particular half-sine pulse is only a very approximate model for the actual state of affairs. 这个特定的半正弦脉冲对实际情况来说只是一个非常近似的模型。
Essentially, the leading edge of the chasing pulse sucks it in, acting like the event horizon of a black hole. 从本质上来讲,后来追逐的脉冲的主导边缘将慢脉冲吞噬了,就像一个黑洞的视界那样。
She seemed to be alive, as she lay on the stretcher, but she had no pulse, nor was she breathing. 当她躺在担架上时,她好像活了过来,但没有脉搏,也没有呼吸。
The crystal grids pulse must be like an energy flow, like the blood through the body? 水晶栅格的脉动一定像一个能量流一样,就像血液流经身体?
Our electromagnetic systems pulse directly in accord with that of the earth, each at a frequency of about 8 hertz. 我们自身的电磁系统与地球的电磁系统相适应,其频率约为8Hz。
It did not, but soon he felt feverish: his pulse quickened, his extremities became cold, his head throbbed. 结果没有,但是他很快就感到发热:脉搏加快、四肢发冷、头脑颤动。
It was no puzzle why Deadwood had such a high reputation; the criminals there would shoot anything with a pulse that looked at them wrong. 毫无疑问,枯枝有很高的知名度;那里的罪犯只要看到不爽的东西就会对着它射击。
Each downward pulse of your chest should raise your hips above the surface and the same should happen during the single stroke. 每次你的下巴的向下运动都会把你的屁屁送出水面,做每个完整的蝶泳动作时也是一样。
Following her mother's death, she became agitated, with racing pulse and overwhelming nervous energy, and was ordered by doctors to rest. 母亲的去世,带给她的,是焦躁不安、心速紊乱、不堪重负,以致医生责令她休息。
Doctor: I think he must be sick. Let me take a look. (touches his head) Not feverish. (feels his pulse) Normal! What's the trouble, kid? 医生:我想他一定是不舒服。让我看看。(探额头)不发烧。(把脉)正常。怎么了,小伙子?
To see how the pulse can act like a black hole, imagine that it is sent chasing after a slower, weaker pulse. 要想了解脉冲如何扮演黑洞的角色,想像一下它如何追逐一个更慢更弱的脉冲。
Launched a year ago, Pulse's visually-oriented news reader is now on iPad, iPhone, Android mobile and tablet and Pulse's website. Pulse视觉化新闻阅读器于一年前推出,目前横跨iPad、iPhone、Android手机和平板以及Pulse网站多个平台。
Glenn placed a sensor on her finger to measure her pulse and blood oxygen. Then he began to gather her information. Glenn在她的手指上安放了一个传感仪,用于测量她的脉搏和血液含氧量。
He went home with leaping pulse, wondering how much they would pay him for one of the best things he had done. 他心里怦怦跳着回到家里,盘算着他这最好的作品能得到多少报酬。