
美 [hu]英 [huː]
  • pron.(询问姓名、身份或职务)谁;表示所指的人
  • abbr.(=World Health Organization)世界卫生组织(联合国)
  • n.【组】世界卫生组织
  • 网络世界卫生组织(World Health Organization);世卫组织;何人



1.(询问姓名、身份或职务)谁,什么人used in questions to ask about the name, identity or function of one or more people

2.(表示所指的人)used to show which person or people you mean

3.(进一步提供有关某人的信息)used to give more information about sb

世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)

世界卫生组织who)对益生菌提出了以下建议性定义:用于食物ff 的益生菌是“当以充足的量被摄取时,对宿主的健康有好处 …

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... teacher n. 教师 who pron. (疑问代词) partner n. 伙伴;合作者 ...


世卫组织WHO)与欧盟联合研究中心(TRC)、欧洲环境署(EEA)过去两2年时间对噪音污染的研究,2012年12月14日 …


何人who)方面,注重显著性;在何地(where)方面,注重接近性; 在何时(when)方面,注重时宜性及历史背景; 在 …


  3、购买者是谁(Who)——购买组织(Organizations)是什么。分析购买者是个人、家庭还是集团,购买的产品供谁使用,谁是购 …

In one of her kindergarten classes there is a little boy named Evan who drives all his teachers crazy. 在她幼儿园的一个班级里,有一个叫Evan的让每个老师都很头疼的小男孩。
American writer, Margaret Mitchell, who wrote "Gone With The Wind" , was knocked down and killed by a speeding vehicle in 1949. 写了《飘》的美国作家玛格丽特米歇尔,1949被一辆飞驰而来的汽车撞倒身亡。
He and his followers have vowed to evil, will never achieve their goals do not stop to see who they are right! 他和他的邪恶的追随者们发誓,不达到目的决不罢休,看看他们都是谁吧!
There was one who jumped in from the top steps without any preliminaries at all. 有这样一个人,没有任何征兆地从台阶顶上一下跳到水里。
I could see that the comrade who had befriended the warder wanted the sandwich, and I nodded for him to take it. 我看得出那个已与狱吏亲近了些的伙伴想要那个三明治,于是我向他点头应允。
I bumped into a hefty looking man, who turned around and growled at me in Spanish. 我碰到一位外表健壮的男人,他转过身,用西班牙语对我吼叫。
Nothing amuses me more than the easy manner with which everybody settles the abundance of those who have a great deal less than themselves. 没有一件事比这更能给我欢乐以轻松的态度和那些比他们所拥有的还少很多的人安排处理优裕的事物。
Those babies were also more likely to be black, have a mother less than 19 years of age, and a mother who smoked. 那些婴儿也更可能是黑人,母亲不到19岁,以及怀孕期间吸烟的母亲。
There was one of the Munchkin girls who was so beautiful that I soon grew to love her with all my heart. 有一个芒奇金人的女子,她很美丽,不久就使我全心爱着她。
Among those who said he was compelled to attend the rally was a 46-year-old laborer who asked not to be identified. Among那些谁说他被迫参加集会是一个46岁的工人谁要求不透露姓名的老。
Her mother says Mollie - who organises and selects all of the stock for each of the branches - is now determined to expand her empire. 妈妈说,莫莉亲自负责挑选店里的糖果品种,现在她又想扩大她的糖果小帝国了。
You compare her with your English women who wolf down from three to five meat meals a day, and naturally you find her a sylph. 你们英国女人每天狼吞虎咽地吃上三五餐肉食,你拿她来同你们相比,自然觉得她是个窈窕仙女了。
After the show the dress was returned to Miss Todd, who packed it away in her mother's wardrobe where it has remained ever since. 时装展后,这件透视装被还给了托德小姐,此后她一直把它放在母亲的衣橱里。
"In Poland, people tend not to listen to those who mistake the priest's pulpit for a speaker's platform at a political rally, " he said. 在波兰,人们往往不会听那些在政治集会上将神父的布道台误认为演讲台的家伙所说的话。
If it's hard for me to walk up them steps now, it's 'cause I walked up them every night to lay next to a man who loved me. 如果我现在爬不上楼梯,那是因为我每天都爬好去躺在爱我的男人身边。
She offers hugs willingly to those who want to receive them and remains positive and cheerful, always trying to see the good in people. 她愿意拥抱那些希望她给予拥抱的人,并且依然保持积极和乐观的态度,总想看到人性善的一面。
Even a guy who will admit that you're better looking than him should still be able to tell you you're beautiful. 一个男人觉得你长得比他好,他还是应该赞美你漂亮。
The former Apple employee, who worked in an Apple store, also notes that this happens every time Apple releases a hot new product. 这位苹果前雇员还告诉我,每一次有新的热门产品发售,这种情况都会发生。
Those cousins who have made it out of Iraq alive are part of the fastest-growing refugee crisis in the world. 我那些逃出伊拉克并且还能幸运活下来的堂兄弟姐妹,是爆发于当今世界的难民潮的组成部分。
Those of us who have what seems to be a Non-HIV form of AIDS should certainly think twice before donating blood. 我们这些有什么谁似乎是一个非病毒形式的艾滋病当然应该三思而后献血。
When you check out a file, you are the only person who can change it while it is checked out to you. 如果您签出文件,则在签出期间,您是唯一能够更改此文件的人。
The girl of the future, when he is joking with you, please just pretend like you dont know, cuz he just a kid who like to play. 未来的那个女孩,他是一个长不大的小孩,在他捉弄你的时候,请假装不知道。
Other reported cases in medical journals included an American law student who spent six hours a day with her computer resting on her lap. 在医学杂志上报告的其他案件包括了美国的法律学生把电脑搁在她膝上每天6小时。
That morning, Bouazizi got into a tussle with town inspectors who accused him of failing to pay a fine for some arbitrary infraction. 那天早上,博阿齐齐与镇上的检查人员发生了争执,他们随意认定他有违法行为,指责他不缴纳罚金。
In her autobiography, she writes of turning to a "validation squad" of friends and relatives who helped her to face the truth. 她在自传中写到,当时她找到一些亲朋好友,组成了一支“可信的队伍”,帮助她面对现实。
The bus conductor became the man of the moment when he acted AS midwife to a woman who gave birth to a baby on his bus. 当这个公共汽车售票员为一个在车上生产的妇女接生时,他曾名噪一时。
Her mother Maria Claudia Garcia, who was pregnant when she was abducted, was later taken to Uruguay and made to disappear. 她的母亲MariaClaudiaGarcia在被绑架时正在怀孕,后来被送到乌拉圭并失踪。
But it did not hear from the four soldiers who fired their weapons, because they had not been granted immunity from prosecution. 但是审讯中却并没有询问四名开枪士兵,因为他们并没有被保证免于起诉。
It was Frank who lay closest to her heart, Frank who loomed as the star in her limited heaven. 只有弗兰克与她的感情最接近,他就象一颗隐现在她那小小天地中的星星。
Once you've made sure that your personal information is only viewable by who you want to see it, start building your professional brand. 一旦你确认好你在网上的信息只有那些你想让他们看的人才能开到,就开始创建自己的专业品牌吧。