
美 [kleɪm]英 [kleɪm]
  • n.索赔;宣称;声明;断言
  • v.声称;宣称;认领;索取
  • 网络要求;主张

复数:claims 现在分词:claiming 过去式:claimed

make claim,lay claim,file claim,settle claim,lodge claim
insurance claim,prior claim,false claim,bold claim,legitimate claim
rightfully claim


v. n.

表示真实性say sth is true

1.[t]宣称;声称;断言to say that sth is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it

要求合法权利demand legal right

2.[t]~ sth要求(拥有);索取;认领to demand or ask for sth because you believe it is your legal right to own or to have it


3.[t][i]索要;索取to ask for money from the government or a company because you have a right to it


4.[t]~ sth引起注意to get or take sb's attention


5.[t]~ sth获得;赢得;取得to gain, win or achieve sth

导致死亡cause death

6.[t]~ sth夺走,夺去(生命)to cause sb's death


外贸英语: ... 16. 合同 Contract 15. 索赔 Claim 14. 销售 Sale ...


要字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 要求〖 ask;beg;demand〗 要求〖 request;claim;demandpetition〗 要挟〖 threaten〗 ...


赵丽——GRE词汇课 - 豆丁网 ... acclaim 欢呼, 称赞 claim 声称 exclaim 尖叫 ...


主张claim)优越于中国的话,那么日本海防厅的巡逻船就根本没有权利干涉在钓鱼台附近海域作业的中国渔船甚至没有理 …


(第一期听写英语单词) - 豆丁网 ... reputation 名声 48. claim 宣称 49. victim 受害者 50. ...


zabancn的博客 - zabancn - 网易博客 ... ★ carousel n. (飞机场的)行李传送带 ★ claim n. & v. 认领,索赔 ★present v. 出示…


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... civilize vt. 使文明;教育 claim vt. 声称,主张;索取 clap vi. 拍手 ...


成人学位英语重点动词表_百度文库 ... chew 咀嚼,咬 claim 声称,断言 combine 联合 ...

