civil war

  • n.内战;美国内战
  • 网络南北战争;美国南北战争;国内战争

复数:civil wars

civil warcivil war

civil war


1.[c][u]内战a war between groups of people in the same country


大全,大全列表,全部-爱漫客 ... 逆转裁判 NYX 内战 civil war O大全 Orange ...


南北战争(Civil War)以来,在美国的国土上就再没有燃起过战火。尽管存在着不平等和种族主义,美国却始终还是一个承认多样 …


《人人都爱雷蒙德》_互动百科 ... 第十一集 一封家书 The Letter 第十三集 美国内战 Civil War 第十四集 亲戚 Mia Famiglia ...


田纳西州是美国南北战争Civil War)期间最后一个退出联邦的州,也是战事结束后第一个重返联邦的州。探险活动:大烟山 …


革命和国内战争civil war)等"实践"也无法改变这一进程。布尔什维克新政府最早的政令就已经把胜利的民众描述为被赋有"权 …


... 第十一章 犹太王国 A Jewish Kingdom 第十二章 南北内战 Civil war 第十三章 先知的警示 The warning of the prophets ...


惊奇英雄之内战》(Civil War)【全七话】【美国漫画】【全彩中英文】[压缩包]今日热门 289次 收藏 正在读取…… 这里是其 …


求最近几年的Marvel... ... Annihilation 宇宙歼灭战 2006 Civil War 英雄内战 2006 Annihilation:Conquest 宇宙歼灭之征服 2007 ...

Gone with the wind, written by Margaret Mitchell, have drawn from the American Civil War and social reality of the post-war reconstruction. 玛格丽特米切尔其著作《飘》,取材于美国南北战争和战后重建的社会现实,是一部永恒经典之作。
Its success made it a target for attack by the British during the War of 1812 and by the Confederates during the Civil War. 它的兴盛也让它在1812年战争及内战时,成为英军及邦联军队攻击的目标。
Though Dobley is no longer on the front lines of Somalia's civil war, it has in recent months been at the front lines of the Somali famine. 尽管多布莱从此不再位于索马里内战烽火的前线,近几个月来,它又处于索马里饥荒的边沿地区。
a state in south central United States; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War. 美国中南部一个州;在美国内战时期属于南部联邦。
After the Civil war, Their life was still very difficult, To make living, Scarlett married a man she did not love. 内战结束后,生活依然困苦,为了生存,斯嘉丽嫁给一个她不爱的人。
Until Cambodia's post-civil war reconstruction began a few years ago, the Mekong also provided the only form of transport north. 直到几年前,柬埔寨内战后重建开始之后,湄公河水路是北方地区唯一的运输方式。
The Ark is at the brink (hence the name of the game) of a civil war which is where the game's first levels begin. 方舟是在边缘(因而得名的游戏)的内战是在比赛的前两级开始。
Taylor's work was taking place in a time period when there was much industrial change happening after the Civil War. 泰勒在南北战争之后,工业发生巨大变化时参加工作。
Yeltsin bombed his way out of the threat of civil war and managed to hang on to power, but Russia was left hobbled. 叶利钦炸出一条路,避免了内战,保住了权力,但是把俄罗斯留在了混乱中。
In an old house close to a Civil War battleground in Virginia, workers are painstakingly restoring graffiti. 在维吉尼亚州,一栋邻近南北战争战场的旧房子里,工作人员们正费心地修复墙上的文字图画。
In reality he was a fine soldier, "one of the best cavalry officers, if not the best, in the Union Army" in the American civil war. 真是的情况是,他是一名好军人,美国内战中盟军“最优秀的骑兵指挥官之一,如果不算最最优秀的话”。
When all my family and friends found out, they were ready to re-start the Civil War on the spot. 当我所有家人和朋友都知道后,他们马上就要重新掀起内战。
Most of these funds and supplies have been used in civil war. 这些款项和供应品大部分用于内战。
He was an ambulance driver during World War I and a war correspondent during the Spanish Civil War and World War II. 在次世界大战期间,他是一名救护车司机,在西班牙内战和次世界大战期间,他成了一名战地记者。
It was the most excellent works after the civil war as well as it had the obvious advantage of any other works. 它是关于内战的小说中空前绝后的一部优秀作品,让其他作品望尘莫及。
Father March was an army chaplain in the Civil War, and in his absence Jo declared herself to be the man of the family. 父亲马奇是南北战争时期的军队牧师,他不在家期间,乔自命为一家之主。
It has started to call for a no-fly zone and foreign intervention on the Libyan model, both of which are a further incitement to civil war. 叙利亚国家理事会已经开始呼吁按利比亚模式建立禁飞区和进行外国干预,而这两项行为都将会进一步激发内战。
After the death of her mother, Sonora and her siblings were raised by their father William Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran. 她的母亲去世后,她和兄弟姊妹由父亲抚养。她的父亲是个退伍老兵,父亲名叫威廉.杰克逊。
He had been a teacher, a college president, and a general in the Union Army during the Civil War. 他曾经是一个老师,一个大学校长,在内战期间还是联盟军的一位将领。
First, we see that it is possible to topple a hated regime without resorting to a civil war. 第一,我们发现不通过发动内战的方法是有可能推翻一个令人厌恶的政权的。
The tradition goes back to nearly 150 years started out with a way to pay tribute to troops who died during the Civil War. 这个传统可以追溯到近150年,这是悼念在战争期间去世的士兵。
During the Civil War, the Shenandoah Valley was a strategic area, as it was on the main travel route north and south. 内战时期,谢南多厄河谷(ShenandoahValley)是一个战略上的重要地区,因为它位在南北主要通道上。
Any other society that had been subjected to this type of barbaric onslaught day in and day out would have been in an all-out civil war. 任何其他的国家若整天长期遭受这种残暴的冲击将会爆发全面的内战。
Our offices or printing presses are not located on the grounds of an old citadel these get be storing since the days of the Civil War. 咱们报社的办公室和印刷设备位于一座内战时修建的古老城堡里。
Having left the ravages of civil war behind, huge tracts of it are still just opening up to travellers. 把内战的断垣残壁留在身后,其中很大一部分还刚对游客开放。
If the American Civil War had not occurred, would slavery have been persistent for the rest of the century? 如果美国不发生南北战争,奴隶制是否会持续存在到那个世纪末?
IN THE poor world, elections often seem to be accompanied by violence, civil war or worse. 在贫困地区,选举好像时常被暴力、内战甚至更严重的情况相伴。
Near civil war between town and country was a pervasive feature of this break-down in social order. 城乡之间几近爆发内战,是社会秩序崩溃的普遍的特点。
With the old Confederacy now the heart of the Republican base, boasting about the party's Civil War-era legacy is no longer advisable. 鉴于过去的邦联现在已经成为共和党的基础核心,吹嘘共和党内战时期的遗产不再成为可取的方针。
And yet we continue to try, churning out forecasts on everything from the price of oil to the next civil war. 然而我们仍在尝试,从石油价格到下次内战,大量任意的预测到处充斥着。