
美 [hwerˈæz]英 [weərˈæz]
  • conj.尽管;(用于正式文件中句子的开头)鉴于
  • 网络然而;反之;却



1.(用以比较或对比两个事实)然而,但是,尽管used to compare or contrast two facts


新视野大学英语 单词表 第二册 - 新月空中英语 ... superb 极好的 whereas 然而,却,反之 elapse 逝去,过去 ...


法律翻译技巧_法律博客 ... 9 、 declare: 声明 3 、 whereas鉴于 4 、 identify : 列明,载明 ...


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... glitter vi. 闪闪发光,闪烁 n.闪光 whereas conj. 而,却;反之 revolve vi. 旋转;绕转 ...

新视野大学英语 单词表 第二册 - 新月空中英语 ... superb 极好的 whereas 然而,,反之 elapse 逝去,过去 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... whenever 无论如何;每当 whereas 然而,但是,尽管 whether 是否;不管, …


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... whenever 无论如何;每当 whereas 然而,但是,尽管 whether 是否;不管, …


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... glitter vi. 闪闪发光,闪烁 n.闪光 whereas conj. 而,却;反之 revolve vi. 旋转;绕转 ...

They use the word as if it refers to a particular vampire monster, whereas in fact today in common usage it just means "weird animal. " 他们使用这个词时,把它当成了一种对奇特的吸血怪兽的通称,而事实上,它现在的通用意思不过是“怪异的动物”。
Whereas, according to female students, having a boyfriend that acts like an ATM machine is not always welcome. 但是,在女生看来,一个像自动取款机一样的男友并不总那么受欢迎。
"Whereas the PRI is driven by power, the PAN tends to be driven by ideology, " says Luis Rubio, the head of CIDAC, a think-tank. 智库机构CIDAC负责人路易斯•卢比奥说:“PRI是以权力为动力的,而PAN则倾向于受思想意识推动。”
No one ever really came to visit us in Madrid, whereas everyone seems to want to come out here to see us. 在马德里的时候,没有人来看望我们,不过在这里好像很多人都愿意结识我们。
A CV for a new graduate might be one page, whereas those at the top of their profession might require dozens of pages. 一个刚毕业的学生可能写一页纸,而那些行业精英们可能需要一打纸。
Since the law was never a passion, whereas convictions were rooted in his being, politics would seem to have been a natural career for him. 虽然法律从来和激情不沾边,但是法律信念却植根在他的本性之中,政治活动将会成为他天生的职业。
Less-anxious mice did not avoid handlers that restrained them by the scruff of the neck, whereas tail-snatched mice scurried away. 抓其颈背,较少焦虑的小鼠不避处理器约束他们,同时抓住小鼠尾基部直接提起小鼠会急忙跑开。
The boy told the TV host about his uncertain future at being left on his own, whereas the girl was full of enthusiasm for her life. 男孩对电视节目主持人谈起留给他的未来不禁感慨前途渺茫,而女孩,却对她未来的生活充满了热情。
I prefer to think of the future as a 'don't know', whereas before we thought there was no chance at all. 之前我们认定已经毫无机会了,但我宁愿认为将来是‘未知’的。
It has a history, whereas America is still making history, animated by an eschatological tension toward the future. 当美国还被面向未来的末世紧张情绪促使着创造历史的时候,欧洲已经有了自己的历史。
The majority of these, were in Latin, whereas it is in the modern languages that the effect of the printing press was chiefly to be felt. 这些书大部分都是拉丁语的,然而印刷术的影响主要地被感觉到还是在现代语言中。
Ferment and smoke damage can be easily detected at this point, whereas they might be more subtle when roasted. 发酵过度或是烟尘污染可以在此时发现,这些味道可能在烘焙完成后变得不易察觉。
whereas, before this Act, my credit could not be expected to go beyond my own Neighborhood, or at farthest, where I might be known. 而在这个法令出现以前,我的信誉只被周围的人所了解,最远也只能到可能有人知道我的地方。
Whereas the FETCH can be used to return 1 or more rows allowing a single RPG sub-procedure to be used for CHAIN, READ or READE operations. 但是FETCH能用于返回一行或多行,允许单个RPG子过程用于CHAIN、READ或READE操作。
Whereas we, sitting in a safe house or in a laboratory, asking whether a man should or should not commit suicide, has no meaning. 而我们,坐在安全的房子里或实验室里,问一个人应该还是不应该自杀,这毫无意义。
Whereas a handful of Western countries were once at it, a whole planet has started to join in. 然而确实有一小部分西方国家过去曾陷入逆境,整个世界也开始步入其后尘。
He said Kyoto was about setting a framework, whereas Copenhagen is an attempt to get every country involved. 他说京都是建立一个框架,而哥本哈根是力图使每个国家都参与进来。
New York is primarily a gateway to the big American market whereas London, out of necessity, has had to look abroad for most of its growth. 纽约首先是通向美国这一巨大市场的门户,而伦敦虽不是出于无奈,却需要通过海外市场求得发展。
On our first date he took me to a noisy nightclub, whereas my Mr Right would have taken me for a romantic candlelit dinner. 第一次约会,他带我去了一个喧闹的夜店,然而我的白马王子应该带我去吃一个浪漫的烛光晚餐。
She maintains that she should pay me for staying in the flat, whereas I argue that this would defeat the purpose of the exercise. 她坚持为在我的公寓里居住付钱,但我认为这会违背我那么做的本意。
"Half-Life 2" , which came out in 2004, took six years to develop, whereas new episodes can be put together in a year or so. 2004年发行的《半条命2》花费了六年时间开发,而游戏的新章节仅需一年左右就可完工。
Besides, this girl was too young, about eighteen, whereas Hollis Meynell had frankly told him she was thirty. "Well, what of it? " 此外,这女孩太年轻了,大约十八岁,而荷莉丝‧梅奈尔曾坦白地告诉他她已叁十岁。
And whereas Lehman's exposures were hidden from public view, Greece's are largely out in the open and are also reasonably easy to value. 公众对雷曼的风险敞口不知情,而希腊的风险敞口很大程度上却是透明的,评估起来也相对容易。
Whereas in Bhutan , thousands and thousands of Bhutanese people have no doubt that you are a living god. 而在不丹,数以千计的不丹人却毫不怀疑地确信你是个活神仙。
He thought I was lying to him, in fact, whereas I was telling the truth. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。
The conventional material in these filters has long been a bituminous coal base, whereas one of Siemens' new products uses coconut shells. 这些过滤器的常规材料一直以来都使用烟煤做滤材,而西门子的一种新产品使用椰壳做滤材。
The parks themselves are limited in extent--there is only one Yosemite Valley--whereas population seems to grow without limit. 公园范围是有限的—只有一个优胜美谷—但人口增长没有限制。
Whereas festivals get the big bands on the stage, smaller venues are important for new bands trying to make a name for themselves. 节日里大牌乐队登台演出,但小型场地对想出名的新乐队来说是很重要的。
People are ready to help and make friends with honest people whereas a liar is not believed, even when he speaks the truth. 人们准备帮助诚信的人并和诚信的人交朋友,然而,谎言家即使当他说真话的时候也不被人们相信。
whereas the involuntary tremors of the palsied man, who breaks a glass, are appropriate to no action which he believes himself to be doing. 而打碎了杯子的中风的人的不自愿的颤抖,则与他相信自己正在实施的任何行为都不相适应。