
美 [ˈfjuːəl]英 [ˈfjuːəl]
  • n.燃料;燃油;【新闻传媒】推动力
  • v.(给…)加油;【新闻传媒】加速
  • 网络加燃料;汽油;油料

现在分词:fueling 过去式:fueled 第三人称单数:fuels

liquid fuel,automobile fuel
fuel inflation,fuel anger,fuel pump,fuel speculation


n. v.

1.[u][c]燃料any material that produces heat or power, usually when it is burnt

2.[u](尤指使争论等继续或更加激烈的)刺激性言行a thing that is said or done that makes sth, especially an argument, continue or get worse


钢铁雄心3_百度百科 ... energy = 1000 energy 电力+1000 fuel = 1000 fuel 燃料+1000 supplies = 1000 supplies 补给+1000 ...


柴油 滑油 重油 燃油用英文怎么说?_百度知道 ... 重油: Heavy Oil 燃油: fuel 滑油: oil ...


职称英语基本词汇(理工)_百度文库 ... friendly 友好的 fuel 燃料;加燃料 function 功能;运转起作用 ...


营运成本记录单 ... 里程 Mileage 汽油 Fuel 润滑油 Lubricants ...


1.在“油料”(FUEL)的下面出现了“BAT”,这是常规动力潜艇用来潜航的电池能量,耗尽时必须浮上水面充电。核动力潜艇则根 …


消防英语专业词汇(F3) ... fuel wood 薪材 fuel 可燃物 fuel-air explosive 燃料空气炸药 ...


李笑来21天突破托福词汇(第一天)_天道留学 ... forage 草料;饲料 fuel 燃料,柴炭 v (给……)加油 herb 草,草本植物 ...


生物质气化发电-生物质能-搜狐博客 ... 机组 Genset 燃料种类 Fuel 机组型号 Genset Model ...