If no such name and address of a solicitor is included in the notice of claim, it shall be regarded as if no notice had been given. 如申索通知书内没有将该等律师的姓名及地址包括在内,则须视作犹如通知书尚未发出一样。
BC: I would brag that I would allow any bandit that defeated me in solo combat to claim leadership of the camp. It seemed fair, you know? 我曾经夸耀说,任何在单人角斗中打败我的强盗都可以得到营地的领导权。听起来很公平,是吧?
These records now clearly revealed that the employee's claim was entirely illegitimate; if anyone had a claim to make, it was the firm. 现在的记录显示这位员工的索赔完全是无理取闹;如果非要索赔的话,应该是公司。
You'd better consult an attorney. He will help you proceed with your claim and tell you how much it worth? 你最好请教律师。他会处理你的索赔要求并告诉你可以获得多少赔偿。
Some people claim that . . . but more often than not, the reverse seems to be true. 有些人声称…,但经常是,这一观点的反面是正确的。
But now the original members of the chart act are trying to claim the rights to the group's name, it was disclosed today. 但现在,该乐队的原班人马正在试图对该乐队的名称进行维权。
All others who claim to be his representative are just trying to generate publicity for themselves. 其他所有声称代表大卫的人只是为了提高自己在公众的知名度。
In May, however, a senior general admitted it had been done so that the women would not later claim that they had been raped by soldiers. 然而,在五月份的时候,一名上将承认为了确保妇女们以后不会说出她们被士兵强暴的事实,他们确实这样做过。
This week, the solicitor-general appeared to retreat from this outrageous claim, saying that the FEC almost certainly would not ban books. 本周,副检察长出面并且撤销了此次引发民愤的诉讼案,并表示联邦选举委员会基本上不会禁止书籍的出版。
Communist Party of China, your brightest! when the sun as you claim yourself to be will shed light on my dingy home. 英明的共产党,您的阳光什么时候才能照亮我那黑暗的家。
Several senior scientistshave now said the claim was unrealistic and that the large Himalayanglaciers could not melt in a few decades. 几位资深科学家现在表示,这个断言不切实际,大喜马拉雅山冰川不可能在几十年内融化。
The man admitted to both charges and said he returned the funds to the bank and provided documents to prove his claim. 这位男子对两项指控都认罪,声称他已经把资金归还了银行,而且提供文件证明他的声明。
The company said that was an outlandish claim, and argued that there was no pattern or intent of discrimination. 沃尔玛称,这是一个奇怪的指控。它称公司没有任何歧视的模式和意图。
Some claim that it's a sort of ESP or mysterious "sixth sense" ; others chalk it up to simple biology. 一些人说这是超感官知觉或者是神秘的第六感。
This disposition may work out in decorous morality or in indecorous immorality, but it has the one basis, my claim to my right to myself. 这个性情会表现在有礼貌的道德行为或是没礼貌的不道德行为上,但都有同一个基础——就是我对自我权利的主张。
But Microsoft could at least claim a victory in one of its efforts to expand its Internet business. 但是微软最起码在扩张它的因特网事业方面取得了胜利。
I will not tell you that this makes the slightest claim to a renewal of the world system, or of thinking about history. 我也不会告诉你,这种代替的宣称对于世界体系的复兴,或对于历史的思维,没有任何意义。
Hamilton was left queueing behind Alonso and was ultimately denied the opportunity of a final lap as the Spaniard went on to claim pole. 汉密尔顿在后面等了十秒钟,也没有完成最后一个计时圈。同时西班牙人获得了杆位。
My American mother had given me that extra bit of confidence, a belief, finally, in the right to my own story, to claim it openly. 我的美国母亲给了我那一点点额外的信心、最终让我相信,我有权利拥有自身的经历并予以公开表达。
There was no immediate claim of responsibility from any Palestinian group, apparently to avoid being targeted by Israeli retaliation. 目前还没有任何巴勒斯坦组织声称对火箭弹袭击负责,很明显是为了避免以色列报复。
The Purchaser shall notify the Supplier of any claim made against the Bank issuing the Performance Security. 购方应通知供应商任何向履约保证金发证行提出的索赔。
At least, it made me wonder whether "youth ageism" really was the devastating problem that some experts claim it to be. 至少,它让我揣测:“青年歧视”是否像一些专家所称的那样,真是个灾难性问题。
In his preface, the author claims to have striven for maximum "objectivity" , but he does not claim to be "impartial" . 在前言中,作者声称自己力求的是“客观性”最大,自己并不力求“公允无偏”。
No country should claim infallibility and each country should be prepared to re-examine its own attitudes for the common good. 任何国家都不应自称一贯正确,各国都要准备为了共同的利益重新检查自己的态度。
What do you think when you hear the claim that they're the only designers able to perceive the "real" character of a site? 当你听到有人称他们是唯一能使项目“真正”有特色的设计师时,你是怎么想的?
The boasted "tour of the world" was talked about, disputed, argued with as much warmth as if the subject were another Alabama claim. 对于这件号称“环球之旅”的事,人们都在热火朝天地谈论着,争辩着,激烈的程度不减当年的阿拉巴马索赔事件。
The proponent of any economic policy invariable will claim that all economic goals are being served by his proposal. 任何经济政策的倡议者总会声称他的方案适用于所有的经济目标。
There's no medical backing to the claim that heartburn sufferers must sit up in bed to avoid the symptoms of heartburn the next morning. 据说烧心患者必须坐着睡觉才能避免第二天早上起来烧心,而这一说法并没有医学依据。
Mr. Frans said that he doubted the Taliban claim of responsibility, and said the police had told him the probable motive was robbery. 弗朗斯不相信塔利班的责任声明,警察曾告诉他,事发的动机可能是抢劫。
UK scientists claim speed dating is nothing more than a beauty contest, and is all about looks and not personality. 英国科学家称,“速配”只不过是一场选美比赛,相貌起主导地位,与性格无关。