
美 [tʃɑp]英 [tʃɒp]
  • v.砍;劈;切碎;剁碎
  • n.砍;劈;剁;猪(或羊等)排
  • 网络切碎的;随心切

过去式:chopped 第三人称单数:chops 现在分词:chopping

chop wood,chop tree,chop hole,chop basil


v. n.

1.切碎;剁碎;砍;劈to cut sth into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife

2.[usupass](informal)~ sth (from sth) (to sth)(大幅度地)削减,降低;取消;终止to reduce sth by a large amount; to stop sth


chop and change

变化无常;反复变换to keep changing your mind or what you are doing


酒店实用英语 - MBA智库文档 ... mined 茸 chopped 切碎 mashed 捣碎 二:菜式分类 ...


西式晚餐的做法_百合... ... 2 Tbsp. butter 2 汤匙黄油 4 cloves garlic,chopped 4 瓣蒜,剁碎 2 Tbsp. brown sugar 2 汤匙红糖 ...


绝望主妇第一季第4集剧本 -... ... make up of: 由„组成 chopped: 切碎的 ll chop you up into little bits’ chop up: 剁碎 ...


美电视评论家选择奖宣布提名... ... 《美国之声》 The Voice — NBC 《随心切Chopped — FOOD 《极速前进》 The Amazin…

Heat the oil in a heavy pan then add the chopped onion and stir for a few minutes with the heat on high. 在一个深底平底锅里将油加热,然后放入洋葱并开大火搅拌几分钟。
It has been suspect chopped Yang said the old man's son, a father and the father of a little dragon long strong "pro-corner. " 据被嫌疑人砍伤的杨老汉的儿子介绍说,父亲与龙久烈的父亲有点“拐角亲”。
Please reply this email with the scan copy of the acceptance note, chopped, and sent it out for their retention. 请用所收票据的扫描复印件来回复这封电子邮件,然后切碎,并发送以备存档。
When Wang was dragged out to get his head chopped off, he did not seem frightened at all. He was not even nervous. 当王延寿被拖出来准备行刑时,他看起来一点也不害怕,也不紧张。
he had been playing with a cleaver , holding down a stalk of coilgrass while he chopped, pretending it was the tail of a dragon. 当时他在玩一把切肉刀,左手抓一把卷草,当作龙的尾巴一阵乱砍。
When the bumble continued to look for its you-know-what, they chopped those off as well. 当弄糟继续寻找它的你,知道是什么,它们切碎这些关闭的。
She did the wrong thing but she still chopped logic with me. 明明是她做错了事,可她仍在诡辩着。
Even in her late thirties, Earhart looked like an adolescent boy who had chopped off his own hair. 即使在她三十岁后期,埃尔哈特看上去还像一个剪掉自己头发的青春期男孩。
He took the rice pot to the other and offered it to him. But he immediately swung his sword and chopped off the cook's head! 他把装着米饭的罐子拿到另外那个强盗跟前给他,但是那个强盗立即挥剑砍下了他的头!
Then the mother took the little boy and chopped him in pieces, put him into the pot, and cooked him into stew. 母亲抓起小男孩,把他剁碎,放到锅子里,做了一锅汤。
I flattened the last half chicken breast with a rolling pin, spooned on onion sauce with finely chopped mint and folded it into a patty. 我将最后半块鸡胸肉用擀面棍辗平,用洋葱酱和切碎的薄荷做了腌料。
Minced foods should be soft in texture and easy to chew. The food can be chopped or minced. 一般较软身,容易咀嚼,可以是切细,切碎或搅碎的食物。
Even as a lad, selling bags of firewood he had chopped himself, he kept all his savings on him in his trouser pocket. 甚至是在年少时,当他卖了许多袋自己亲手砍的柴火后,他就把所有的积蓄放在裤兜里。
His hair was disheveled. His eyes were popping. His chin was pressing on his chest, like a convict's before his head is chopped off. 他头发散乱,眼睛瞪圆,下巴抵在胸膛上,就像要被砍头的犯人一样。
It was fresh, maybe just a few weeks old, not far from the park headquarters, and the animal's face had been chopped off, the tusks removed. 尸体还没有腐烂,死亡时间或许只有几个礼拜。尸体距离公园总部不远,这只大象的脸已经被砍掉了,象牙也没有了。
He is said to have brought back life to the children who had been chopped into pieces by their butcher fath er. 据说,他恢复了被他们那屠夫父亲砍成碎片的孩子们的生命。
Try them in salads and sandwiches or mashed with a bit of lemon juice, onion, and chopped tomato as a topping for baked potatoes. 试着把鳄梨加入色拉、三明治或者压碎再放入一些柠檬汁、洋葱以及切块的番茄然后放在烘焙后的土豆上作配菜。
If you have no prior peeling, even if the tomatoes finely chopped, or not easy to stir in the blender where broken. 如果你没有事先剥离,即使西红柿切碎,或不容易在搅拌器搅拌下破碎。
A few months later his wife, Marie Antoinette , also had her head chopped off. 几个月之后他的妻子玛丽。安东奈特也被送上了断头台。
It's lunchtime, so she's in the kitchen, making a sandwich out of tuna fish and . . . no, there's no chopped celery and onion left at all. 现在是午饭时间,她在厨房做三明治,旁边摆着吞拿鱼……很奇怪,旁边并没有剁碎的芹菜和洋葱。
Those days of despair was deeply etched in her memory like carved by a knife and chopped by an ax. 那些绝望的日子,在她的记忆里是刀刻斧削般的。
No victim ever died swiftly, but lingered on in screaming agony as Nick hacked and chopped away with a sword that was as dull as his wits. 尼克的行刑刀如同他的资质一样又笨又钝,他挥舞着砍下来,人却死不了,反而在弥留着痛苦尖叫,从来没有哪个受害者死的干脆利落。
"Plans for New Schools chopped for Lack of Money, " said the newspaper. 报纸上登载,“创办新学校的计划因缺经费而突然停了下来。”
You could have chopped me into confetti by now if you were in tip top condition. 如果你是在巅峰状态的话,我现在已经被你剁成碎片了。
But in darkest "Headless Knight" , the number of people fruits and melons are chopped equally likely, the woman, the child is no exception. 而在最黑暗的《无头骑士》里,人头像瓜果一样被砍下,妇女、小孩无一幸免。
Sky News: A carpenter has been found guilty of murdering two of his girlfriends and throwing their chopped-up bodies into a canal. 新闻:一木匠因谋杀他两个女友并把碎尸扔到运河里而获罪。
He chopped down this oak tree and he said look it there is no power in the tree and he chopped it to pieces. 他砍下那橡树,说:看,这树没有任何能力。他把树切成块子。
He shinned up the nearest tree, threw down a couple of coconuts, then chopped the tops off with a machete and handed one to me. 他爬上最近的一棵树,扔下几个椰子,用小刀切掉顶部,递了一个给我。
It is usually small, round, a crust of brittle brown pastry and a filling of chopped pork. 它通常小而圆,褐色的脆脆的糕点和里面灌装切碎的猪肉。
They've been willing to put their self-esteem in a Cuisinart and let it be chopped and diced and crushed to a pulp. 他们是那群愿意把他们的自尊心放在碾碎机里,任由砍剁,切割,碾压成果汁的人。