The increase in ash depth from the rear to the front changes the resistance of the fuel bed plus the ash to the air flow. 灰层由后而前增加,这样就改变了燃料床(或者叫燃料层?)加上炉灰对(炉内)气流的阻力。
This results into a significant increase in efficiency, with fuel consumption down by up to 15 per cent under full load. 这一结果有显着提高效率,燃油消耗下降了高达15%的满载。
The fire is thought to have got to this fuel, which should have been entirely submerged, but may well not have been. 这场火灾被认为出自这些乏燃料,这些乏燃料原本应该完全沉入水中,但现在看来并不是这样。
But he said the low-fuel policy was always to ready the car for the highly-competitive 'Q2' qualifying session. 但是他说,轻油的策略是为了能使撤在第二节排位赛中拥有更强的竞争力。
When you're in a bad mood it's easy to look for things to fuel that bad mood or reinforce it. 当你心情不好时,很容易找到借口助长或加强低落的情绪。
To the side sit the rusting pumps of MPPE, the state firm that this year lost its monopoly on fuel sales and distribution. 不远的一旁躺着国有公司MPPE生产的油管,锈迹斑斑,这家公司于今年丧失了其在燃油出售和经销领域的垄断地位。
These women, whose menfolk often leave to seek work or to join in armed conflicts, have been hit by soaring fuel and fertiliser costs. 这些妇女的丈夫通常都外出找工作去了,有的则加入武装冲突,剩下她们自己孤苦伶仃,饱受燃料和化肥费用猛增的冲击。
He asked how much fuel this diesel engine consumed. 他问这台柴油机消耗了多少燃抖。
Life in that home had not been easy. There had been times of food shortages, times when they had shivered at night for want of fuel. 生活在这个家中并不容易。有时会出现粮食短缺,有时他们会在夜间冻得发抖因缺少燃料。
Although its small airport is open, it is only able to handle a few planes an hour and has no fuel to allow aircraft to leave. 虽然它的小机场已经开通,但是一小时只能管理几架飞机,而且没有让飞机离开的燃料。
The fuel rods began to boil off the remaining water, allowing water levels to drop and leaving the fuel at least partially exposed. 燃料棒开始将剩余的水加热、汽化,这样水面就会降低,核燃料至少会部分暴露出来。
These actuators are easy to install by mounting near the fuel system and direct connecting to the fuel control rod or lever. 这些驱动器是易于安装,由安装附近的燃油系统和直接连接到燃油控制杆或杠杆。
"The course is unalterable, " Dr. Alexander said. "The last fuel was expended several months ago, to make sure we hit the planet. " “它的命运是无法改变的,”亚历山大博士说,“最后的燃料数月前已经被扔掉以保证它将在木星上坠毁。”
However, the environment can also be protected by the use of a light oil, with which fuel consumption can be reduced. 然而,环境也可以由轻质油的使用得到保护的,可以降低油耗。
Pensioners and families are to be given one-off payments of up to (US)$1, 300, to help fuel consumer demand. 领养老金的人和家庭会受到一次性支付的高达1,300美元,帮助他解决燃料消耗问题。
The ship would have to be big enough to carry a huge amount of fuel, enough to accelerate it to nearly the speed of light. 这艘飞船要足够大,能够运载大量的原油使飞船达到光速。
Alan Shepard was the first American to fly in space. He rode into the sky on rocket fuel and the hopes and dreams of a nation. 艾伦谢泼德是美国第一个在太空中飞行。他骑马进了对火箭燃料和一个民族的希望和梦想的天空。
Yet despite the anger, the economic consequences of expensive fuel might not be as dire as is often assumed. 然后尽管愤怒,昂贵燃油价格带来的经济结果可能未必像大家想的那样糟糕。
China is trying to do the same as it looks overseas for food, fuel and minerals to satisfy the rising demand of its cities and factories. 现如今中国在向海外寻找食物、能源和矿产的同时,也正在试图做同样地事。
Blake suggests that methane emissions could be cut by pumping it out of landfills and re-using it as a fuel. Blake认为,把垃圾填埋场的甲烷抽出并作为燃料重新利用,这可以减少甲烷排放。
Accordingly, such a conventional production technology cannot be applied to the production of diesel fuel oil. 因此,这种传统的生产技术不能适用于生产柴油燃油。
But scientists decided to let it carry out additional exploratory tasks as the orbiter is still in good condition and has fuel in reserve. 但是,由于这个人造卫星工作状况良好,还有储备燃料,科学家决定让它进行额外的探索任务。
The nuclear safety agency said the spent fuel at the No. 4 reactor appeared to be immersed in water. 日本原子力安全保安院说,四号反应堆的乏燃料棒似乎浸没在水面以下。
He said he was hunting for high-grade copper, bauxite, iron ore and coal resources, the minerals that China needs to fuel its urbanisation. 熊维平表示,他正在物色高品位的铜、铝矾土、铁矿石和煤炭资源,这些都是中国推进其城市化进程所必需的矿产。
'Do not commit crime. Pay for your fuel' is hardly a deterrent to a criminal who has every intention of driving off without paying. ‘禁止犯罪,加油付款’对一个想要加了油就跑的犯罪分子可没有什么威慑力量。
The fuel effect - how much the weight of fuel affects lap times - is in the order of 0. 35 seconds per lap at the Hockenheimring. 在霍根海姆,燃油的影响——也就是燃油的重量对圈速的影响——是每圈零点三五秒。
They would be easy to shoot down, consume inordinate amounts of fuel, and had few advantages to counter an extended list of cons. 他们很容易被击落,消耗过度的燃料,在反击广大敌人时几乎没有优势。
Fuel costs for an electric car ( electricity) should be at least one-third the fuel costs of a comparably-sized gasoline-powered car. 电动汽车的燃料费(电)至少是同等大小汽油动力汽车燃料费用的三分之一。
The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably. 吃穿的费用今年有所下降。同样地,燃料价格也有大幅回落。
That energy itself must be produced in ways that do not emit greenhouse gases for hydrogen to be a truly green fuel. 最理想绿色燃料则是按照一定的方式自己产生能量而且不会产生二氧化碳、甲烷等导致温室效应气体(如同氢气)。