we learn

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we learnwe learn

we learn


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Very often we learn how much something means to us after it is gone. 通常我们都在失去某个东西后才知道它对我们有多重要。
How much of intelligence can be specified, and how much can we learn about it from neurology, genetics, computer science and other fields? 我们能够从神经学、遗传学、计算机科学以及其他领域了解的智力又有多少?
In fact, I still remember the adage Bob used to explain why he took my case for free. He said, "In doing, we learn. " 实际上,我仍记得鲍勃在解释为什么为我免费辩护时所用的格言:“实践长才干。”
From his friendliness, we learn the world is a nice place in which to lille. 因他的友善,我们知道了这世界的美好所在。
We learn that this champion unfortunately encountered a "Great Magnetic Field, " turning him into steel and rendering him immobile. 我们知道了这个英雄不幸遭遇了一个“巨大的磁力场”,并且把他变成了铁疙瘩让他一动也动不了。
So from the beginning we learn to be a certain way or to wear certain clothes. 所以从一开始我们就要学习走一条特定的路或是穿特定的衣服。
We learn a great deal about God from His revelation of Himself in the Bible. 从圣经中,我们对上帝所启示的关于祂自己的事,已经了解甚多。
It is only by growing up in a civilized society of law that we learn the idea of proportionate response. 唯有在法律约制的文明社会下成长,我们才能学会恰当地回应。
From her posts we learn quite a few things of relevance about Malawians' dietary needs. 从她的文章,我们了解马拉维当地人的饮食营养问题。
However, after a careful study of your quotation and the current market, we learn that your price seems to be on high side. 但是在详细地研究了你们的报价单以及现在的市场行情后,我们认为你们的价格有点偏高。
After all these years we learn we did not know each other in fullest measure, you and I. 我们过了这些年,才发觉彼此尚不深知。
Your brain loves fun. We learn in direct proportion to how much fun we are having. Learning is life. Live it up! 大脑喜欢开玩笑。开心和学习效率成正比,心情越好,学到的知识就越多,所以,让自己快乐起来吧~!
We're trying to find out when the organization will open it up for non-registered users and will update this post if we learn more. 我们会尽量打探该组织何时向非注册用户开放,如果我们获悉更多信息将更新此贴。
In today's scripture lesson, we learn that the early church was in a situation where God's power appeared to be absent. So what happened? 在今天的经文里,我们看到:早期的教会处在一个好像神的能力不在的处境,那怎么样呢?
"How much can we learn from one individual? " he asks. "Normally, palms are cross-pollinated . One would expect them to be very diverse. " 他问道:“我们能从一个个体学到多少?”“通常枣椰是异花授粉的,一棵可以繁衍出多种的枣椰。”
So it's a bit of a surprise and somewhat of a disappointment that we learn now that it is still sitting on the dock. 因此当我们获悉它还在码头上时颇为惊讶,也有些失望。
We learn from. . . that your firm specializes in. . . , and would like to establish busine relation hip with you. 从……获悉你公高一英语作文司专门经营……,现愿与你公司高一英语语法建立业务关系。
By dealing with a lack of money, we learn to value ourselves beyond the material possessions we are capable of purchasing. 通过与缺乏资金时,我们学会了价值超过物质财富,我们有自己的采购能力。
It is common wisdom that we learn from our mistakes, but too many managers seem to forget this and try to assign blame when things go wrong. 从失败中学习,这是句老掉牙的话,但是太多的管理者好似忘了它,而且在事情做错时总是习惯责骂。
From this we learn that Hungary's hope for the future is, perhaps, not as single minded as he might be. 从这个小手册我们可以得知,匈牙利对未来的希望也许不是一厢情愿的事。
It is often said that we learn something by doing it in person. 人们常常说,我们学到的东西做它的人。
Ritholtz says, "It's like what Hegel supposedly said: The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history. " 里萨兹说,“这一现象正印证了黑格尔的观点:我们唯一能从历史中学到的就是我们对历史一无所知。”
We learn little about the economy by being consumers and producers, just as we do not become expert in aerodynamics as plane passengers. 仅仅作为消费者和生产者,我们对经济的了解还只是皮毛。这就如同我们常乘坐飞机,但并不会因此成为空气动力学专家。
Linguist Steven Pinker questions the very nature of our thoughts -- the way we use words, how we learn, and how we relate to others. 语言学家StevenPinker致力于探索我们真实的思想本质——我们的用词方式、我们的学习方式以及我们如何与他人有交点。
We learn quite often, Milton would select what is considered a fine arts media or technique to express the message in a certain way. 很多时候,我们学习,米尔顿将选择什么被认为是美术媒体或技术来表达某种方式的信息。
Secondly, we learn that sometimes God would use other believers to call us to serve him, to fill the empty slots of ministry. 其次,我们知道:有时候,神使用其他信徒来呼召我们事奉他,来填补事工中的空缺。
we learn from the commercial counselor of your embassy in Beijing that you are the importer of the light industry product . 我们从贵国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处获悉,你们是轻工产品的进口商!
We learn from you, he said, but you think you have no need to learn anything from us. 他说,我们向你们学习,但你们觉得我们一无是处。
My interest was that given that so many of our birds are in decline, what can we learn that we can bring into a conservation context? 我的兴趣在于,鸟类数量下降如此之外,从中我们学到了什么让我们保护环境保护区?
We learn by watching the river flow, missing the boat, daydreaming, shutting down for the night, slapping cold water on the needy. 我们通过观察河水流动来学习,却错失良机,整天在做白日梦。