
美 [dɪˈklaɪn]英 [dɪ'klaɪn]
  • v.下降;衰退;减少;谢绝
  • n.下降
  • 网络拒绝;衰落;下倾

第三人称单数:declines 现在分词:declining 过去式:declined

sharp decline,steep decline,rapid decline,slow decline,gradual decline
decline offer,cause decline,hasten decline,halt decline,prevent decline
gradually decline,steadily decline


n. v.

1.[c][ususing][u]~ (in sth).~ (of sth)(数量、价值、质量等的)减少,下降,衰落,衰退a continuous decrease in the number, value, quality, etc. of sth


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... decade 十;十年 decline 下降;偏斜;衰落 deduce 推断 ...


衰字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 衰损〖 languishing〗 衰退〖 fail;decline〗 衰亡〖 becomefeebleanddie;declineandfall〗 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... declare vt. 宣布,宣告 decline v. 拒绝, 衰落,下降 decorate v. 装饰,装修 ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... decade 十;十年 decline 下降;偏斜;衰落 deduce 推断 ...


谢_互动百科 ... 4. 谢顶[ be balding] 7. 谢绝[ decline] 9. 谢礼[ honoravium] ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... commonly ad. 通常地, 常常地 decline n. 下降, 减少 diner n. 食客 ...


六级单词表精华版 - 豆丁网 ... declaration/ n. 宣布,宣言;申诉 decline/ vt. 下倾;偏斜;衰退 dedicate/ vt. 奉献;献身 ...


PAYMENT TERMS_商贸英语 ... the bank interest 银行利息 decline 下降,下跌 something goes wrong 某事上出问题,出现差 …

I'm speculating, but it seems reasonable to me that what's causing this decline, or much of it, is the rise of the two-earner household. 我猜测,双职工家庭的日益增多导致了迁移率下降或者是大幅下降,但是对于我来说,这似乎是合乎情理的。
But all that has been achieved so far is a slowdown in the rate of economic decline. 但迄今为止的所有成就只是放慢了经济进一步衰退的速度。
It's easy to blame the decline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the vague changes taking place in our ever-changing world. 人们之间交谈的减少应怪罪于现代生活的节奏以及在这个永恒变化着的世界里所发生的莫名其妙的变化。
There could be a different president two years hence, ready to reverse his agenda of international passivity and decline. 两年后美国总统可能会换人,并准备逆转他在国际上处于被动且日渐式微的议程。
That may be a step down for someone so renowned in his youth but it would constitute a renaissance after four years of decline at Newcastle. 对一个年轻时那么大名鼎鼎的人来说,可能这是在倒退,但在纽卡斯尔走了四年下坡路之后,这么做也许会帮助他东山再起。
Along with the delay of planting date, the rate of diseased grains tends to decline. While different varieties have the difference slightly. 随着播期的推迟,小麦黑胚率呈下降趋势,但不同品种表现略有差异。
Many reasons lead us to ponder the rise and decline of the United States of America. I shall list only a few. 有许多原因促使我们思考美国的兴盛与衰落,我仅列出其中一些原因
inflation : An increase in the general price level, resulting in a decline in the purchasing power of the monetary unit. 通货膨胀:在一般物价水平的增量,造成一种衰落在货币单位的购买力。
The cost for this tonic seems to be a drastic decline in Americans' economic mobility. 这一令人振奋的数据背后的成本是美国经济流动性的急剧下降。
"The decline of new jobs is an undisputable fact. Many multinationals stopped their campus recruiting last October, " she said. 她说,“对新职位的需求正在减少,这已是不争的事实。许多跨国企业在上一年十月已经停止了校园招聘。”
The rise, compared to a year earlier, breaks a 13-month decline in trade as a result of the global downturn. 这个增长,与上一年比较,打破了由全球经济衰退而带来的连续13个月的贸易减少。
The sub-index from the point of view, the overall trend still continued to fall, but the decline was significantly reduced. 从各分项指数来看,整体仍延续回落态势,但降幅明显缩小。
In the only dark spot for the company, sales of the iPod dropped to 10. 2 million, from 11 million a year ago, a decline of 7 percent. 惟一美中不足的是,iPod的销售量由去年的1100万台下降到1020台,降了7个百分点。
But it matters that the president-elect is being told by his foremost intelligence analysts that the US faces relative decline. 但重要的是,当选总统最重要的情报分析员在告诉奥巴马,美国正面临相对衰落。
This sort of metabolic decline can be reversed by adopting a pattern of eating five small meals a day instead of three larger ones. 这种新陈代谢下降的情况可以通过采取一种每天吃5顿小餐而不是3顿大餐的模式来被扭转。
He was forced to grapple with the problem when he analysed the satellite data and found a slight decline in precipitation around Adi Ha. 当他分析了卫星数据,发现阿迪哈周围降雨量略有下降时,他不得不尽力解决这个问题。
A decline in the long-term growth rate of real GDP over two or more quarters. 长期实际GDP的增长率在两个或两个以上的季度内的下降。
"Housing prices will decline in the fourth quarter this year, but how much it will drop is uncertain, " Xu said. 徐说,“今年的第四季度,房屋的价格将会下降,,但它会下降多少是不确定的。”
Other large-scale trends have paralleled the decline in violence and cruelty, but it is not easy to sort out cause and effect here. 野蛮和暴力减少的同时也出现了其他一些大趋势,但是很难简单地分清哪些是原因哪些是结果。
But, he said the decline in imports would be largely because of the fall in prices of industrial materials. 不过,他说因为工业原材料的价格下降,进口可能下滑严重。
He'd text me while hanging out with friends he'd told and ask me to tag along. I'd decline. I honestly didn't want things to end with him. 他跟朋友在外面玩的时候他给我发短信让我也一起过来,但是我拒绝了。
He couldn't say precisely how much of the portfolio underlying the deal was designed by Paulson & Co. , the hedge fund betting on a decline. 他无法确切地说出,交易涉及的投资组合有多少是由做空证券的对冲基金鲍尔森公司(Paulson&Co.)设计的。
Perhaps another reason for the decline is the soup itself, which is often described as bland, at least for Western palates. 或许食用次数减少的另一个原因是鱼翅汤本身。人们一般都说鱼翅汤是淡而无味,至少按西方人的口味来说是这样。
At the end of the Vietnam War, there was a thriving commentary around the world on the idea of America's economic decline. 在越战结束时,全世界有关美国经济衰退的言论流行一时。
So it seems to us that Thursday's decline could be a beginning of the long overdue downside correction. 因此在我们看来,周四的大跌可能是一轮迟到已久的回调行情的开始。
The decline was mainly due to lower food and energy costs, which have fallen compared with a year ago. 这主要是由于食品及能源价格与去年同期相比有所下降。
Pinker convincingly demonstrates that there has been a dramatic decline in violence, and he is persuasive about the causes of that decline. Pinker令人信服地向我们展示了暴力行为大幅下降的趋势,其列出的原因也是有说服力的。
Indeed, some had been hoping for a modest decline in the first quarter to take some of the heat out of the market. 事实上,一些人曾经希望中国股市在第一季度小幅下跌,以便为市场降降温。
He saw a decline in his power of walking and thought his "memory not so faithful as it used to be. " 他感到了走路越发没有力气就想他的“记忆已经不像过去那么可信了”。
It is only in the most recent two years that the growth rate has moved up from a rather steady decline since the early 90s. 只是在最近两年,其增长速度才脱离了90年代早期以来一种相当稳定的下降趋势。