do you remember

  • 网络你还记得吗;你可曾记得;你记得吗

do you rememberdo you remember

do you remember


死神 OP ED !_死神 Bleach_百度空间 ... chAngE[ 改变] Do you remember你还记得吗】 Drive your Life【 掌控你的人生】 ...


流行音乐 ... She Called Me To Her Room 她唤我入她的房间 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 When We Fell In Love 当年我们 …


人教版七年级英语重点语句... ... 41. not … any more 不再…… 2. Do you remember …? 你记得……吗? 2. what kind of … 哪 …


铁佛 - 歪酷博客 Ycool Blog ... Do you love me ? 你爱我吗? — Do you remember ? 你是否记得 — Doctor Jones 琼斯博士 — ...

Do you remember what I said to you when you asked me at the time of our marriage, "How much do you love me? " You remember, don't you? 你还记得我曾对你说过的话吗?在我们结婚时,你问我的,“你有多爱我呢?”你记得的,是吧?。
Steve Kroft: When was the first moment that it began to sink in that you were President of the United States? Do you remember? 记:你是从什么时候开始意识到自己已经成了美国总统了?还记得吗?。
" On hearing that, I became so excited that I hurried to test how much I had taught him, " Then you tell me, what do you remember? 听闻我兴奋得一塌糊涂,急忙验证自己的家教结果:“那你都记得什么?”
do you remember once you and I QQ, your colleagues made a sentence "He is gay, " I think there seems to be what you did not tell me. 你记不记得有一次我和你QQ,你的同事发了一句“他是同性恋”,我觉得你似乎有什么事情没有告诉我。
A. That's okay. Do you remember how much it was for? 没事。你记得是多少钱吗?
do you remember how much it costs you to apply Princeton? 你们还记得当时申请普林斯顿入校时交了多少钱?
How much do you remember about the days of your growth from a child to an adult? 一个人从小到大的日子,你记忆了多少?
Do you remember your first Web application with Ajax support and how much effort it required to implement? 您还记得您的第一个使用Ajax的Web应用程序以及在实现时付出的艰辛吗?
Do you remember how much you paid for your ticket? 你记得你买车票花了多少钱吗?
Yes. He has been very helpful. Do you remember that? I got sick last week. And he took me to the hospital by his car. 是啊,他很乐于助人。你记得吗?我上星期病了,他用他的车送我去了医院。
Be patient. Do you remember how much time I spent to teach you these things? 耐心一点,你记得我花了多少时间教你这些事吗?
Do you remember the place in the novel and also comes out at least in, I know two maybe three versions comes out in the movies too. 你们还记得在小说中的一个地方,至少也出现了,我知道有两种,也许是三种出现在电影中的版本。
How much do you remember? Try to write down from memory what you were thinking, saying and doing on the 30th of the last month. 你能够牢记多少东西?试将由上一个月30日起你曾经想过、说过及做过的事写出。
Do you remember how much you paid for the coat? 你记得你买这件外衣付了多少钱吗?
He said, "Do you remember that I often gave wonderful sweet offerings to the great god of the banyan tree? " "Yes, our lord, " they said. 他说:“你们记得我给那个菩提树大神献上的那些美好芳香的祭品吗?”“记得,陛下。”他们回答。
Do you remember when you turned the corner and began to think like a rich man? 你还记得什么时候出现个人转机,然后开始和富人一样地思考吗?
Do You Remember Me? How Much I Love You! 翻开我嘅日记,天天也有你。
Do you remember how Germont laughed when I said the mystery was difficult for him to solve because it was so simple? 你是否还记得热尔芒特是如何笑看我说此事难解是因为他认为此事太过容易?
I wonder how many of you net pals out there still have it, and how much of the series do you remember? 不知道网友当中,谁还有,你们记得多少?
You're the only Greentown player to have faced United before, having played for Shenzhen FC in 2007. What do you remember of that game? 你是绿城唯一曾经与曼联踢球的队员,07年在深圳也和曼联踢过。你还记得那场球吗?
Do you remember we were on the ship during the election and getting the word that Kerry lost? 你还记得那时是大选日而我们在船上得知凯里输了吗?
"I shall not forget that name, " said the officer; "and do you remember mine. My name is Pontmercy. " “我不会忘记这个名字,”那军官说,“您也记住我的名字,我叫彭眉胥。”
There should have been a locked door inside of it. Do you remember it? 里面有一道锁住的的门,还记得吗?
"My dear Germont, " Dupin said. "Let me tell you a little story. Do you remember the famous doctor, Louis Abernathy? " “亲爱的热尔芒特。”杜宾说。“我来给你讲个故事。你记得著名的医生,路易斯。哈伯马斯吗?”
T: I'm very glad to see you again. Do you remember what activities for vacations we learnt in the last lesson? 大家还记得上节课我们都学习了哪些与假期有关的活动吗?
Do you remember what you were doing a year ago today? 你还能记得去年的这个时候在做什么吗?
Those of you who grew up in India, do you remember in your childhood, dragonflies, swarms of dragonflies? 你们如果在印度长大,记不记得小时候看见蜻蜓,大群的蜻蜓?
'I feel at home here, 'murmured Tess. 'You used to say at Talbothays that I was a pagan, do you remember? ' “在这儿我觉得很自在,”苔丝低声说,“你过去在塔尔勃塞常常说我是个异教徒,你记起来了吗?”
Do you remember the heart - rending scene in the film where the hero says his final farewells to his dying wife? 你还记得那部电影中主人公向他临终的妻子诀别的那个令人心碎的镜头吗?
Maybe regress is not easy to do . But do you remember what should we do when we buttoned wrong in the childhood ? Renew from the wrong step. 也许退后很难,那还记得小时候我们系错扣子怎么办吗。从错的那步重新开始。