falling in love

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falling in lovefalling in love

falling in love


梅丽尔·斯特里普演员作品集 梅丽尔·斯特里普... ... 丝克伍事件 Silkwood 坠入情网 Falling in Love 走出非洲 Out of Africa ...


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电影译名... ... Falling Down 怒火风暴(城市英雄) 1993 Falling in Love 信是有缘 1985 Falling in Love Again 曾经深爱过 1986 ...


想看碟么?_武汉无厘头_囧友_西祠胡同 ... 34 Heat 盗火线 35 Falling In Love 堕入情网 36 The Deer Hunter 猎鹿人 ...


求2007年中国上映电影列表_百度知道 ... 疯狂粉丝王 Super Fans 追爱总动员 Falling in Love 喜剧明星 The Extra ...


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...还主演了诸如《施活的遭遇》(Silkwood)、《迷失爱河》(Falling in Love)、《用我们的双手》(In Our Hands)、《Plenty》(谁 …


恋人 (Falling In Love) 《恋人 剧情简介》- 有一种恋人的关系:彼此深爱对方,却不懂得如何去爱。

When you falling in love with someone but you can't being with him, you will facing the choice to give it up or go on loving. 当爱一个人,却无法拥有他时,自己面对着一个选择:放弃还是继续。
I with you together and natural and unrestrained but I found my natural and unrestrained falling in love with you. 我在与你潇洒的相处中我却发现我潇洒的爱上了你。
the "zhongseqingyou" is a natural phenomenon and the cost of falling in love is often the lose of two close friends. 英国科学家最近进行的一项研究显示,“重色轻友”乃人之常情,陷入爱河的代价往往是失去两位亲密的朋友。
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control. 遇见你是命运,成为你的朋友是选择,爱上你却是完全不能由我控制的。
Since falling in love with you, I shut the door of love, the heart and soul to love you! 自从和你相爱,我关上了爱的门,心和灵魂都是为了爱你!
This "falling" is often infatuation, and the sheer emotion of "falling in love" often blinds a person to the imperfections of the loved one. “坠入爱河”通常就是迷恋,这种纯粹的情感常常使自己对所爱人的缺点视而不见。
You are such a romantic soul by nature that someone only needs to make a fuss of you and you may consider falling in love with this person. 你天生就是一个浪漫的人,只要有人让你感觉紧张不安,你就会有要爱上他的感觉。
Miss Lei, is falling in love with me and I think I'm falling in love with her. I want to ask her to marry me soon. 雷小姐爱上了我,而我也爱上了她。我想很快向她求婚。
She refused to leave until she had tricked him into falling in love with her. 直到诱使他爱上了她,她才会离开。
I was the girl he was falling in love with, just as I was falling in love with him. 我是他爱的女人,跟我爱他一样。
You know, my parents never really spoke of the possibility of my falling in love or getting married or having children. 你知道,我父母从没真正谈论过我将来会恋爱、结婚、生子的可能性。
I hear he falling in love with her because she like take care of him. 我听说他爱上她,因为她很会照顾他。
I really wanted to show it my emotions, but I wasn't sure if I was expressing my feelings correctly or not. It was like falling in love. 我真心想对它流露我的情绪,可是又不确定是否正确表达出自己的感觉,就好象在陷入爱河一样。
She might have been falling in love with the virtual image which I made up for myself in the beginning. 她可能已经爱上了虚拟形象,我为自己是个开始。
Mrs. Norris began to look about her and wondered that his falling in love with Julia had come to nothing. 诺利斯太太环顾左右,为他和朱丽叶的恋爱未成感到纳闷。
No, it's okay. I just want you to give us time, give us a real shot, Because i think i might be falling in love with you. 没关系的。我只是希望你给我们一些时间,一次机会,我觉得我可能已经深深爱上你了。
Since falling in love with the Marble Cathedral during her first visit in 2003 she has decided to make it a major part of her life. 从2003年第一次来这个大理石圣殿她就爱上了,并决定将它作为自己生命的一个重要部分。
When the war ended the next year, "it was a time of complete euphoria. Everyone was falling in love with each other. " 第二年战争结束,“那真是一段幸福安乐的时光,每个人都相亲相爱。”
I was afraid of falling in love with you and I made up my mind to quit from the very beginning of our encounter. 我从最初的相见就已经害怕自己真的会爱上你,我从最初的相见就已经开始了选择放弃。
But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt-you cannot have women falling in love with machines. 但是,尽管托尼很聪明,他还得经过一番改造——总不能让女人与机器相爱吧!
But half a year later, this man's marriage was unravelling and he and I were falling in love. 可是,半年以后,他的婚姻散了,我和他双双坠入了爱河。
Shall I stay, would it be a sin. if I can't help falling in love with you. 我能不能留下,如果我爱上了你,这会是一种罪么。
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over. 与你相遇是一种缘分,与你相交是一种选择,与你相爱是我无法控制的宿命。
Falling in love with a person is a very troublesome thing, especially knowing you will give her a lot, as she has done a lot of things. 爱上一个人是一件很麻烦的事,特别是你不知不觉中会为她放弃了很多事,为她做了很多事。
At this point, certainly, falling in love and getting married may be less a matter of choice than a stroke of wild great luck. 当然在这个问题上,恋爱结婚的几率可能比中风还需要更大的运气。
Meeting you was fate , and falling in love with you was out of my control . 遇见你是我命运的安排,爱上你是我情不自禁。
I find myself falling in love with this dream, like the beginning of the country. 我发现自己开始爱上这个梦一样的国家。
Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my conor. 遇见你是命运的摆设,而爱上你是我情不自禁。
A lad falling in love with a girl would send her a tree root, or matches, or pepper, or garlic wrapped with tree leaves. 小伙子爱上了某个姑娘,就用树叶包上树根、火柴、辣椒、大蒜送给她。
I think they're human as anybody else and if you're falling in love with her. . . go for it, man. Run. Get her out of here. 我觉得他们就像其他任何人一样是人类,要是你爱上她…就去追求,逃走吧,带她离开这里。