walk away

  • n.轻易取胜
  • 网络走开;转身离开;离开你

第三人称单数:walks away 现在分词:walking away 过去式:walked away

walk awaywalk away

walk away


...。但有一点你们必须知道:我将不会从移民改革问题中‘走开’(walk away),只要一有机会我就会努力处理这一问题,这是确 …


“转身离开”用英文怎么写?-外语-翻译-天涯问答 ... Where Is Your Heart 心归何 Walk Away 转身离开 You Found Me 你发现了 …


好听的英文歌想西城的 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... Don’t let me go 不要让我走 Walk away 离开你 Love crime 爱的罪行 ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(W1) ... wale-piece 码头护木 walk away 背着走 walk away 出走 ...


Addicted -... ... God,I need to 上帝,我需要 Walk away…… 一走了之 But I'll never I try and try 但是我从来没有试过 ...


求校园毕业爱... ... Just Wanna Be With You《 只想和你在一起》 Walk Away就这么走开》 We're All in This Together《 我 …


听歌学英语2:格莱美经典金曲... ... 94.Virtual ln Sanity 虚拟疯狂 95.Walk Away 请走开 96.We Belong Together 我们永远在一起 ...

That makes them reluctant to mail the keys to the bank and walk away if the market weakens, although a few speculators do so anyway. 这让他们并不愿意在市场走弱的时候将房屋留给银行,而自己选择离开,不管怎么说仍然会有一些投机客会这样做。
Your body language will be seductive and difficult to walk away from so it's up to you to be honest about the way you feel. 你充满魅力的身体语言让人难以抗拒,所以只能由你来决定去留。
Hammerheads are my favorite sharks, and I was extremely happy to have been able to walk away with this shot. 锤头鲨是我最喜欢的鲨鱼,我非常乐于能够轻易获得这幅照片。
"From what I remember, " he said, "they would just look down and walk away. " 他说,“在我的记忆里,他们只是低下头走开。”
National Express, the holder of the franchise to run the train service, was losing money and said it would walk away at the end of the year. 这条铁路线的特许经营权持有者NationalExpress正在亏损,曾表示将于今年年底退出。
You know enough about the topic to produce a satisfactory article in the given time and walk away with a check for $5, 000USD. 你对此了解得很多,足以在规定的时间内写出一篇令人满意的文章,去领取那5,000美元支票了。
The person said potential buyers had been told to say what they were offering or walk away, a process that would take about a week. 该人士表示,潜在买家已被告知:要么提出报价,要么放弃——这一过程需要一周左右的时间。
"I think the bottom line is you never truly walk away from your upbringing, " he said. 我认为,归根结底,一个人永远无法真正摆脱自己的成长背景。
what he could not correct , he would ignore . there was a tendency in him to walk away from the impossible thing. 遇到没法纠正的事情,他就睁一眼闭一眼而对无能为力的事情,他往往就绕开走了。
did has been possible not to walk away or immediately to take a bath and so on, should well hug her, to her said praised words. 做完了可别一走了之或者就马上洗澡之类的,应该好好的抱着她,对她说些赞美的话。
The statue was just a short but provocative walk away from where Gaddafi hosted Western leaders in his tent over several years. 这座塑像时间虽短暂,但显示挑衅的意味,这表明帐篷中的卡扎菲对西方领导人由欢迎而转向敌意。
They were now back at the beginning of their conversation, which was not very helpful. Alice felt a little cross and decided to walk away. 现在他们又回到谈话的开头了,这于事无补。爱丽丝有点生气了,决定走开。
"If you tell her how much I served you, she will not get angry, " replied Portia, and turned to walk away. 波西亚回道:『假使你告诉她我帮了你这么大的忙,她就不会生气了。』说完转身就走。
He'd glance at my awkward ink drawings, groan "Oh, God, " and walk away holding his head in his hands, like a migraine sufferer. 他看着我糟糕的由墨水画出的画,低声嚷道:“哦,老天”,然后,双手抱着脑袋走开,就像一个人得了头疼。
Driving schools in South Korea offer courses to enable applicants to walk away with a licence in a week. 在韩国,驾校会给合格学员安排课程,让他们在一周内拿到驾照。
No one expects his dog to get up and walk away with utter indifference at the exact moment that he finally comes out to his grandmother. 没有人预料到,他出来迎接祖母的时候,自己的狗恰巧起身,漠不关心地转身离去。
After awhile, I accept disappointment and I walk away, leaving her to sweat throughthe night in that oven of a bed room. 我等了一会,接受了这个失望的事实,离开了,让她在这个火炉似的卧室里流汗吧。
It would be a mistake for the United States to walk away from Pakistan and Afghanistan again, Clinton said. 国务卿克林顿说,美国若再次离开巴基斯坦和阿富汗,将是错误的。
Location: Not very convenient for a long stay but easy to get around - the tram is a 5 minute walk away and you can go anywhere for HKD$2. 地点:不非常方便长的逗留,而且容易坐上电车,走路用5分钟的步行,并且您可以在任何地方得到求助。
Riding up the elevator toward a negotiation with one of the world's largest banks, I decided to raise our walk-away price by $1 million. 电梯缓缓上升,我正要同世界上最大的银行之一进行谈判,我决定报出100万美元的跳楼价。
Think of the seconds, minutes and hours over a year that you spend waiting on your programs to load and walk away without looking back. 想一想你一年有多少时间浪费在等它加载程序上,快把它扔到一边去吧。
She doesn't want her appearance now and her Harvard degree to fool anyone: "I was one of those people on the streets you walk away from. " 她不想让她现在的外表以及哈佛学历去愚弄任何人:“我曾是那些你们避而远之的街头分子之一。”
Analysts said the rally was a result of Google's statement that it might walk away from China's search engine market. 分析人士称,谷歌考虑退出中国搜索引擎市场的消息刺激了百度股价上涨。
Brown's previous deal was due to expire at the end of the season and there had been speculation he would walk away from Old Trafford. 布朗早先的合同到赛季末结束,有舆论认为他会离开老特拉福德。
And so I decided to make these pictures, and they were very large, so you had to walk away from it to be able to see them. 所以我决定做这样的画,它们很大,因此你必须离远一些才能看明白。
After years of voting to defer these cuts, the other party is now willing to walk away from the needs of our doctors and our seniors. 在连续多年的投票推迟这些薪资削减计划后,另一党派(即共和党)正准备撂挑子置我们的医生和老人们的需求于不顾。
If regulators demand significant, further concessions, he said, 'I think you just have to walk away. ' 巴里什说,如果监管机构要求做出进一步重大让步,我认为还是不要继续进行交易算了。
The bank employee tries to convince him that the half million he has in his bag is more than enough for him to just walk away. 银行职员试图让他相信他包里的五十万美元已足够让他离开了,听到警笛声后,她停下了。
The aim is to ensure that an available vehicle is just a few minutes' walk away at any time. 目的是要确保现有车辆只有几分钟的步行距离在任何时候。
And all day long all I could think about is how I used a technicality in the law to help a murderer walk away a free man. 我一整天都想我是如何使用法律这个利器,让一个杀人犯重获自由。