
美 [kloʊs]英 [kləʊs]
  • v.关闭;接近;收盘;倒闭
  • adv.接近;靠近;紧挨着;不远地
  • adj.险些;吝啬;(在空间、时间上)接近;几乎(处于某种状态)
  • n.终结;死胡同;死巷道;大教堂所属的周围场地及建筑物
  • 网络关闭连接;结束;关上

比较级:closer 最高级:closest 复数:closes 现在分词:closing 过去式:closed

close attention,close friend,close relationship,close contact,close connection
close window,close door,close account,close gap,close deal
extremely close
properly close


v. n.

窗、门等window/door, etc.

1.[t][i]~ (sth)关;关闭;闭上to put sth into a position so that it covers an opening; to get into this position

书、伞等book/umbrella, etc.

2.[t]~ sth (up)合上;合拢to move the parts of sth together so that it is no longer open

店铺、商店、公司等shop/store/business, etc.

3.[t][oftpass][i](使)关门,关闭(一段时间);不开放to make the work of a shop/store, etc. stop for a period of time; to not be open for people to use

4.[t][i]~ (sth)停业;关闭;歇业;倒闭if a company, shop/store, etc.closes , or if youclose it, it stops operating as a business


5.[t][i](使)结束,终止to end or make sth end


6.[i]~ (at sth)收盘to be worth a particular amount at the end of the day's business


7.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)缩小,接近;变小;变窄to make the distance or difference between two people or things smaller; to become smaller or narrower

牢牢抓住hold firmly

8.[t][i]~ (sth) about/around/over sb/sth把…牢牢抱住(或抓住、握住)to hold sth/sb firmly


close the book on sth

(因相信不会成功或没有结论而)放弃to stop doing sth because you no longer believe you will be successful or will find a solution

close its doors

停业;歇业;关闭to stop trading

close your mind to sth

对…拒不考虑(或置之不理、置若罔闻)to refuse to think about sth as a possibility

close ranks

(尤指受到批评时)抱团,携手合作if a group of peopleclose ranks , they work closely together to defend themselves, especially when they are being criticized


AE中英文对照 ... 浏览模板 ← Browse Template Projects 关闭Close 关闭项目 ← Close Project ...


冰河木马_百度百科 ... uFlags=4 EWX_FORCE 强迫中止没有响应的进程 G_Server.Close( 关闭连接) G_Server.Listen( 再次监 …


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... clock n. 钟,仪表 close vt. 关,闭;结束 closely ad. 紧密地,接近地 ...


小学到大学英语词汇表(有中文释义) - 豆丁网 ... like 喜欢 43 close 关上 stop 停止 ...


仁爱版七年级(下)英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... community n. 社区;社会 close adj. 近,靠近;亲密的 far adj. 远的 ...



