one of us

  • 网络我们中的一个;自己人;我们之一

one of usone of us

one of us


【在线听音乐】经典歌曲及纯音乐千余首 ... 2 Gangsta's paradise 天国 3 One of us 我们中的一个 4 Kiss from a rose 从一枝玫 …


自_互动百科 ... 自己个儿【 oneself】 自己人【 people on one’s own side;one of us】 自给【 self-sufficient;selfsupporting】 ...


钢琴王子理查德•克莱德曼:豪华音乐盛汇-音乐... ... 11 KNOWING ME. KNOWING YOU 了解你我 12 ONE OF US 我们之一 13 …


狮子王2_百度百科 ... 3 Upendi 爱的角落 4 One Of Us 我们之中 5 My Lullaby 摇篮曲 ...


≮森收藏 -... ... 01 O Come All Ye Faithful 所有的忠诚 02 One Of Us 我们中的一员 03 Amazing Grace 奇异恩典 ...


经典的,有品位的音乐_liuxs0551_新浪博客 ... 28. Let it be( 让它去) 29. One of us( 我们之中的一个) 30. Puff( 帕夫) ...


瑶茜_新浪博客 ... 14. Under attack 在攻击之下 15. One of us 我们之间 16. S.O.S 求救信号 ...


自_互动百科 ... 自家【 oneself】 自家人one of us】 自交【 autocopulation;self-copulation】 ...

Everybody talking shop. Always trying to sell you jewelry. Then I heard your name and found out you were just one of us. 每个人都在谈购物,老是推销珠宝,然后我听说你的大名,接着发现你也是我们的一员。
What if God was one of us Just a slob like one of us, Why shouldn't I be? On a night like this. 如果上帝就在我们之中,是我们之中的一条懒汉,有什么理由不开心呢?在这样的夜晚里。
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us is without sin. 但是,在你想伸出指头指责别人之前—要记得我们没有一个不犯过错。
It's not an easy task, and I'm sure every one of us has tried to quit something and failed, or tried to do something positive and failed. 这绝不是一件容易的事,我相信每一个人都曾有过努力戒掉某种习惯但是最终失败,或者曾经尝试积极的进步同样失败的经历。
Every one of us will have to work at it by studying harder, training more rigorously, working smarter, and thinking anew. 我们每个人都将为此付出努力,更勤奋地学习、更严格地训练、更精明地工作以及用更新的方式去思考。
Almost every one of us with such a mentality, such as the time for you money, such as the well-being of others to you. 我们每一个人几乎都抱着这样一种心态,等时间给你金钱,等别人给你幸福。
Well, I suppose one of us should press the button or we'll be here all day, won't we? 嗯,我想,我们其中一个应该按下按钮,否则我们将在这里一整天,不是吗?
'Of course he won't marry any one of us, or Tess either - a gentleman's son, who's going to be a great landowner and farmer abroad! 他当然不会娶我们中间任何一个人,也不会娶苔丝——他是一个绅士的儿子,将来他要到国外去做大地主和农场主的呀!
There's not one of us that has the slightest interest or respect for the chicken breast, at least compared with the dark meat. 有没有一个人有丝毫兴趣或鸡胸肉的尊重,至少是黑肉比较。
There was no one of us but wished to see the film yesterday evening, for it was very interesting. 昨天晚上我们没有一个人不想去看那部电影,因为它很有趣。
You see we're very busy in the office and only one of us could come, so we tossed up for it. 您知道我们在办公室里有非常忙,我们俩只能来一个,所以就掷币来决定由谁来。
Roy: I fail to see how being a woman would help either one of us defeat these assassins. 我可看不出扮成女人怎么就能帮我俩挫败这些刺客。
And never, in all my years, did I think that this day would come and one of us would be in the White House. 但是在我毕生之年,我从来没有梦想过这一天能到来,我们黑人当中的一员将入主白宫。
If one of us were to be offered a career opportunity in a location far from the other's family, are we prepared to move? 如果我们双方中有一人要去远离对方家庭的地方工作,我们是否准备搬家呢?
Each and every one of us has the right to strive for his place in Paradise and to be amongst those who crowd around its gates. 我们中的每个人都有权利去为自己在天堂中的位置而奋斗,成为拥挤在天堂之门人群中的一员。
We were probably the only couple ever to qualify for a world championship and withdraw without one of us dying. 我们可能是史上第一对打进世界冠军赛,却又在双方都没有生命垂危的情况下决定退出的搭档了。
The earth is the common wealth of human being, and protecting green home state is the duty of every one of us. 地球是人类共同的财富,保护绿色家园是每个人的责任。
Neither one of us expected to have to make "the decision" so soon and yet, we couldn't just turn the other way and ignore what we had to do. 我们中没有人能够在短期内坚定不移,我们不能马上转到另外道路,忽视我们必须去做的事。
God takes care of every one of us. Just have faith in Him. Let's pray that you can recover soon. 上帝关心我们每一个人。相信祂的信实。让我们一起为妳早日康复祈祷。
'I don't think either one of us knew how much work [the baby] was going to be. ' 我想我们两人之前都不知道养一个孩子会有多少事情。
One of us held a paper nose in our hand, walked toward the blackboard with our eyes covered, and tried to put the nose into the head. 就是黑板上画好一个人头,蒙着眼睛,手上拿着一个纸做的鼻子,贴到人头上。
Any one of us can take the train (or even fly) directly to Orlando, at any time, decoupling the dependency to the rest of the family. 任何时候,我们中的任何人都可以坐火车(甚至坐飞机)直接到奥兰多,摆脱对家庭其他人的依赖性。
There is a question about the extent to which any one of us can be free of a prejudiced view in the area of religion. 那是一个问题,在何种程度上我们任何人可以自由的偏见在宗教领域。
Which one of us that knows something about physics does not know this? 我们当中懂得一些物理的人有谁不知道这个呢?
"We cannot move forward if, when differences emerge, only one of us is fully committed and fully engaged, " he said. “当出现差异的时候,如果我们当中只有一方全力参与,那我们就无法前行。”
This question deeply concerns each one of us, and I ask you to think it over carefully. 你提出了一个很重要的问题,国为环境污染的确关系到我们每个人。
The future and the peace of Italy and of Europe, the general well being of all, depend on the will and the work of each single one of us. 意大利和欧洲的未来与和平,全体民众的基本福祉,都有赖于我们每个人的意志和努力。
I'm certain that the destiny of each one of us and Asia as a whole will depend on how well we adjust to this very profound transformation. 我确信我们每个人的命运,以及整个亚洲的命运取决于我们能在多大程度上适应这一深刻的转变。
"You know that we shall fight till one of us is dead, " said the general, whose teeth were clinched with rage. “你要知道,我们要决斗到底,直到我们之中死了一个才停止”将军狂怒地咬牙切齿地说。
I loved her too much to let her live on in her own world, and she was too special to me to be one of us. 我太爱她以至于不能让她那样继续活着,她也对我太特殊以至于让我不能把她变成我们的同类。