Getting on the train with me, he picked me a seat close to the carriage door. 就送我上车。他给我拣定了靠车门的一张椅子;
I'll close this month's lesson with a real-world example demonstrating all the features discussed so far. 我现在要用一个演示目前讨论的所有特性的实际例子来结束本月的课程。
If unable to close, instead use an empowered magic missile followed by a quickened dimension door to get close to a spellcasting opponent. 如果不能靠近,那么作为代替,使用魔法飞弹之后,瞬发一个任意门以靠近敌方的施法者。
He waited patiently as she continued to babble, looking close to tears. 他耐心的等待着她含糊不清的话语,她看起来几乎要哭出来了。
Analysts said there was now a possibility the company would close more U. S. stores as it negotiates to exit costly leases in Chapter 11. 分析师称,随着该公司根据破产法第11章商议退出成本高昂的租赁,其有可能关闭更多的美国店面。
Rowling has said, explicitly, that she wants the site to stick close to the literary experience of the books, as it should. 罗琳说,明确,她要现场贴近的书籍文学的经验,因为它应该。
But as in the first ceremony came to a close, it was the soldiers of Poland who fought in the first days of the war who were remembered. 随着首场纪念活动的结束,那些在二战初期浴血奋战的波兰士兵们铭记在了人们的心中。
I told you, every time he got close to letting something slip, he started banging his head against the wall. 我刚才说了,每次他快要吐露出什么时,就拿脑袋撞墙。
Weather, climate and the air we breathe, the theme of World Meteorological Day this year, reminds us of the close relationship between them. 天气、气候和我们呼吸的空气,由于今天这个世界气象日的题材,提醒我们他们之间的密切的关系。
A couple had been married for 50 years. "Things have really changed, " she said. "You used to sit very close me. " 一对夫妇结婚50年了。“一切真的发生了变化,”她说。“你以前常常紧挨着我坐。”
However, people close to the situation said that the indicative offers tabled by potential bidders had not matched BofA's expectations. 但知情人士表示,潜在竞购方提出的指示性报价与美国银行的期望不符。
However, it takes some time for the valve to open to its full position. It also takes time for it to close tightly. 然而气门达到全开位置需要一定时间,完全关闭也需要一定时间。
Somebody close beside me grabbed my hand, 'Come brother, you come with me! I'll take care of your problem! 'he said. 一个我很近的人抓住了我的手说“兄弟过来,跟我过来,我能解决你的问题。”
The last days of Prince Andrey had been a close bond between Natasha and Princess Marya. 安德烈公爵临终前的那些日子,把娜塔莎和玛丽亚公爵小姐连系在一起。
But one of my close friend travel came back from the outside, said to see my husband and a woman. 可是有一次我的闺蜜出差从外面回来,说见到我老公和一个女人在一起。
First, the Bank of Japan's "debt monetization" close to the limit, no longer be sustainable. 首先,日本央行的“公债货币化”接近极限,不再具可持续性。
I lean close to you and take hold of your hand and kiss your tender lips for the very last time. 我轻轻靠近你,握住你的双手,最后一次吻你。
The main performances of these traditions are the popularity, unity and fight spirit and close to actual politics. 这些传统主要是大众化传统、团结战斗传统和贴近现实政治的传统。
Returns in Germany, France and Italy seem to have been close to US levels. 德国、法国与意大利的收益率似乎一直与美国较为接近。
He told his wife to close the door as she went out and not to let the boy come in again. 他让妻子走的时候关上门,别让那男孩儿再进来。
I've seen many projects where the team thinks they are going to crunch for just a month and then ends up crunching for close to a year. 我遇到过许多项目团队,他们以为仅仅加班一个月便可完成任务最后结果是加班几乎一年。
Potash has held discussions with Sinochem, a source close to the matter told Reuters in August. 知情人士在八月份向路透社透露,Potash公司正同中化集团商讨此事。
This effect is magnified when the sun is close to the horizon and its light passes through the densest atmospheric layers. 当太阳接近地平面,光线穿越最浓密的大气层时,这种效应就会加强。
Those who are curious, actively on the lookout, and close to the place of action, will notice the appearance of these "dead" things first. 那些充满好奇心的人们,积极地观望,并接近行动之地的人,将会首先注意到这些‘枯死’事物的显现。
Cadbury declined to comment on the formal bid, but a source close to the company said: "The offer is unchanged and still derisory. " 吉百利拒绝就正式收购要约置评,但一位接近该公司的人士表示,“要约没有变动,仍是嘲弄式的。”
There's a good chance that it will be torn apart completely within the next million years, when it finally spirals too close to its star. 不过那对于行星也是一个机会,当它最终近距离绕恒星以螺旋状旋转时,在下一个百万年中,会从中完全的分离出来。
It is possible for an end user to cancel the close operation of a workbook and continue to use your solution after the. 事件处理程序后取消工作簿的关闭操作并继续使用您的解决方案。
In London, expenses for unwinding Lehman's European arm, including legal costs, are estimated to be close to $900m. 在伦敦,估计雷曼欧洲业务清盘的费用(包括法律费用)将接近9亿美元。
After returning from the funeral home, I called Joanne and asked for her impression of how close Tom might be to death. 从殡仪馆回家后,我打电话给乔安妮,向她请教,汤姆目前面临死亡有多近。
I don't understand what you are saying, Up Close and Personal, Oh, that I could be with you again! 我不明白你说的,我要和你在一起。(该句句式不清~~~)